Eye for an eye!!
Go steal something from them that is the same value of what they stole from you. Something they will really care about.
Do they have a pet ; )
2007-04-20 07:21:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Get some weedkiller and write whatever you like on their front lawn with it for everyone to see.
Alternately, sneak into their back garden and put the weedkiller down in a big circle on their back lawn. Wait a few weeks, then send them a "letter" from The Atomic research establishment at Aldermaston, telling them that satellite pictures have found that a hitherto forgotten nuclear waste disposal facility under their house has started leaking. That should give them the sh*ts.
Also, if you have access to their house, put fibre glass filings in their washing machine, also you could get some ammonium nitrate and put it around their house, it smells so AWFUL that even coke sniffers cannot stand it. They will have to evacuate the house for 3-7 weeks while it dissipates.
Put an advert in a pervy contact mag, giving their name and number, advertising them as up for the most evil and pervy S&M group sex. Of course, you could then phone them up when the ad comes out, disguise your voice and get REAL creepy.
As am aperatif, if they have an outside water tap, connect one end of a hose to it, put the other through their letterbox, turn it on and walk away nonchantly. It helps if they are away for the weekend when you do this.
If they have a car you could put styrene in the oil, this will not take effect until about 100 miles down the road, goodbye engine. Do it as they are going on holiday. Also, superglue the boot lock as they go on holiday, with a bit of luck they will not notice until they get to the Algarve or wherever. Also, a few dried leaves in the petrol works wonders.
I hope this helps.
2007-04-20 08:25:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Dont call the police because they wont bother to visit you until theyve nothing else to do. Call the equaliser-his number is in the yellow pages, dont worry if youre skint because sometimes he does jobs on the tick. Seriously, put a pool ball in a football sock and tie it tight. Knock on the guys door, make sure its him who opens the door. Swing the sock over your head a couple of times screaming obscenities at the same time. Then sock it to him. Before leaving stand over his bloody head and say "Youre a disease and I'm the cure"
2007-04-20 07:40:09
answer #3
answered by lapiz_khan 1
Throw a dead rat in thier well.
Cut the valve stems on thier tires. Insurance won't pay for that.
Rub dog **** on the handles of thier car or doorknobs to thier house.
Rip thier garbage apart and throw it all over thier lawn.
Spell out thief with gasoline or some chemical across the grass on thier lawn.(It will turn the grass yellow)
Cancel thier car insurance. (pretend to be them and speak to the company)
If you know the email address sign them up for animal porn.
Dump paint thinner over the hood of thier car, it will ruin the finish.
Put up flyers all over thier neighborhood with thier pic and a label that reads child molester.
God I could do this all day LOL
2007-04-20 07:27:38
answer #4
answered by Philly 2
If you can prove it, give the evidence to the cops. Nothing like a record to make it so you don't do it again. And nothing like a cop knocking on your door to give you that wonderful sinking feeling. Otherwise, find some creative way to get your stuff back and maybe a little more.
2007-04-20 07:24:40
answer #5
answered by killapaddler 2
set a trap for them make out that your gonna be away and the insurance has paid up youve bought a nice new 40 inch flat screen lay in wait with your mates and when they come smack them about then call the police
2007-04-20 07:23:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Hmmm. Lot of talk, isn't there? Cheap, you see. I sympathise with you, I was robbed by someone I know, along with his two monkey mates. I reported it to the police, which is what you should do. This is not "grassing"...he did it to YOU, not someone else. My guy got four years...however, I am still tempted to arrange a beating when he gets out. I'm not GOING to, because I wasn't physically injured in any way...but I'm still tempted. Call the police, it's what they're for.
2007-04-20 07:30:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Get with your Police department or the Sheriffs Office and help them catch the culprits.
2007-04-20 07:23:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You'd be much better off reporting it to the police. That's what they're supposed to be paid for. Don't take the law into your own hands, you could find yourself up on a charge instead of the real villains!
2007-04-20 07:20:55
answer #9
answered by jet-set 7
I thought I was the only person who said "'burgled"!!
2007-04-20 07:21:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Call the cops, man. I mean, what else are you going to do? If you want to stop them, put them in cuffs. It's what I would do, but then again, I have a German temper.
2007-04-20 07:20:55
answer #11
answered by blackadder 2