First and foremost invest in yourself. Success lies in your growth as person. Here are some of the most effective books I have read-7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey, read anything written by John C. Maxwell like today matters and 21 irrefutable laws of leadership. Keep in mind you cant skip this, If you try to cut out personal growth you will either fail or have very limited/temporary results. After developing yourself you have to look for a business model that can give you what you want in life. That's a really short answer as this topic is so broad but you can always contact me at if you want to talk further.
Ken Seavert
2007-04-22 08:07:32
answer #1
answered by kenseavert 3
An entrepreneur is basically anyone who invests money to make money....
The first step to becoming an entrepreneur is finding money to invest in your idea. This can either be your own money or money other entrepreneurs want to invest. Finding or raising money for investments is a skill (and sometimes a full time job...) all it's own. There are many books in your local library and online that suggest ways to do that.
Once you have investment capital lined up, then you need an investment. Investments can be almost anything, from loaning money to start up businesses to buying toys from China for resale in the US or Europe, to financing your kid's lemonade stand to opening your own retail store.
Most successful entrepreneurs have plenty of business related experience, either from schools and universities or from real-world experience gathered from working in someone else's business. In my opinion, that's the real place to start.
2007-04-22 15:29:48
answer #2
answered by Frack! 1
Entrepreneur is one who is capable of starting himself and money for investment.He must have clear idea as to what he wants do.Confidence is required.If you have money but no clear idea what to do,you can consult a project consultant(He will charge fees).You must be aware of current business opportunities,local laws,basic accountancy and management techniques.
2007-04-26 04:24:10
answer #3
answered by leowin1948 7