I own nothing I wouldn't sell. Don't be silly; everything in life has a price tag attached to it! It's naive to think you wouldn't help your family and yourself out and keep the rock. It's your memory of the thing that's important, not the thing.
2007-04-22 12:11:34
answer #1
answered by Freesumpin 7
This will sound silly but I have a little rubber pig about 1 inch tall that I got when I was about 7 years old. It's name was "Squig". I happened to find it when helping my parents move out of their home and into a retirement home. It was in a can of pick up sticks and I was thrilled to find it. I'll never let him go again and I will be 52 years old next week.
2007-04-22 19:10:54
answer #2
answered by Kittygrace 1
A very slim silver wedding band that my grandfather found in a burned out fire station. I wear it on my thumb and have never taken it off since my mother gave it to me after my grandfather died 12 years ago. It probably isn't worth much but I would never sell it for any amount of money.
2007-04-22 19:09:39
answer #3
answered by irishone28_99 3
I have a necklace I rarely take off.
It has a small monetary value.
But because it was given to me as a token of love from dear friends, I value it more than I would the Hope diamond.
2007-04-22 19:10:00
answer #4
answered by diannegoodwin@sbcglobal.net 7
I have my grandpa's: brothel coins from the war and
his whiskey jug with his last batch in it
my grandmother's meatball recipe and
the lace hanky she carried on her wedding day.
A poem my 30 year old son wrote me....everything is spelled wrong......he was 6. A rock that looks like a baked potato. I keep it always in my basket of real potatoes.
A cane pole I fished with as a child....I'm 52 now.
2007-04-22 19:14:42
answer #5
answered by Dino 3
excellent question. have a star! i have a letter from a former student when i was an instructor in the military. it was unsolicited and came in the mail one day out of the blue. i have it framed and hanging on the wall, and wouldn't part with it for love nor money.
2007-04-22 19:18:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I have a pair of earrings that belonged to my Grandmother,just costume jewelry, but I wouldn't take for them.
2007-04-22 19:37:33
answer #7
answered by kayboff 7
I have an arrowhead that belonged to my grandfather. he was full blooded Cherokee and it means a lot to me. I miss him more every time I look at it.
2007-04-22 19:09:41
answer #8
answered by Koozie 5
Two little lemon shaped candles that came on a little white plastic plate that my grandson gave me for Christmas one year !!!!! I wouldn't part with them for the world !!!!! They are out on a shelf in my kitchen !!!!! *smile*
2007-04-22 19:12:52
answer #9
answered by Diana 7
I don't have any material object I wouldn't take a billion dollars for.
2007-04-22 19:08:11
answer #10
answered by Bad Kitty! 7