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“Isabelle Lee Has A Problem.”
This problem is bigger than her sister April (which she calls Ape Face); it’s a problem that many girls (and some guys) go through. Isabelle has an eating disorder called Bulimia Nervosa, where the person stuffs themselves with food and then makes themselves vomit. Isabelle lost her dad and this and other kinds of things that other teenagers go through triggered this. Isabelle’s mom found out what Isabelle was doing from April and now makes her attend “Group” once a week. When Isabelle attends her first meeting she is surprised to see the most popular girl in school, Ashley Barnum. Isabelle and Ashley soon become friends and are bingeing and purging together. Join Isabelle on her horrific and life threaten journey as she tries to deal with a depressed mother, the loss of her dad, and struggling with bulimia. This book shows what many girls are going through and how hard of time they have. It also sets an excellent example of dealing with bulimia. “Perfect” has terrific information in the back of the book explaining eating disorders and some places to get help. If you are looking for a book with a valuable lesson, interesting facts, how teenage girls struggle to be “perfect,” and struggles of one teenage girl, this is your book. Open “Perfect” and be amazed.

2007-04-20 10:23:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Homework Help

its for my language class and we have to have 50 words are more if its too long wat can i cut out?

2007-04-20 10:35:47 · update #1

5 answers

Here is a corrected version for you:

Isabelle Lee Has A Problem.
It is a problem that many girls and some guys go through. Isabelle has an eating disorder called Bulimia Nervosa where the person stuffs herself with food and then makes herself vomit (“bingeing” and “purging”). The loss of her dad and other kinds of things that teenagers go through triggered Isabell's disorder. Isabelle’s mom found out what she was doing from her sister April (“Ape Face” to Isabelle) and now makes her attend “Group” once a week. When Isabelle attends her first meeting she is surprised to see the most popular girl in school, Ashley Barnum. Isabelle and Ashley soon become friends and are bingeing and purging together. Join Isabelle on her horrific and life threatening journey as she tries to deal with a depressed mother, the loss of her dad, and struggling with bulimia. This book shows what many girls are going through and how hard a time they have. It also sets an excellent example of dealing with bulimia. “Perfect” has terrific information in the back of the book explaining eating disorders and some places to get help. If you are looking for a book with a valuable lesson, interesting facts, how teenage girls struggle to be “perfect,” and struggles of one teenage girl, this is your book. Open “Perfect” and be amazed.

2007-04-20 10:35:48 · answer #1 · answered by CanProf 7 · 0 0

I think it is an excellent start.

I would mention the title of the book earlier in the review. As it is written I thought, “Isabelle Lee has a Problem” was the title of the book.
Maybe you should start out with your first line and add a phrase like “Her problem is laid out in the book “Perfect.”

In this sentence:
“Isabelle lost her dad and this and other kinds of things that other teenagers go through triggered this.”

Has one “and” too many. It should be; Isabelle lost her dad, this and other kinds of…

In this sentence:
“If you are looking for a book with a valuable lesson, interesting facts, how teenage girls struggle to be “perfect,” and struggles of one teenage girl, this is your book. Open “Perfect” and be amazed.”

I would suggest: If you are looking or a book with valuable lessons…
Then: …interesting facts on how…
Then to be “perfect,” and the struggles…
Then: Open “Perfect” and learn.

Another words: “If you are looking for a book with valuable lessons, interesting facts on how teenage girls struggle to be “perfect,” and struggles of one teenage girl, this is your book. Open “Perfect” and be amazed.”

Lesson should be plural. The word “on” turns the subject onto the word “how.” I think that it should be “and the struggles…” because you are not using this second “struggle” as a verb. And I don’t like the word amazed. It should be should, informed or learn. You want the reader to read the book not just for the story, but for the lessons at the end.

Overall it is a good blurb or review for the book “Perfect.”

It is true that the blurb could be shorter, but I don't mind the length and I have seen blurbs on the dust jacket of a book with such a length as you have in yours.

2007-04-20 10:48:59 · answer #2 · answered by Dan S 7 · 1 0

That is WAY too long to be a blurb. (if thats what you are trying to write).

2007-04-20 10:31:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it's very well wrote. I would leave it.

2007-04-20 13:33:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it's great- just a little long.

2007-04-20 10:31:21 · answer #5 · answered by h2the1zzo 2 · 0 0

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