Organize yourself. Create a list of your bills, their due dates, and balances. Also note the minimum payments you have for each, and the interest rate associated with the account. Pay special attention to whether or not you have any delinquent or collections activity to consider.
Depending on your preference, you may choose to compile this information on a poster, dry erase board, bulletin board, or an Excel spreadsheet.
After you have organized your bills, take note of your income. Do you have enough money coming in to take care of these bills? Do you need to make more money? How much more money?
Decide if it's possible or feasible to switch jobs or add supplemental employment at this time.
Access the Oprah Debt diet at and follow the step by step plan suggested there.
2007-04-21 08:34:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you don't work weekends right now, get a second job on the weekends. Or get a job delivering pizza. Seriously, I have a friend in her late 20's that picked up a delivery job after her full time job and stayed just long enough to be able to pay off her credit card debts. It can work!
2007-04-21 07:40:58
answer #2
answered by chefgrille 7
consolidate your debts:
Opt for a debt consolidation loan: The easiest method of getting a debt consolidation loan is to utilize the equity of your home. Equity of your home is calculated and determined by the difference in the amount you have paid and the amount you owe. If the amount you have paid is more than the amount due, you can use it as collateral. This allows you to borrow money on lower interest rates. Besides, you also get tax benefit on this type of loan. Consult your tax advisor before opting for this loan.
2007-04-22 01:57:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I used "Credit Solutions" to settle my debt and improve my credit score.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.It's legitimate.I came accross this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:
2007-04-21 23:39:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Get a job. If you got one get 2. If you have 2 SAVE SAVE SAVE.
2007-04-24 11:35:06
answer #5
answered by ? 3
go stand on a street corner and charge by the hour
2007-04-21 07:36:11
answer #6
answered by colin r 1