The various denominations exist because they teach different things and worship in different ways. Their doctrines contradict each other.
The Bible, however, does not contradict itself. If two churches contradict each other, therefore, at least one of them is teaching error, contradicting the Bible.
The apostle Paul pleaded that Christians should "all speak the same thing" and have "no divisions". (1 cor. 1:10)
Does it matter how we worship?
"God is a spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). Our worship must be spiritual but it must also be according to truth.
Cain and Abel were both offering sacrifices to God, a form of worship in the Old Testament. Abel's was by faith; Cain's was not. (Genesis 4, Hebrews 11:4) Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). Since faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17), and Abel worshiped by faith, it can be concluded that God must have told them what He wanted. They were both worshiping, but Abel worshiped according to truth (God's word). Cain did not and his worship was rejected.
Nadab and Abihu were both worshiping, but they were using a fire that God had not authorized. Even though they were worshiping, it was not pleasing to God and he punished them with their life. (Lev. 10:1-2)
Jesus said of some, “In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrine the commandments of men”. They were worshiping, but it was “vain”, or useless, because they were worshiping according to the commandments of men. It mattered how they were worshiping.
Jesus said he has “all authority” and the apostles were to teach the things he had commanded them (Matt 28:18-20). If we follow the authority (instructions) of men in our worship, then does Christ have all authority in our lives? Most is not the same as all. Who has the authority in your religion?
Paul wrote that his “hearts desire and prayer” was for some to be saved. Those he was speaking of had “a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.” They were “ignorant of God’s righteousness” and were “seeking to establish their own righteousness”. (Romans 10:1-4) They were worshiping, and they were zealous in their worship, but it was not according to truth.
Yes, according to the Bible, it does matter how we worship! Since different churches worship differently, then it does matter to which church we belong.
We should be satisfied to worship God in the way His word instructs. We should not add to the word of God, take away from it, or distort it. (Deut. 4:2, Deut 12:32, Prov. 30:5-6, Galatians 1:6-9, Rev. 22:18-19, 1 Cor 4:6, 2 John 9, et al)
Like it says in Numbers 22:18, "I could not go beyond the word of the Lord my God to do less or more!" We should be satisfied to worship as God's word has instructed.
2007-05-01 10:11:54
answer #1
answered by JoeBama 7
I believe that you just need to observe the Golden Rule in order to get into Heaven. That is, do unto others as you would have done to you. I also believe that no matter what your faith is you are okay if you are a contributor to the upward movement of humanity. If you give and try to make the world a better place for you having been born. It is people who are criminals by choice, hateful and parasites on society by choice who are evil -- no matter what their religious upbringing and beliefs. Seek truth and love truth. Sometimes it is not easy! Sometimes you must discard cherished beliefs. Best wishes to you!
2007-05-01 13:54:26
answer #2
answered by keitherambassadorfromhell 6
Where your heart is what matters...being religious doesnt get you to heaven...following God's commandments does!
Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” John 3:3
“And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15
“Nothing evil (Or ceremonially unclean) will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty—but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” Revelation 21:27
2007-05-01 15:02:37
answer #3
answered by jrolao77 2
No it doesn't. The denomination has nothing to do with it. The one and only thing that matters is that you personally believe and confess that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God. That He came to Earth as a man and died on the cross to save you from your sin. Accept Jesus as your Savior and that is the way to Heaven.
Jesus said " the only way to the Father is through the Son."
2007-05-01 14:06:29
answer #4
answered by KW 1
Seems like most Christian and Islamic sects believe that you have to worship their way, and only their way, to get into heaven. I don't know about other religions.
I always kind of figured, if there is a God, and he judges me based on where I spend an hour every Sunday morning (dozing, as likely as not) rather than what I do with the whole rest of the week, maybe I don't want to worship him anyway.
Just one more reason why Pascal's wager doesn't add up!
2007-04-23 17:35:17
answer #5
answered by Amy F 5
On the great day of judgement, every person, living or dead, will stand before the Creator. Basically, everyone goes to Heaven. Only those who's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be allowed to enter.
2007-04-23 17:38:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Nobody on Earth can tell you that. God decides who gets into Heaven and who does not. I, being a faithful Roman Catholic might not be anymore worthy than a ten dollar prostitute in downtown LA. But I consider myself blessed for continuing my education, believing, trying to behave morally, and trying to lead by example. And by active practice of my faith, I am more likely to stay on my chosen path. When I stop practicing, I find myself easily straying from it. People are always knocking Catholics because we keep the bar high. I cherrish my faith because of that reason.
Only by God's graces will I be given the gift of Eternal Life.
2007-04-23 17:39:27
answer #7
answered by madrom 4
Of course it matters.
Only one denomination is your ticket into heaven. Fortunately for you, it's always the one you're in.
2007-05-01 17:06:07
answer #8
answered by snowbaal 5
Dear friend,there are many hells and many heavens,but none of them can be compared to our true home where the Great Lord,The God exists...You can go to a heaven only if you have done a lot of good things in this life or one of your previous lives...We take what we give,it's simple...
2007-05-01 17:08:07
answer #9
answered by surat_shabt_yogi 2
There's no evidence of any kind that there *is* any such thing as heaven -- so all denominations (and other religions) are wrong.
Nobody's going anywhere, we're all just going to die like every other living thing. Comforting thought, isn't it? I think so. Better make the most of this one life you've got, rather than waste it on praying to mythical gods that don't exist in the hope of getting into a heaven that doesn't exist...
2007-04-23 17:34:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous