Community colleges are a good and inexpensive way to attain education after high school. It's better to pick out the school you want to go to afterwards so that you can check with the school's councilors to make sure that your credits will be transferable. Find out how many of each credit you need to get your bachelor's degree, and get your core credits out of the way (as long as they're transferable) while you're at community college. The savings you get per credit hour will be well worth it.
2007-04-22 17:58:25
answer #1
answered by Trancendence 2
I'm assuming you are referring to California schools by UC and CSU. I don't know about Ca (I'd assume its the same as in Tx), but in Texas, yes you can go to a community college, work hard and make good grades, and transfer to one of the big state universities that normally have selective admission. If you put a lot of effort into it, I'm sure you can do almost any 2 year program in 2 years, but it won't be easy. Sounds like you have 2 hurdles - (1) improve grades and (2) finish in 1 1/2 years. I'd say worry less about (2), and focus on (1) while in a community college. It's going to be tough enough working on good grades, but it's certainly doable. By the way, lots of people go the community college route and then transfer because 2 year colleges are usually a lot cheaper than big universities. Saves a lot of $$$. Good luck!
2007-04-22 18:07:20
answer #2
answered by Daniel A 2
Of course!
If you take enough units and plan everything ahead, it is possible to complete and transfer to a UC or CSU in 1.5 yrs
You will need to take summer classes as well.
It's not that hard, but if u major in somthing like Science, math, Nursing, might take longer for you to transfer.
You should definitely go see a College counselor when you start to attend a community college as a full-time student
the counselors will help you with educational plans and advices!
Many of my friends who worked really hard transfered to UC in 1.5 or 2 yrs. i don't understand why people can slack around, not finish Community college in 2 yrs
2007-04-22 18:04:36
answer #3
answered by nini piggy 1
You can be, but that's a burnout rate. Give yourself a chance to breathe and have a very important social life. Extracurricular activities look good on your transcript and application to "4 year" college. I went from SCC to UCD and almost died because UCD is a quarter school, while SCC is a semester school. But I made it, and so can you.
If there is a class that teaches study skills take it. At SCC it was called "College Success" and it was one of the most important classes I ever took. Enjoy!
2007-04-22 18:04:43
answer #4
answered by Jeanne B 7
definitely GO to c.c. and don't feel bad -- i've had several friends who went for a year or two to c.c. to prove themselves because their high school grades were bad or they didn't have a diploma,
and they were able to go to decent colleges as transfer students
dont feel bad, just don't get stuck in that attitude of 'i can't'
just do it, it will work out!
2007-04-22 19:53:24
answer #5
answered by Steve C 4