Enjoy your daughter and the grand kids she gives you, global warming is part myth, part junk science, part political hype, and part unknown. The planet has an amazing ability to take care of itself.
2007-04-23 14:58:31
answer #1
answered by lennyspall@sbcglobal.net 2
I'm sorry to tell you this, dude, but God isn't gunna save you from global warming.
And you need to get your facts right, people have NOT been saying that for 4,000 years.
Did God stop 9/11, World War 1 or 2, the atomic bomb over Japan, the heat wave in Europe that killed over 30,000. I don't think so. Those all occured becuase of man made results, and God is not gunna save you or any one from suffering the consequences.
Time to stop living, like a sheltered human being and realize that you are MORTAL and you are subject to the effects of humanity.
2007-04-23 14:34:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Don't worry, it's unlikely it will happen within your daughter's
lifetime. So, you can perhaps feel safe. But the LEAST you can do is be well informed. OF COURSE there have been climatic changes over time, but never so accelerated as now. The problem is affecting the arctic, & Nunavut; thawing ground is imperiling polar bears & forcing other animals to migrate further north. (How far north can they go? Do you care?) This adminisrtration has censored, resisted, & ignored important truths. All the carbon dioxide in coal & oil was once in the air. The plants took it & it went into the oceans or into the ground, & now we're taking it back. Something that took 100,000 years is happening in one hundred years. I know there is much denial, but it's logically impossible to comprehend how anyone, with obviously NO knowledge has the audacity to come on so strong. Great example, [lennyspa] "...part myth, part junk scene, part political hype..." Fare thee well! Perhaps ignorance "can" be bliss to some. Bravo to deep-blue, Kate, Abriel L & more. & by the way, "God" has nothing to do with the abuse of this planet. PEOPLE do. God has "let" lots of horrid things happen. (If that is your premise, that God won't.) So presumpuous to impose on God, one's silly little concept of the Newtonian world. Please wake up & smell the coffee.
2007-04-23 17:22:46
answer #3
answered by Psychic Cat 6
I really really hope you are just trying to stir the pot and are not for real! Because this question made me quite angry.
I do not believe there is a god AND even if there is, people say on the second coming of god, the whole planet is going to die anyways. So, you're wrong according to your religion god WOULD let that happen! Only to non believers though... of course!!
You know what, i'm glad there's no heaven, i'd rather be eternally sleeping than eternally listening to people with reasoning like yours!! Humans have killed this earth, thats basically it!!
grrr some people
2007-04-23 14:33:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Global Warming does not exist. Want proof? Read State of Fear by Michael Crichton.
2007-04-24 02:58:23
answer #5
answered by meggybucks1 3
Yeah pretty much. Though obviously our global temperature is changing. You can't disprove that. I honestly think it's more of a natural cause. The "mortal" life of our planet is coming to an end.
And you're right, I don't think God will let it happen, at least not in the way that it's presented in Al "Bore" Gore's movie...
2007-04-23 14:33:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's time to stop hiding behind god and take responsibility for doing your part to take care of the home planet you live on. The bible talks about what we are doing to the planet if you care to believe it.
Micah 7:13:
NASB: And the earth will become desolate because of her inhabitants, On account of the fruit of their deeds.
KJV: Notwithstanding the land shall be desolate because of them that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings.
2007-04-23 14:49:36
answer #7
answered by Shawn B 7
God has given us the wisdom to realize that our actions are destroying the planet.
God has given us the courage to act, and do all that we can to reverse the slide toward destruction.
If we use the gifts God has provided for us, our grandchildren will live to enjoy the beautiful world God has created for us.
If we choose to live in ignorance, than we show that perhaps we are not as full of faith and gratitude as we claim to be.
2007-04-23 14:41:12
answer #8
answered by Colin 5
Tell that to the North and South poles which are both melting at an alarming rate. Tell that to people in cities where the sky hasn't been seen for years due to all the smog. Tell that to all the people suffering from asthma and other allergies thanks to all the pollutants in the air. Tell that to the ozone layer. Tell that to the people and animals living near the equator. Your God supposedly gave us this planet and left us in charge of taking care of it. Which means He is not going to do a damn thing. It's our responsibility. So stop being selfish, start recycling, and switch to biodiesal. Denial ain't a river in Egypt.
2007-04-23 14:34:33
answer #9
answered by Abriel 5
God let Katrina Happen. God lets earthquakes happen. God lets tornadoes happen. God lets ice ages happen. God lets wars, murders, rapes, assaults, and thefts happen.
I don't think global warming is out of the range of God's "letting things happen" list.
2007-04-23 14:33:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous 3