To be rather blunt, I would say that what is missing from your life, and many along with you, is true knowledge.
Many people rely on facts, but then a fact and a truth are two different entities. The former is time related, the latter is TIMELESS.
You say you have been raised around a church - well, there are ca. 34,000 different so-called Christian denominations on a World basis, all claiming to teach the Word of Christ.
Most of them are actually teaching about the PERSON of Christ, and NOT teaching the message he brought.
You say you have been saved once.
If your church is teaching you that you have been saved then you can be certain it is false.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say anyone has so-far been saved. It was NOT Christ's mission to save anyone when He was here in person or upto the present time.
He came to preach the WORD of His Father, Not his own.
Instead of looking to a Man or a Woman to teach you the truth, try asking God thro' his Son.
Study the Bible, along with a good concordat.
Christ was the WORD in person, the Bible is the WORD in print.
Do not read it as an ordinary book - 'Here a little, there a little'.
DO NOT try to make personal interpretations, the Bible interprets itself.
Study and pray for help from the only trustworthy source.
Along the way you may be guided to those that teach truth, as opposed to man-made fact.
You state that you know ALL about God - Do you really believe that statement?
There is very clearly something missing in your life - GOD.
Prove all things - For your self.
Best Wishes
2007-04-23 09:15:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I felt very much the same when I was going to church. It was like there was something I was missing that everyone else got. I wondered why God didn't allow me to feel the same as everyone else. I talked to allot of people about it, and finally came to the conclusion that most Christians felt that way. Some do a better job of hiding it than others, but most have a feeling of doubt.
I chose to really research my beliefs with an honest review of what I believed. You may find that you reaffirm your faith, some do. I didn't and am now an agnostic, but truly feel better about why I believe what I believe and don't feel 'left out' anymore.
Some will say that the Holy Spirit is missing, I heard this all the time while I was struggling to find God's will, in the end, I tried and tried, but couldn't feel him and wasn't dishonest enough to fabricate an emotion that I could pin on God.
Look into your beliefs and see if there is truth there based on as many sources as possible. The internet is great for that, because you don't need a library on philosophy to do this anymore.
Good luck, happiness is out there I promise.
2007-04-23 15:34:52
answer #2
answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7
I am sorry you feel that way! It stinks doesn't it? I know how you are feeling because I used to feel that way, and still do sometimes.
Even though I went to Church and did all of the things I was supposed to do, I was still missing something. I came to realize that what was missing was a relationship with God. I had been treating God like just someone I knew, someone that I would say hi to when I entered the church and bye to when I left. I never really and truly talked with Him between Sundays. Don't get me wrong, going to Church and doing all the right things is absolutely necessary, because we can not have a good relationship with someone we don't know or don't agree with, but we also need to have that intimate relationship.
It has been said (I think by St. Augustine?) that within each of our hearts is a "God-shaped" hole, that only He can fill. We can fill that hole by having a relationship with Him, by talking with Him through prayer and spending time with Him at Church.
Often just going to church and reading the Bible, even if we do it regularly, will not be enough for us, because our heart, mind, soul, and body are longing for God, and nothhing less than Him will satisfy us.
Do you talk with God everyday? And, do you take time to sit still and listen to His answer? Try setting aside 5-10 minutes (to start) each day for prayer. Also, journaling might help. Try writing letters to God, and writing down what you think He is saying to you after.
I hope that you find HIm! He is thirsting for you!
God Bless!
2007-04-23 15:42:05
answer #3
answered by Chris C 1
Two things: Prayer and study of the Bible. Jesus said that man has a spiritual need and persons conscious of it would be happy or blessed.(Matthew 5:3) The happiness comes from having that need filled. Evidently, your spiritual need is not being filled at the moment. Now you find yourself going through the motions of worship, but not really finding satisfaction in it. Ask God to direct you to the correct path. (Matthew 7:7-8) Then be open to his answer. It may not be what you expect so ask that he help you to recognize the answer also. Read and study your Bible diligently. If you find that your church or religion teaches something out of harmony with you are learning consider changing. Make certain that what you are changing to teaches in harmony with the Bible. The search will be well worth it. (Proverbs 2:1-4)
2007-04-23 15:47:49
answer #4
answered by babydoll 7
U said u are saved once.Does that mean u dont feel saved now.When people sin the guilty of sin makes them feel they arnt saved and the devil uses lies to mislead people.
To feel complete one must trace his way back to his creator.GOD did made a way
"For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoso ever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life".Ask JESUS to come into your heart and forgive ur sins and cleanse ur path with his blood.
After u are saved u must have a healthy relationship with GOD.if try to fill the void inside u with earthly things u will always be empty.Try reading the bible daily.Talk with GOD.spend more time in his presence.Hang with some true christians and help other people out and tell them about JESUS.
2007-04-23 15:34:13
answer #5
answered by Emmanuel 4
Maybe you're 'growing past' the faith you had when you were young. I think it's perfectly natural to question our beliefs, especially as we ourselves change.
I would spend some quiet time, see if you can't find your inner voice and what it's searching for. Study, read, talk, LEARN about other people and their faith practices.
In my experience the people with the strongest faith aren't the ones who believe because "that's how they were raised" or because "I did nothing and God showed me the way" but the people who have struggled and the myriad of extreme emotion and thinking that makes us human.
After all that you may find your beliefs slightly changed, or radically changed or somewhere in the middle. But then they will be YOURS and I think you'll get the comfort from you're looking for.
2007-04-23 15:39:14
answer #6
answered by Zimmia 5
you need to understand your life, because God’s word tells us that He is self-existing and ever-existing. In eternity past God was there. At a certain point he made a decision to create man. God’s desire was to have this man express Him in His image and represent Him with His authority earth (Gen 1:26-28) The bible tell us in the very first page of Genesis that God’s creation of man was different from His creation of all other things. He created man in His own image. Let us illustrate this matter by using a glove. A person’s hand cannot fit into a handkerchief because it does not have the image or form of the hand. Because the glove is in the image, the likeness, and the form of a hand, it is able to contain the hand. A glove is made in the form of a hand for the purpose of containing the hand. In the same way, the human life was created according to the image of God so that God could dispense Himself as the divine life into the human life. Man was created not only to express God but also to be God’s representative authority. The unique way for man to express God and represent God is to receive God as his life that man may become a counterpart of God. Man was created with the capacity to receive and contain God’s divine life. All of man’s human virtues, such as love, honor, and goodness, were created by God so that man may have God’s live and live out the divine attributes
2007-04-23 15:34:11
answer #7
answered by show me the way 2
I found myself in a similar circumstances. I am a member of a Christian family and went to church nearly every week.
However, I realized I wasn't living the way that God wanted me too. I prayed on it (cried) and decided to live as a Christian rather then simply go through the motions.
2007-04-23 15:44:40
answer #8
answered by You Ask & I Answer!!! 4
Hi there. I hope you don't take this wrong, but have a look into the LDS church. When I live by the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I feel complete.
My best friend, who converted, also said she felt like she had "come home" when she found the Church.
2007-04-23 15:42:54
answer #9
answered by MumOf5 6
Your are not alone. Lots of people are raised in the church and can quote scripture and tell you every Bible story. Lots of people say the prayer to accept Jesus into your heart. But none of those things mean that you are saved. How do I know? Scripture and personal experience. You see, I did all those things, but I never had a personal relationship with God.
God calls us to have a personal relationship with Him - to spend time with Him daily and live our entire lives for His glory out of love for Him. We do this by what we do and say, through prayer (actual conversation, not merely giving God a wish list) and through reading His word and coming to understand Him and His promises.
God wants our whole lives - not a simple prayer of faith. The Bible never promises salvation on simply saying a prayer to accept Jesus - however, it does say that if we love Jesus, we'll obey Him. True faith will result in fruit and a life totally transformed for Jesus.
I suggest you pray to ask God to reveal His truth to you and that, if you already aren't, that you read the Bible daily to get to KNOW him personally, and not through what others tell you. Also, talk to others - a pastor, a youth or college pastor, spiritually mature Christians - and related to them your struggles. Perhaps they can help.
Remember that God wants you to know Him! Open your heart, soul and mind to Him, and He'll reveal Himself to you.
God bless.
2007-04-23 15:39:10
answer #10
answered by TWWK 5