You've almost got it. The being lazy and easily persuaded is correct, but you also MUST HATE HATE HATE anyone who disagrees with you--and label yourself "open minded"--and be quick to call everyone with a differing opinion a Nazi or a hate-monger. If you call them names first--they may not notice that you're the real bigot. (It's in the Liberal handbook--page 283.)
2007-04-20 03:12:08
answer #1
answered by Cherie 6
You are soooo funny. For someone who obviously is a sheep of the far right you should talk. Jingoism is alive and well in America.
Here is how I see the right, yourself included, with a quote from an idol of the right wing.
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger"....Hermann Goering, Second in command of the Third Reich and a founder of the Nazi Party.
This should look very familiar to you as you are one of the voices brought to the bidding of the leader.
2007-04-20 10:10:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes, you have to hate everything about humanity (that was sarcasm, just in case you conservatives missed it). All we liberals do is sit around on our butts and smoke pot (again, more sarcasm). We do exactly what people tell us.
But wait a second, if we are so easily pursuaded, then why have we protested the war in Iraq since the beginning? Why are we pushing for a higher minimum wage for workers who bust their asses 48 hours a week, like I do every summer. Are you saying factory workers are lazy? Even true communists, not the Russians nor Chinese, believe that in order to get what you need, you have to put in serious effort.
2007-04-20 10:14:46
answer #3
answered by juddthestud1987 2
How do you explain the results of the 2006-2007 Smartest State Award
that is dominated by red (smart) states with blue (stupid) states occupying their usual role of bottom feeders?
Or, how about Gregory Paul's article in The Journal of Religion and Society that shows direct correlations between religiosity and social and personal dysfunctional behavior. On both the national level as well as among individual US States, the most religiously conservative have higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy, and abortion?
Your question is evidence that in addition to being ignorant, uneducated, and social deviants, religious conservatives are liars and hypocrites, as well. But then, we have known that all along.
2007-04-20 10:24:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Judging by the lack of factual information propagated on Fox news (no research) and the way that the viewers believe it, I'd say this applies to conservatives as well. They are still trying to link Saddam to 9/11, even though the administration itself has said that is not true.
2007-04-20 10:05:41
answer #5
answered by Charlie S 6
One might argue the reverse...isn't it easier to be a sheep mindlessly following the "Republican Right". Isn't it easier to not think at all and let "W and the boys" just run roughshod through the political landscape? I'm liberal in some of my viewpoints and conservative in most of my beliefs. I'm no fan of a particular political party, but it seems to me that those who do adhere mindlessly to one party or the other are the "laziest" intellectually.
2007-04-20 10:09:09
answer #6
answered by geehaw 4
You have to know just enough to think you are smarter than everyone else, but not enough to be able to think for yourself.
You have to be able to recite "We the sheeple of the United Flakes of Granola" pledge.
It helps if you grew up really rich and went to a pricey university and never had to work very hard. It makes it easier to feel that creepy combination of superiority and self-hatred.
People who cry "crimethink" and "crimespeak" are already irredeemably lost. RIP
2007-04-20 10:08:19
answer #7
answered by greengo 7
Kind of like spewing rhetoric back from the President, such as "You are either with us or against us" or "If you don't support the war you don't support the troops". I would gladly change my views if someone could present an excellent argument as to why. However, I believe in a socially just world and I have yet to see socially just approaches from the conservative view point.
2007-04-20 10:08:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Why does being a liberal mean that you care what hollywood has to say? Why can't it mean that you believe in SOCIAL FREEDOMS. Why can't it mean that someone feels government intervention is necessary when it comes to big business and monopolies. Clearly by your whole wording of this question you can't think outside your own box and believe people can actually disagree with you on their own merits...we will never all have the same beliefs which is why we were founded as a mulity-party government.
2007-04-20 10:05:54
answer #9
answered by good2bayanksfan 2
Yes. Ironically "liberals" are the most bigoted of them all.
2007-04-20 12:25:22
answer #10
answered by Betty Mae Bop 4