Depends on how you look at it.
To me, they died because Cho's schoolmates and teachers ostracized him and turned him into a monster. Whenever that particular type of monster is created (as in Columbine) it tends to become a school shooter.
So, you can restrict guns, or you can change the dynamic in our schools to a less cruel one. Either way, it makes no sense to continue with business as usual, does it?
2007-04-22 12:02:47
answer #1
answered by nora22000 7
I know that this line is meant to be a joke but it makes so much sense..."if guns kill people I can blame misspelled words on my pencil." Guns cannot be fired without someone behind it pulling the trigger. Cho was a deeply disturbed individual and even if he was denied a gun he would have found a way to kill these people anyway, whether it was buying a gun illegally or as someone else said a much more gruesome way that could have taken many more lives. He believed that he was a martyr and people like that will find a way to do what they believe in one way or another.
I do believe that Cho should have been denied legally purchasing a gun for no other reason than being deemed a danger to himself and others. Virginia needs to add mental health records for in and out patient treatment into their background checks, and that is the only gun control law that should be changed or added.
Skep doc the only thing I can say is wow..."the purpose for a hand gun is to kill another person" have you ever heard of a little thing called hunting, maybe target shooting, or maybe competition shooting. My father owns a hand gun which I often shoot, and guess what, neither of us have ever shot someone. I love going out to our range on nice days and target shooting with family and friends and guess what happened again, thats right none of them have been shot or shot someone. I know, I know this is hard for uninformed and ignorant people to understand but it is fact that the vast, vast majority of gun owners will never kill someone. This must be shocking to you.
2007-04-25 23:59:18
answer #2
answered by Andy 3
Nope, those 32 died because of a defective human. A gun needs somebody to operate it before somebody gets killed. There are millions of people that own guns and in relation very few people get killed with them. Statistically, these massacres are happening less than they used to.
Also, at one time in the history of the US people used to openly carry guns and had very few gun related crimes. States currently allow concealed or open carry and they have seen a dramatic drop in crime. The facts say its not the guns, but defective humans.
Don't buy into that cop-out that he was bullied and ostracized. Thats all bunk, millions of kids each year are bullied and never go on murderous rampages. Cho was a defective human
2007-04-22 19:02:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If just 1 of those souls had legally been able to carry a gun on that day, perhaps Cho would have been stopped before he could kill and maim as many as he did. This world is full of fanatics, psychopaths and psychotics. We never know when or where they will snap. I would feel better if I had a choice about protecting myself and others rather than be shot like a helpless, defenseless child.
2007-04-22 19:05:20
answer #4
answered by sashali 5
They died because a disturbed person made an irrational decision to kill. Yes that is correct.
But the easy availabilty of guns in the USA made it possible for so much carnage to happen in so short a time. You've never heard of mass murders with a knife or a rope. You don't see as many of these sorts of incidents in countries that have tougher gun control legislation. The gun culture and the cowboy mythology that seems to be bred into Americans is part of the attitude that has led you into one war after another. It seems the only way you can think of to settle a dispute is with a gun.
Islam may have a culture that has produced suicide bombers, but the USA culture has only itself to blame for producing mass murderers with guns.
Spikey...that is a specious argument. Cars main purpose is for transportation, and have an unexpected consequence of occasionally killing people. As a society we have decided it is an acceptable risk for the convenience and time savings we get from automobiles.
The only purpose for a handgun is to kill another person. It is designed specifically to be an efficient way to put down a human target. The same with military type weapons...M-16, AK-47...their reason for existence is to take human life.
All handguns and non hunting weapons should be banned. I am fine with rifles and shotguns available for hunters.
2007-04-22 19:08:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I agree a little. Cho's mental instability led to the incident, but if he had not been able to obtain the guns, 32 people wouldn't have died with him!
2007-04-22 19:02:04
answer #6
answered by mikeduptwo 6
There are just way to many
mentally unstable people in this world who are
just like Cho
give them a gun is very very dangerous
I blame gun laws and gun dealers who are so eager
to sell a weapon
just to make some kind of profit disregarding the safety
of other people
We need stricter and tighter gun control laws
guns can fall into the hands of a 10 year old even a 7 year old
2007-04-22 19:06:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
That's about the same as saying that there are too many Road Deaths because cars exist. Take all the cars off our roads and we WILL reduce the road toll.
By the way, did any of you realise that the very FIRST recorded "fatal accident" on the road occured when the vehicle was travelling at about 4 miles per hour?
2007-04-22 19:04:13
answer #8
answered by Spikey and Scruffy's Mummy 5
Banning guns will not stop all killing. But banning automatic weapons and handguns would stop a large majority of them. And if society would get serious about stopping gun violence it could be reduced even more. Like boycotting video games involving people being slaughtered and movies and TV shows that romanticize macho heroes who gun down dozens of other people.
And keep in mind that most Americans killed by guns are either accidents involving family members or domestic violence cases. Your'e definitely safer NOT having a gun in your home.
2007-04-22 19:11:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yep. Heck, if any of those 32 people had packing some heat themselves, he might've been shot before he got that many. The way I see it, the Virginia Tech horror is an argument for people to be carrying personal weapons.
2007-04-22 19:01:38
answer #10
answered by jtrusnik 7