// Name: A ping class in VB.Net
// Description:This class allows the user
// to ping a remote host. This example uses
// API calls to ICMP.dll, so compiled
// sources do not need administrative rights
// to run.
// By: uraGON__
// Inputs:The main function in this clas
// s (Ping) has two overloads, declared as
// follows:
Public Function Ping(ByVal Host As String, Optional ByVal Timeout As Integer = 2000, Optional ByVal TTL As Byte = 32, Optional ByVal DataSize As Long = 32) As ICMPReplyStructure
Public Function Ping(ByVal IP As IPAddress, ByVal opt As ICMPOptions) As ICMPReplyStructure
// Returns:The structure declared below
// is returned
Public Structure ICMPReplyStructure
Public ReplyFrom As IPAddress
Public RoundTripTime As Integer
Public Data As String
Public Status As ICMPStatusEnum
Public Message As String
Public TTL As Byte
End Structure
// Assumes:To use this code, add a modul
// e to your project and insert the code be
// low in its entirety. Examples of how it
// is used can be found in the comments wit
// hin the code.
// Side Effects:While the code works wel
// l for me, it is only an example. You wil
// l likely find unhandled errors, bugs, et
// c..
//This code is copyrighted and has
Option Strict On
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class ICMPClass
'Enumerated list of icmp echo reply response codes
Public Enum ICMPStatusEnum
Success = 0
BufferTooSmall = 11001 'Buffer Too Small
DestinationNetUnreachable = 11002'Destination Net Unreachable
DestinationHostUnreachable = 11003 'Destination Host Unreachable
DestinationProtocolUnreachable = 11004 'Destination Protocol Unreachable
DestinationPortUnreachable = 11005 'Destination Port Unreachable
NoResource = 11006 'No Resources
BadOption = 11007'Bad Option
HardwareError = 11008'Hardware Error
LargePacket = 11009 'Packet Too Big
RequestTimedOUT = 11010 'Request Timed Out
BadRequest = 11011 'Bad Request
BadROUTE = 11012'Bad Route
TtlExpiredInTransit = 11013 'TimeToLive Expired Transit
TtlExpiredInReassembly = 11014 'TimeToLive Expired Reassembly
Parameter = 11015'Parameter Problem
SourceQuench = 11016'Source Quench
OptionTooBig = 11017'Option Too Big
BadDestination = 11018 'Bad Destination
NegotiatingIPSEC = 11032'Negotiating IPSEC
GeneralFailure = 11050 'General Failure
End Enum
'User Friendly ping command that accepts a host as either an ip address
'or a resolvable name.
'ex 1: console.WriteLine Ping("").RoundTripTime
'ex 2: dim reply as ICMPReplyStructure
' reply = Ping("", 1000,16)
' console.WriteLine reply.ReplyFrom.ToString & " replied in " & reply.RoundTripTime & _
'"ms. status:" & reply.status & ":" & reply.message & ". TTL=" & reply.TTL
Public Function Ping(ByVal Host As String, Optional ByVal Timeout As Integer = 2000, Optional ByVal TTL As Byte = 32, Optional ByVal DataSize As Long = 32) As ICMPReplyStructure
Dim IP As IPAddress
Dim opt As ICMPOptions
IP = Dns.GetHostByName(Host).AddressList(0)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim r As ICMPReplyStructure
'create a mock reply
r.Message = ex.ToString
r.ReplyFrom = New IPAddress(0)
r.Status = ICMPStatusEnum.GeneralFailure
r.TTL = 255
'return the error message as a ICMP general error
Return r
Exit Function
End Try
opt.Timeout = Timeout
opt.TimeToLive = TTL
opt.DatSize = DataSize
Return Ping(IP, opt)
End Function
'Code friendly Ping that actually does the work
Public Function Ping(ByVal IP As IPAddress, ByVal opt As ICMPOptions) As ICMPReplyStructure
Dim ICMPHandle As IntPtr
Dim iIP As Int32
Dim sData As String
Dim iReplies As Int32
ICMPHandle = IcmpCreateFile
iIP = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(IP.GetAddressBytes, 0)
sData = "X"
oICMPOptions.Ttl = opt.TimeToLive
iReplies = IcmpSendEcho(ICMPHandle, iIP, sData, sData.Length, oICMPOptions, ICMPReply, Marshal.SizeOf(ICMPReply), opt.Timeout)
Dim reply As ICMPReplyStructure
reply = FillReplyStructure(ICMPReply)
Return reply
End Function
'return a people friendly message from the status code
Public Function GetMessage(ByVal status As ICMPStatusEnum) As String
Select Case status
Case ICMPStatusEnum.Success
Return "Success"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.BufferTooSmall
Return "Buffer Too Small"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.DestinationNetUnreachable
Return "Destination Net Unreachable"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.DestinationHostUnreachable
Return " Destination Host Unreachable"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.DestinationProtocolUnreachable
Return "Destination Protocol Unreachable"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.DestinationPortUnreachable
Return "Destination Port Unreachable"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.NoResource
Return "No Resources"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.BadOption
Return "Bad Option"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.HardwareError
Return "Hardware Error"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.LargePacket
Return "Packet Too Big"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.RequestTimedOUT
Return "Request Timed Out"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.BadRequest
Return "Bad Request"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.BadROUTE
Return "Bad Route"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.TtlExpiredInTransit
Return "TimeToLive Expired Transit"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.TtlExpiredInReassembly
Return "TimeToLive Expired Reassembly"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.Parameter
Return "Parameter Problem"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.SourceQuench
Return "Source Quench"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.OptionTooBig
Return "Option Too Big"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.BadDestination
Return "Bad Destination"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.NegotiatingIPSEC
Return "Negotiating IPSEC"
Case ICMPStatusEnum.GeneralFailure
Return "General Failure"
End Select
End Function
'fill the reply structure which will be passed abck to the user with data
'from the ICMP_ECHO_REPLY structure.
Private Function FillReplyStructure(ByVal IER As ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) As ICMPReplyStructure
Dim irs As ICMPReplyStructure
irs.RoundTripTime = IER.RoundTripTime
irs.Message = GetMessage(IER.Status)
irs.ReplyFrom = New IPAddress(IER.Address)
irs.Data = IER.Data
irs.Status = IER.Status
irs.TTL = IER.Options.Ttl
Return irs
End Function
'API functions contained in ICMP.DLL these functions perform the actual pinging
Private Declare Auto Function IcmpCreateFile Lib "ICMP.DLL" () As IntPtr
Private Declare Auto Function IcmpSendEcho Lib "ICMP.DLL" _
(ByVal IcmpHandle As IntPtr, ByVal DestinationAddress As Integer, _
ByVal RequestData As String, ByVal RequestSize As Integer, _
ByRef RequestOptions As ICMP_OPTIONS, ByRef ReplyBuffer As ICMP_ECHO_REPLY, _
ByVal ReplySize As Integer, ByVal Timeout As Integer) As Integer
Public Structure ICMP_OPTIONS
Public Ttl As Byte
Public Tos As Byte
Public Flags As Byte
Public OptionsSize As Byte
Public OptionsData As IntPtr
End Structure
Public Structure ICMP_ECHO_REPLY
Public Address As Integer
Public Status As ICMPStatusEnum
Public RoundTripTime As Integer
Public DataSize As Short
Public Reserved As Short
Public DataPtr As IntPtr
Public Options As ICMP_OPTIONS
Public Data As String
End Structure
Public Structure ICMPReplyStructure
Public ReplyFrom As IPAddress
Public RoundTripTime As Integer
Public Data As String
Public Status As ICMPStatusEnum
Public Message As String
Public TTL As Byte
End Structure
Public Structure ICMPOptions
Public Timeout As Integer
Public TimeToLive As Byte
Public DatSize As Long
End Structure
End Class
2007-04-20 23:31:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Don't use the one in My.Computer. You will need to import System.Net.NetworkInformation, then you can do it like this:
Dim host As String = "82.123.23.XX" ' use any other machine name
Dim pingreq As Ping = New Ping()
Dim rep As PingReply = pingreq.Send(host )
Console.WriteLine("Pinging {0} [{1}]", host , rep.Address.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Reply From {0} : time={1} TTL={2}", rep.Address.ToString(), rep.RoundtripTime, rep.Options.Ttl)
2014-11-12 04:30:56
answer #3
answered by Jeremy 6
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awK75
Jocelyn Edith Ada Rosemary Odelia Verity Flora Elise
2016-04-05 21:59:27
answer #4
answered by Barbara 4