I'm with you
2007-04-23 00:20:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Here is someone you know who believed in God after he saw the hard evidence. He used his mind too!
100 years ago this year, Albert Einstein published three papers that rocked the world. These papers proved the existence of the atom, introduced the theory of relativity, and described quantum mechanics.
Pretty good debut for a 26-year-old scientist, huh?
His equations for relativity indicated that the universe was expanding. This bothered him, because if it was expanding, it must have had a beginning and a beginner. Since neither of these appealed to him, Einstein introduced a 'fudge factor' that ensured a 'steady state' universe, one that had no beginning or end.
But in 1929, Edwin Hubble showed that the furthest galaxies were fleeing away from each other, just as the Big Bang model predicted. So in 1931, Einstein embraced what would later be known as the Big Bang theory, saying,
"This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened." He referred to the 'fudge factor' to achieve a steady-state universe as the biggest blunder of his career.
Einstein's theories have been thoroughly proved and verified by experiments and measurements, but there's an even more important implication of Einstein's discovery. Not only does the universe have a beginning, but also time itself, our own dimension of cause and effect, began with the Big Bang.
That's right -- time itself does not exist before then. The very line of time begins with that creation event. Matter, energy, time and space were created in an instant by intelligence outside of space and time.
About this intelligence, Albert Einstein wrote in his book "The World As I See It" that the harmony of natural law "Reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."
He went on to write, "Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe--a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble."
Pretty significant statement, wouldn't you say?
If Einstein, the greatest mind the world has ever known, believed in God after seeing the evidence why can't you? It must have been a difficult decision for Einstein because prior to his discovery he was an agnostic.
Isn't it about time you used your own mind to examine the evidence? There are more besides the big bang. The theory of irreducible complexity, the beauty and order of nature, man's superior intelligence, etc. Were all these proofs created by chance? Not a chance!
May the Lord's peace be with you!
2007-04-23 08:13:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If believing in God makes you "naive" or "stupid", explain how all of the following can be theist?
Albert Einstein, physicist, scientific genius
Issac Newton, physicist, mathematican, one of the greatesr scientist of all time
Willian Herchel, atronomer
Galileo Galilei, astronomer
Louis Agassiz, naturalist, geologist
Geroge-Louis Leclerc de Buffon, naturalist
Nicholas Butler, educator
George Washington Carver, chemist
Alfred Whitney Griswood, educator, historian
Stephen Hawking, physicist
Maria Mitchell, astronomer
Johannes Kepler, astronomer
Loius Agassiz, geologist
Blaise Pascal, mathematician
Rene Descartes, mathematician, philosopher
Robert Boyle, chemist
Michael Faraday, father of electricity
Gregor Mendel, founder of genetics
William Thomson Kelvin, physicist
Max Planck, inventor of quantum mechanics
Charles Darwin, naturalist
Loius Pasteur, microboilogist
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, chemist
Aristotle, philosophy
Euclid, mathematician
Nicolaus Copernicus, asrtonomy, catholic
James Watt, steam engine inventor
James Clerk Maxwell, physicist, electromagnism
Wright brothers, aviation
James Dalton, chemist, physicist
Thomas Edison, inventor
Antony van Leeuwenhhoek, invented microscope
Plato, philosophy
Alexander Graham Bell, invented telephone
Jospeh Lister, used Bible to discover modern antiseptics
Edward Jenner, vaccination for samllpox
Wilhelm Roentgen, x-rays
Enrico Fermi, father of the atom bomb
Gregory Pinuc, endocrinologist, invent birth control pill
Henry Ford, inventor
Francis Bacon, philosopher, established modern scientific method
Robert Jastrow, founder of NASA
2007-04-23 07:29:55
answer #3
answered by dewcoons 7
You have not had the experiences with God that I have had. you have not heard him speak to you plainly. You have not had prayer after prayer answered in miraculous ways. You have not been woken up at 2 in the morning (in order to know the voice of God) and been told to go to a friends house just to get a stick of butter and when you get there your friend is waiting at the door with a stick of butter because God spoke to him also. All you have is an empty argument, I have experience after experience. you do not stand a chance to convince me even for a second that there is no God. There is no God in your life, Where as mine is filled with his wonder and glory. You have been talking to the wrong Christians. Its a journey and you have been conversing with too many of the babies.
2007-04-23 07:30:39
answer #4
answered by patrick m 2
It is easier to believe and follow than to think for themselves. I was raised in the church and as i got older i came to understand that i was being TOLD what to believe. God is what u make of it. And i don't believe anymore. Not sure i ever really did.
2007-04-23 07:43:41
answer #5
answered by bambino7758 2
Gee, let's see...at one time the best minds on earth believed it to be flat...George Washington was bled to death by his doctors who thought that bleeding their patient was the best way to rid him of his illness and Darwin believed that a designed being creates itself...the intellect of man is very limited so don't be a fool and try to understand that which is far greater than him.
2007-04-23 07:41:04
answer #6
answered by rockn_rod_man 2
I wouldn't call myself naive, but, yes sir, I believe Allah (SWT) exist because I did use my mind.
2007-04-23 08:21:00
answer #7
answered by سيف الله بطل جهاد 6
I see nothing that unreasonalbe that if I look at a watch and infer a watchmaker, then look at the universe and see a universe maker.
2007-04-23 08:56:39
answer #8
answered by lundstroms2004 6
I did in 1970 when I gave my life over to God. Can you use your mind or are you here hoping that a Christian can help you out through life.
2007-04-23 07:22:48
answer #9
answered by birdsflies 7
The greatest philosophers on earth like Aristotle belived in the Supreme Being.
The ones who do not believe in God are the ones who do not use their reason.
2007-04-23 07:21:48
answer #10
answered by carl 4
Humans can't even research into every single thing, but God made everything. so, how can we imagine God? even our brain can't do anything. what do you expect more of?
2007-04-23 07:33:18
answer #11
answered by Xiaowei 1