If you get money from anyone, or ask a favor from anyone, you are in debt to them. If you want to get rich, study hard, pick a profession that will pay well, and learn how to invest in the right stocks.
2007-04-22 12:38:35
answer #1
answered by Christine4tw 3
Why the hell would they give you money? Why should they? Because they can afford it and you want it? That's the permanently poor person's attitude. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
Try workee, workee, workee. Savee, savee, savee. Same as most of the rich did. What do you want the money for? New car? Clothes? Something else that will be rotting in a dump in a few years? That's not what most rich people do with their money. At least not until they can really afford to. Apply the same principles the rich used to get where they are and you can become more prosperous too. Work hard, live below your means, save and make good investments. No secrets here. It's not brain surgery. Do that and in five years you won't be thinking about handouts. You'll have something better. Plenty of your own money that you earned yourself.
It's sweet.
2007-04-22 22:19:41
answer #2
answered by Big R 6
Rich people didnt usually get rich from someone elses handout, and they dont intend on making anyone elses pockets bigger by handing out. They feel that they had to work for what they have and so should you. I wish there was a way to get money for nothing, I really need it too, but there isnt.The only way to get from the rich is to work for them. It is just the way it works. Not to say that the rich are greedy, they earned what they have no matter how they obtained it. They dont owe us anything really. It may not be fair and we may not like or agree with it but in the end our bank account says it doesnt matter how we feel about it lol.
2007-04-22 13:44:07
answer #3
answered by dydasgirl 2
1.work for them as a domestic, nanny, gardener or as an employee in companies they own or run-any profession you want.
2. be a charity case; rich people give a lot to charity.
3. write a grant to get money from philanthropists. there's lots of grant money out there from rich people who want to change the world
4. marry one and live in the luxury they can provide
2007-04-22 12:45:11
answer #4
answered by Sufi 7
Run for public office and promise to hand them the public treasury while at the same time lying to the public about WMDs and othe such crap.
2007-04-22 12:38:49
answer #5
answered by AZ123 4
Get a job with them.
2007-04-22 12:37:41
answer #6
answered by amandafofanda66 6
First you do some research and when your done with that go and apply at the McDonalds that you found was the best for you and make your own $7.75 an hour ok. . . . .jackass
2007-04-22 12:46:04
answer #7
answered by MIX208 2
Work for them.
2007-04-22 15:08:22
answer #8
answered by Jessica C 4
Ask then -- - - - begging has been 'in' since the beginning of time - - -- 'Alms fo' the po', Alms fo' the po'," stick that hand out, rap on a door, fire off e-mail messages, ask.
2007-04-22 12:39:20
answer #9
answered by JVHawai'i 7
Get a good education.
2007-04-22 12:38:33
answer #10
answered by carnivale4ever 6