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The Dems and Rep, argue back and forth about what to do, but offer only answers that the nuts in their parties want. There has to be a more realistic approach and with debate that cares about America and her ideals than political agendas.

2007-04-20 17:14:38 · 20 answers · asked by dglaze11 2 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

Drop half the ROE, screw politics, let the soldiers do their jobs and quit letting them be sniped at from Mosques, let them raid Mosques to get the insurgents out

then start your political BS.

This would have been long over if the soldiers had their way. It's impeded by political crap. Politicians trying to appeal to the public.

These people who don't support the war and think too many soldiers are being killed, are the ones who are killing the soldiers. They might as well pull the trigger themselves.

2007-04-20 17:20:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

1. Both the Iraqi government and the American government need to acknowledge that the situation has become a civil war between Shia and Sunni factions.

2. The Iraqi military needs to take up the slack in securing the country.

3. The Ba'ath party who ran the country under Saddam should be brought back into the government -- they at least know how to run a government.Prime Minister Maliki doesn't seem to know what the heck he's doing.

4. US and coalition forces do need to eventually withdraw from Iraq -- 2008 is just too soon.

5. Corruption and greed which have soiled the rebuilding process need to be rooted out. The contractors need to be paid but they don't have the right to be greedy -- people's lives are at stake here.

6. The private contractors ( read: mercenaries) who have been handling security in many areas need to be replace with soldiers and police -- preferably Iraqi soldiers and police.

7. President Bush should clearly articulate what exactly needs to be acclomplished before US troops withdraw.

8. The Republicans and Democrats should back away from Iraq as a political issue. There are plenty of domestic issues to be debated.

9. The news media should give time to the successes in Iraq --even those of us opposed to the war would probably feel better about it if seemed like something positive was coming out of all this.

10. Iraq needs to become a truly democratic state with open elections and a legislature where all voices are heard -- including radical voices.

2007-04-20 17:37:52 · answer #2 · answered by Cacaoatl 3 · 2 0

There is no easy answer at this point. The war was blown in that it ever started -- and I'm not talking about us invading. I'm talking about the war with the insurgents. The biggest mistake we made (and we made more than our fair share) was in dissolving previously existing military and political structures and attempting to rebuild them from the ground up. In Japan, Macauthur worked with what was already there, and Japan is now the posterboy success-story of our foreign affairs.

I realize all of that is in the clear vision of hindsight, and doesn't help. We are, however, in a deep hole now. The only 'solution' I see is in finding a strong leader to manage Iraq right now. Notice that I did not specify nationality (Iraqi politician or American general). We need someone who knows how to get the job done, someone who has courage and wisdom, someone to stop any more mistakes from being made and win the battle in Iraq one step at a time. There is no easy one-step victory any more, but with the right leadership, our current course could be reversed.

I don't have the information to predict what a good leader would do in Iraq right now -- but it would be flexible, dynamic, and uninfluenced by what politicians were calling for.

Some may say I am advocating Bush's move to appoint a new commander over the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. I am not. In the case that he did appoint a strong leader who led us out victoriously... well, that would obviously be a good thing; however, we have no basis to predict that Bush will make a good choice, or give this new leader enough power and flexibility.

The other possibility is, of course, an Iraqi politician. I initially hoped that this would be Maliki, but he hasn't turned out to be strong enough. Even if there was an Iraqi politician capable of doing the job, he would have to be given at least partial control of our troops (it is going to take a unified, coordinated front to win in Iraq), and I don't think that would ever happen.

So, our hopes right now are slim, and I am afraid that the politics taking place in Washington will never allow the proper leader with strong powers to be appointed.

2007-04-20 17:36:22 · answer #3 · answered by Free Ranger 4 · 0 0

Both the UK and US need to pull out of Iraq now!! It is not good that we are there any more. The people of Iraq have made it quite clear that they are not wanting our help, and it is cost our country's far too much in resources and lives.

This is a war that will never be won. It is a new Vietnam! If the Iraqi's want to sort out their problems in their own way, let them.

Why not put it to the vote in Iraq? If the people say they want the US and UK to go, then we should rspect that. It was never meant to be an occupation, it was meant to be a liberation. This has failed miserably!!!

2007-04-21 00:27:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We won the war. We've lost the occupation. When this started I wrote an article setting it all out. Iraq has a dozen groups that hate each other. Each group has a dozen more sub-groups. Sub-groups that are also at odds with each other. The only thing they have in common is they all want the the USA off their turf. What does this mean? It means that this occupation has no natural stopping place. It means that as long as we're there this 'war' will never end...it can't. It's time to defund this dog, get out and deal with what will happen when it happens.

2007-04-20 17:53:50 · answer #5 · answered by Noah H 7 · 0 0

The perfect idea would be to stabilize it, but as long as there are Muslims over there , there will never be peace. Look around people, they say they are peaceful and yet they have killed more people in this world over religious ideas than any other and probably all of the other Religions combined. Islam is a very violent religion, and Ty teach their people from the time the are young to kill everyone that is not a Muslim. If you read through the garb that Mohammad wrote, this guy wanted to kill any one that didwas not exactly like him and did not follow his hateful religion. If you sit down and read the Quran, you will find that it continously tells you to destroy others that are not him. If the Body is the Temple of God , Why would God want us to destroy it? The entire fable is filled with satisifying selfish lust, pleasure and has nothing to do with living a good and kind life. Is there any thing good about killing people just because???

2007-04-20 17:28:16 · answer #6 · answered by gigi 5 · 0 1

There is nothing to win in Iraq. It was lost along time ago and never should have occured. Bush Sr. knew this. The realistic approach is to look at Iraq for what it is. To do that, you need to read, look at film footage and read some more about what is going on with Mahti Sadr and his militia and how they have taken over the Iraqi police and militia. That's the first reality. The second reality is that they are not doing it for a unified country for the sake of Iraq as a country. They are doing it for the sake of this extremist powerful Islamic cleric. And, they have death squads in place murdering many people in the Sunni territories. The entire government of Iraq that we prop up is made up of Shiite who answer to Sadr only, not the president. In answer to the death squads, the Sunni's blow up Shiite Mosques. It's a civil war. We are not going to be able to stabilize it. It is well beyond a military solution. Even our military generals in the Pentagon know this as fact. We are doing nothing now but arming the Iraqi Islamic militias to create a civil war. We should get out now and let the Iraqis figure out what they want for their own country. They want us out. Over 80% of all Iraqies want our troops out of their country. I think getting out of Iraq would be a good start.

2007-04-20 17:31:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Either let the military really fight it or get them out of there. I hate these games where they can't go after this guy or they can't go in there and get that bunch. Then they arrest somebody, then let them lose. Either do it or forget it.

There is no way to please everybody in a war. To even try is totally ridiculous. It makes people wonder what its actually all about as you have no doubt seen by many of the posts in Yahoo.

Can you, in all honesty, blame the democrats for wanting to leave in view of the rules of this war? Giving the enemy a withdrawal date is considered surrendering. Isn't it just as bad to give the enemy hiding places that the military can't go in to get the enemy? Who ever heard of such a thing in a war? Is it a war or is it a PR statement? What does winning mean in view of the rules of engagement? What an irony.

This is exactly why you can't fight terrorism in this manner and win. The government as a whole won't let them win because in the process they kill too many civilians and they create many more enemies by going to their country and blowing up their mosques. Or they don't blow up the mosques and allow the enemy to hide in them. This enemy uses all of our rules to their advantage. They have no rules.

2007-04-20 17:57:10 · answer #8 · answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7 · 0 0

America has created a problem with Iraq which will take decades to get over.

America created the problem and can't fix it ..... get Bob the Builder next time not George W (W for wanker) Bush.

update for Noah

You have not won the war in Iraq ... a war ends with a peace treaty .. where is it.

Just because you got rid of Sadam does not mean you won the war. Financially you (Americans) have been the biggest losers - technically you buggers are insolvent.

Also you (as America not you individuallly) breached international law invading Iraq. You also when capturing Sadam then gave him back to Iraq to stand trial knowing he would get the death penalty. This is in contravention to human rights standards which the US signed.

Iraq had nothing to do with September 11, or having WMD, if America was so "upset" with what Sadam was doing in Iraq, why hasn't it invaded Zimbabwe or many of the African countries and desposed their leaders, many of them over the years have been much worse tryants.

(or is it because those countries don't have oil?)

Americans current war in Iraq just like his daddies was about oil nothing else.

2007-04-20 17:25:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

What example have we set? We say we want peace, we kill. We say be a Democracy, yet they see our people devided. We say be a christian except Jesus, yet we kill in his name. What have we become? First we need to look at what we are and what we've become before we fix the world problems. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. I believe by the time we satnd up and try we will be to weak and to poor to stand a chance. I say the libs and cons do have something in common, we're all being taken for a ride. If we could band together we'd have a chance at saving the one thing I know we all love and that's America without her what difference does Iraq make?

2007-04-20 17:27:24 · answer #10 · answered by Noneya B 2 · 1 2

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