Nerve palsy or Bell's palsy is a disorder of the nerve that controls certain muscles of the face.
People with Bell's palsy lose control of some or all of the muscles on one half of the face; consequently, the face looks asymmetrical. Rarely are both sides of the face affected. The cause is unknown, and the disorder usually resolves without treatment within six to twelve months and there are very effective homeopathic remedies available to treat it.
Some common symptoms of Bell's palsy include a rapid onset of weakness, numbness, heaviness, or paralysis of one side of the face. People with Bell's palsy may also have symptoms of pain behind the ear, inability to completely close one eye, drooling, and speech difficulties.
People with diabetes or hypertension have greater-than-average risk for Bell's palsy.1, 2, 3 While no research has investigated whether better control of these conditions may help prevent Bell's palsy, people with Bell's palsy should be checked for diabetes and hypertension, especially if the palsy occurs repeatedly or affects both sides of the face.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause nerve degeneration,4 and both oral5 and injected6, 7 vitamin B12 have been used to treat many types of nerve disorders.8 One older case report described successful treatment of chronic Bell's palsy with vitamin B12 injections of 500 to 1,000 mcg given every one to two days.9 A more recent trial compared the effect of 500 mcg of injected vitamin B12 (in the form of methylcobalamin) given three times weekly for at least eight weeks-steroid medication, or both. Researchers found significantly faster recovery in the groups given B12 injections with or without steroids, compared to those given steroids alone.10 These findings agree with earlier reports on the effectiveness of methylcobalamin injections for Bell's palsy.11, 12 It is unlikely that oral vitamin B12 would be similarly effective. People seeking B12 injections should consult a physician.
Homeopathic Medicine & Treatment for Paralysis/Palsy/Bell's
#Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]
Hahnemann commented on the power of Rhus in curing paralysis of the lower extremities, and here it has proved exceedingly useful. It is especially adapted to all forms of paralysis which are of a rheumatic origin or brought on by getting wet or exposure to dampness in any form. Also in paralysis caused by nervous fevers and typhus. There is much stiffness in the limbs, a dragging gait, and it suits particularly chronic cases, though it may be of great use in such forms as acute infantile paralysis. In this latter affection Sulphur should not be forgotten. Rhus vies with Causticum in paralysis of the muscles, eye and facial, from damp cold, especially in those of a rheumatic diathesis. Dulcamara is in many respects similar to Rhus. It has simple paralysis of the lower extremities, or a beginning paralysis worse from damp weather, or caused by lying on the damp ground. Not so suitable chronic cases. Cocculus has paralysis of the lower extremities from cold, recent cases with pain in the paralyzed part. Hysterical paralysis. Natrum muriaticum is also valuable in paralysis from cold.
#Causticum. [Caust]
This remedy also has paralysis from exposure to the cold of winter. Facial paralysis from exposure to dry cold weather. Cowperthwaite published a large number of cases of facial paralysis cured with Causticum 30, and its value in this affection seems established. It has also paralysis of single parts, face, tongue, pharynx, etc. In paralysis which is remote form apoplexy, the paralysis remaining after the patient has recovered otherwise, inability to select the proper word is an important indication. Other evidences of its paretic conditions are found in the aphonia and the weakness of the sphincter vesicae. It is also a great remedy in ptosis of rheumatic origin. Kalmia also has this, while the ptosis of Sepia is dependent on menstrual difficulties. Jahr lauds Causticum in paralysis. It is more apt to be right-sided. Baryta carbonica. There are more contractions and spasms under Causticum than Baryta, which causes paralysis by producing degeneration of the coats of the blood vessels. Bayes recommends Baryta in facial paralysis and also in paralysis of old people, and Hartmann says that glossal paralysis can scarcely ever be cured with Baryta. It also has paralysis after apoplexy; there is want of steadiness. Facial paralysis of young people where the tongue is implicated.
#Gelsemium. [Gels]
Complete motor paralysis, rather functional than organic in origin. It is one of our best remedies in post-diphtheritic and in infantile paralysis. Paralysis of the ocular muscles, ptosis; the speech is thick from paretic conditions of the tongue. Paralysis from emotions. Aphonia, paralysis of the larynx. Conium has paralysis of central region; the sensation is little involved , and the tendency of the paralysis is to move from below upwards. Acute ascending paralysis. Paralysis of the aged. Argentum nitricum. Post-diphtheritic paralysis; also paraplegia. Nux vomica. Paralysis of the lower extremities, contractive sensations and heaviness in the limbs. Paralysis of the bladder in old men.
Hempel, who used Aconite for all ailments claimed that it was the sovereign remedy for almost every species of paralysis, and its symptoms are certainly indicative of the truth of his assertion. It has the well-known numbness and tingling. Facial paralysis accompanied with coldness from exposure to dry, cold winds, especially in acute cases, well indicate the remedy. Paraplegia with tingling. Rhus, Sulphur and Causticum have paralysis from cold. Cannabis Indica and Staphisagria have tingling.
#Plumbum. [Plum]
Paralysis, with atrophy, is the watchword of Plumbum. Wrist drop, paralysis of the extensors. Paralysis due to sclerosis or fatty degeneration. Paralysis with contractions. Bayes states that he has not seen any beneficial results from Plumbum in paralysis of the lower extremities,and it does seem to affect the upper extremity more than the lower. Ptosis, heavy tongue, constipation, paralysis after apoplexy, with pale, dry cold skin. Tremor followed by Paralysis. Paralysis agitans. The mercurial tremor resembles this affection, and hence Mercurius should be a remedy for paralysis agitans; Plumbum, Atropine sulphate, Zincum and Hyoscyamus are the principal remedies in this affection. The paralysis of Plumbum is probably of spinal origin. Cuprum is quite similar to Plumbum in many paralytic conditions; it seems, however, to have more cramping.
#Phosphorus [Phos]
has also proved useful in paralysis from fatty degeneration of the nerve cells, and in such cases the symptoms will point to it. Progressive spinal paralysis calls for the remedy. Alumina has paralysis of the lower extremities, especially of spinal origin. The legs are so heavy that the patient can scarcely drag them; weariness even while sitting. Dr. Arnulphy thinks Phosphorus homoeopathic to all forms of paralysis due to degenerative processes and especially when resulting from a drain on the sexual system. Functional paralysis from fatigue.
Feel free to consult for remedies a-specific to the known symptoms ..
2007-04-20 22:27:23
answer #1
answered by Extreme Dude 5
In my view, actually Bell's Palsy and Facial Nerve Palsy are the same. Bell's Palsy is a kind of facial paralysis. A problem with the nerves in a person's face. This nerve trouble can paralyze one side of the face. someone might think the problem is a stroke — when a blood vessel in the brain. Bell's palsy can be caused by anything that irritates the facial nerve. Other things that may bring on Bell's palsy include: * injury, like getting hit really hard in the face * nerves of ear infections * the virus that causes cold sores, herpes simplex
2016-03-13 23:21:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have had problems with facial and cranial palsy. While I take neurontin to control the pain and symptoms, when it is especially bad I find that ice packs help ease both the pain and the spasms.
Alternatively, I studied to the Masters level in Reiki and self-treatment helps although I find going to another Reiki Master more effective.
Traditional massage as well as chiropractic treatment are also effective in easing the symptoms.
2007-04-21 01:56:15
answer #3
answered by Beach Saint 7
Bell's palsy usually resolves on its own within 14 days.during this period if the patient is diabetic or hypertensive, It should be taken care. Ancient methods suggests prevention from cold as these may aggrevate clotting of the blood in the brain.
Unani medicine is ancient herbal system of medicine In which these type of cases are dealt in detail. For further information contact on
2007-04-21 02:55:08
answer #4
answered by Syed A 3
2017-02-25 20:57:06
answer #5
answered by ? 3
2017-02-17 19:31:31
answer #6
answered by Chris 4
Try the Natural Remedies. It has helped a great deal to others.
Neuritis is one of the serious nervous disorders. It refers to an inflammation of the nerves, involving a single nerve or a series of nerves. At times, several different groups of nerves in various parts of the body may be involved. This condition is known as polyneuritis. It is also known as polyneuropathy, for strictly speaking, the condition is not an inflammation, but a change in the state of the nerves resulting in weakness, loss of the reflexes and changes of sensation.
Symptoms: The main symptoms of neuritis are tingling, burning, and stabbing pains in the affected nerves. In severe cases, there may be numbness and loss of sensation and paralysis of the nearby muscles. Thus a temporary paralysis of the face may result from changes in the facial nerves on the affected side. During the acute stage of this condition, the patient may not be able to close the eyes due to loss of normal tone and strength by the muscles on the affected side of the face. Neuritis may also be caused by pernicious anaemia, involving the nerves of the spine. The patient with this condition may find it very difficult to walk in the dark.
Causes: The chief cause of neuritis is chronic acidosis, that is, excessive acid condition of the blood and other body fluids. All the body fluids should be alkaline in their reaction, but when the acid waste matter is continuously formed in the tissues over a long period due to a faulty diet, it results in acidosis. Wrong habits of living, over work, etc., lower the tone of nervous system and contribute towards neuritis. This disease can also result from a variety of nutritional deficiencies and metabolic disturbances such as faulty calcium metabolism, deficiencies of several B vitamins like B12, B6, B1, pantothenic acid and B2 and general toxaemia.
Other causes of neuritis include a blow, a penetrating injury a bad bruise or heavy pressure over a nerve trunk and dislocation and fractures of the bones. Any violent muscular activity or over-extension of the joint as in sprains may injure the nerves and cause neuritis. The condition may also result from certain infections such as tuberculosis, diptheria, tetanus, leprosy, and diabetes mellitius, poisoning with insecticides, mercury, lead, arsenic and alcohol.
Treatment: Treatment of neuritis by painkilling drugs may give temporary relief but it does not remove the trouble effectively. The pain is relieved for the time being at the cost of the health of other parts of the body, especially the heart and the kidneys, and the neuritis remains.
The best treatment for neuritis is to ensure that the patient gets optimum nutrition, well assimilated with all the vitamins and other nutrients. The emphasis should be on whole grains, particularly whole wheat, brown rice, raw and sprouted seeds, raw milk, especially in soured form, and home-made cottage cheese.
In this regimen, the breakfast may consist of fresh fruits, a handful of raw nuts or a couple of tablespoons of sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Steamed vegetables, whole wheat, chappatis and a glass of butter-milk may be taken for lunch. The dinner may comprise a large bowl of fresh, green, vegetable salad, fresh home made cottage cheese, fresh butter and a glass of buttermilk.
In severe cases, the patient should be put on a short juice fast for four or five days before being given the optimum diet. Carrot, beet, citrus fruits, apple and pineapple may be used for juices. All vitamins of the B group have proved highly beneficial in the prevention and treatment of neuritis. The disorder has been helped when vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and pantothenic acid have been given together, and extreme pain, weakness, and numbness in some cases have been relieved within an hour.
The patient should avoid white bread, white sugar, refined cereals, meat, fish, tinned foods, tea, coffee, and condiments which are at the root of the trouble, by continuously flooding the tissues with acid impurities.
Certain remedies have been found highly beneficial in the treatment of neuritis. One such remedy is soyabean milk. A cupful of soyabean milk mixed with a teaspoonful of honey should be taken every night in this condition. It tones up the nervous system due to its rich concentration of lecithin, vitamin B1 and glutanic acid. Soyabean milk is prepared by soaking the beans in water for about 12 hours. The skin of the beans is then removed and after a thorough wash, they are turned into a fine paste in a grinding machine. The paste is mixed with water, three times its quantity. The milk should then be boiled on a slow fire, stirring it frequently. After it becomes little cooler, it should be strained through a cheesecloth and sugar added.
Barley brew is another effective remedy for neuritis. It is prepared by boiling one-quarter cup of all natural pearled barley in two quarters of water. When the water has boiled down to about one quarter, it should be strained carefully. For better results, it should be mixed with butter-milk and lime juice.
Raw carrot and spinach have proved valuable in neuritis, as both these vegetables are rich in elements, the deficiency of which has led to this disease. The quickest and most effective way in which the body can obtain and assimilate these elements is by drinking daily at least half a litre of the combined raw juices of carrot and spinach.
The patient should be given two or three hot Epsom-salt baths weekly. He should remain in the bath for 25-30 minutes. The affected parts should also be bathed several times daily in the hot water containing Epsom salt - a tablespoon of salt to a cupful of hot water. The patient should undertake walking and other moderate exercises.
Hope this helps, Good Luck.
2007-04-22 03:34:52
answer #7
answered by Chet 5
depends onthe cause, but if you are looking for a drug free treatment, go for acupuncture. it helps in most cases.
2007-04-21 02:53:52
answer #8
answered by drbony 3