I`ve been telling her about the guy i like, but she already doesn`t like him, guess why-because he`s short.From that moment on she`s been trying to convince me i`d be better off without him and should stop being nice to hima and talking to him.....and he is a nice guy, things are gettin a bit more serious but i am reluctant to tell her. I know she`s gonna think i am stupid.She thinks there are all these super hot guys around who would like to be with her daughter and doesn`t seem to understand her daughter likes someone else, what do i do with this woman?
and there is also my best friend who gets angry if i don`t tell her all the details,what about her?
11 answers
asked by
Lanalee W
Family & Relationships
➔ Family
Moms are best friends of a girl go ahead and tell her. Definately she`ll understand your feelings. For your friend give her the details may be she will help you out
2007-04-21 23:04:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Stay mum with mom. Your mom is being a meddler and trying to live through you. That's a no-no for parents. And your friend is another. All the details are your business and it is up to you whether you want to share or not; she might be curious, but getting angry if not told is too much. Telling details to a friend can come back later and bite you, so think it over carefully before you share details. My personal feeling is that details about sexual behavior should be private, otherwise when you are making out you feel like there is another person in the room with you who is watching. That would put a crimp in my style, but then I've always been a very private person.
2007-04-21 22:50:41
answer #2
answered by xxxx 4
Well...are you striving to make her happy? Or...are you striving to make yourself happy! Your Mom may think these guy's are all 'Super Hot',but that hardly equates to a super hot intellectual,super hot boyfriend or even super hot husband! I can understand that Mom wants the best for her daughter but...what is best for her daughter should be what her daughter finds best for her! As for your best friend...it's really not her business,to be asking all the details of your life! Other than what you personally are willing to tell her! Besides...lots of nice things come in small packages! theerrander.
2007-04-21 22:50:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm more concerned about you than I am your mom or friend. Somewhere along the line you learned to try and please those around you rather than being content with your own decisions and happiness. Can you be happy with this guy you like regardless of who is well-informed, supportive, and/or knowledgeable about why you like him? If not, maybe you should start there. Maybe your mom just wants to be part of the solution--maybe she wants whatever relationship you have to be her idea. And maybe the friend is living through you b/c she does not have a relationship. You can only please yourself...no long talks or explanations or campaigns are going to help fix your mom or friend. You can only change you...I hope you learn more about your people pleasing tendencies so that you can be free of them one day...
2007-04-22 04:25:16
answer #4
answered by honeygirl0511 2
Your friend has nothing to do with your mother. It's none of her business. You are the only one that can make your mother understand how you feel. A long talk is in order.
2007-04-21 22:39:46
answer #5
answered by luckford2004 7
you need to straight out explain to your mom that his height is of the least important to you and you care for him based upon all his other great qualities. nip it in the bud and be strong about it letting her know it's not up for discussion. if you end up with this man, he is going to deserve her respect and it needs to start now.
as for your friend, just tell her you prefer to keep some things private and change the subject.
2007-04-21 22:41:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think the only reason you like him is to annoy your mother.
As for your best mate she's jealous she wants what snow whites and you both had(sorry have)
2007-04-21 22:39:48
answer #7
answered by mimsy 4
you did not mention your age.if you are major,take decisions independently. you need not heed to the advice of your mother.
2007-04-22 18:38:05
answer #8
answered by nightingale 6
2007-04-21 22:39:54
answer #9
answered by booge 6
well i would only tell her the important stuff
2007-04-22 08:38:42
answer #10
answered by Danielle 2