You can send me a message if you like. I'll happily answer all your questions. And be honest about the ones I can't.
Let's see if I can give you some direction on these:
1. Is the Old Testament and the Torah the same?
No. The Torah is only the first 5 books of the bible. The Hebrews call the Law of Moses.
Tanak is the Hebrew word for the entire Old Testament. If you want to get a good copy to read, I highly recommend the Study Tanak. It has great informational foot notes.
2. Is it a translation of the Torah or a summary of the Torah?
Speaking in terms of going from the Jewish version to the Christian version here are MANY translations.
Many of the translations are "interpreted." This means the translator then takes what he's translated and rewrites it so that you might get an idea of what he or she thinks it means.
For instance - 1000 years from now some scientist finds the word "cool" in graffiti on a wall somewhere. The translation would be "cold" Who ever wrote that must have needed a jacket or a blanket. Someone trying to "interpret" this word might say the person who wrote this felt this wall was cold.
When in fact, what it really means is "we like it here."
Translation and interpretation is always dodgey. For instance when Coke tried to take their slogan "Coke adds life." to Japan and ended up with huge signs that said "Coke brings your ancestors back from the dead."
THIS is why it's good to have more than one version of the bible. Literal translation, midrange translation AND interpretation.
3. The Christians believe that (in brief) the New Testament overrules the Torah,[snip]
Not proper Christians. No. Proper Christians read and use the entire bible. Even those who tell you the NT over rules the OT will apply the 10 Commandments. If they really believed what they claim, they would not.
3a. so is the Bible's OT a revision of the Torah without the parts that were overruled by the NT?
Nope. It's not a revision at all. At least, not Catholic bibles. Protestant bibles have removed 7 books of the Old Testament.
4. Am I just totally confused about the whole thing? Lol! If so, plz 'splain.
Not really. I think you've got a pretty good idea. And plenty of good grace to ask questions.
God be with you.
2007-04-19 12:38:17
answer #1
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
1) The Old Testament is known as the Tanakh, which is a play on the beginnings of the three groups of books within it.
Torah - The Five Books of Moses - The Law
Nevi'im - The Prophets
Kethuvim - The Writings
2) Translation, but as said, the Torah is only the first five books.
3) Christians shouldn't view the NT as something that over-rules the OT. As Jesus said "I have not come to disregard the Law, I have come to fulfill it." Some parts of that Law were changed by what Jesus spoke, in truth, if you read the 4 gospels, the Laws are relaxed slightly, not done away with.
4) Yes. LOL.
The Torah is the Hebrew name for "The Law" which is the Five books of Moses, and the first books of the Old Testament/ Tanakh. From Genesis to Deuteronomy.
In it, there is a brief history of the world and universe, and the humble beginnings of what today are 4 major religions.
Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Sihkism.
By the end of the Torah we are told the best way in which to govern ourselves.
Christians view the Old Testament as a running up to Jesus, so Christian translations tend to exhibit a way of speaking that hint toward him.
Jewish Tanakhs however, dont have this guiding toward Jesus and can give across very different meanings.
It would need a translation made by someone entriely impartial in order to find a true meaning in the Bible.
Chrisitianity, in my experience, follows the word of St Paul, who is responsible for 13 of the 27 books in the New Testament. In the Book of Acts Paul is originally named Saul, but changes his name when the light comes to him on the Road to Damascus. Pauls words though, are often at odds with the teachings of Jesus in the four Gospels, and the writings of the disciples.
Jesus for instance only makes allowances for the eating of the unclean food of the Torah if you are offered this food by someone as a meal, as it would be rude to shun it.
Paul tells us Jesus says that all unclean food is now clean.
Chrisitians on the whole take the latter, but it must be said, not all.
Tis a befuddled thing, but you'll get there in the end.
2007-04-19 12:40:26
answer #2
answered by Bloke Ala Sarcasm 5
1. Is the Old Testament and the Torah the same?
Yes, they are.
2. Is it a translation of the Torah or a summary of the Torah?
Neither. old testament is what christians call it and Torah is what Jews call it. They are both the same, just two different names.
3. The Christians believe that (in brief) the New Testament overrules the Torah, so is the Bible's OT a revision of the Torah without the parts that were overruled by the NT?
No, both are true. All the teachings in the New Testament, you will find it in the Old. The Old testament contain prophesies which fulfilled by Jesus and recorded in the New Testament.
4. Am I just totally confused about the whole thing? Lol! If so, plz 'splain.
Yes, you seem to think that the Torah and Old Testament are different when they are actually the same (just two different names).
2007-04-19 12:37:10
answer #3
answered by A follower of Christ 4
Torah and old testament are not the same although that is common belief. The old testament came into being when 70 Jewish sages were forced to translate the Torah into Greek by Ptolemy II (the Septuagint). However, being that in the Hebrew language one word can have several meanings at the same time, in the same context so one phrase can mean several things- all correct, the Torah is not really translatable. So the old testament is just a pale shadow of the Torah. The Torah also has absolutely nothing to do with the new testament. Most people don't know any of this, so you may now consider yourself more knowledgeable than most of the people you know.
2007-04-19 12:32:40
answer #4
answered by icequeen170 1
1)Torah (writings of Moses called the Law) refers to the 1st five books of the Old testament and tanach is usually referered to the writings of the prophets. The Tanach is the same as the Old testament Here is an online one: http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0.htm
2) In english it is a translation of the origional Hebrew....the greek version was out 200 BC. The Jews often use a translation in English called JPS.
3)The New Testament is the fulfillment of the promises of the Old Testament...That a Messiah would come, that they would then live by faith, that the gentiles would know God. The Old Testament is very historical and considered as holy as the New Testament. The new testament refers to the Old Testament very often showing that the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament and it is the same God. God is the same in both and both make up the bible as one unit.
4) Perhaps you are confused. If you are muslim I have a few sites that will gently tell you what we believe in doctrine. Getting information about a car from an office supply catalog doesnt make sense so why would you learn about Christianity from a muslim site...lol. God bless you.
2007-04-19 13:12:23
answer #5
answered by Ms DeeAnn 5
Regarding question 1: Yes, the example is correct, except one thing. The whole Bible is consider inspired by G_d not just the Torah. The Torah is the first five books of the Bible. And the Torah is where many of the Jewish traditions come from. Regarding question 2: The Torah is the first five books of the Old Testament, namely: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. This is followed by; Joshua, Judges, Ruth, First Samuel, Second Samuel, First Kings, Second Kings, First Chronicles, Second Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkak, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Then Christians add a New Testament which includes 4 gospels and other letters... 27 other books total.
2016-04-01 09:39:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
1. No. you're confusing Tanakh with Torah. Torah = Genesis through Deuteronomy. Tanakh = Old Testament.
2. Translation.
3. Many Christians are misguided in their belief that the New Testament supercedes the Old Testament. Right now there is a movement taking place amongst Christians where they are both discovering their own Jewish roots, & also learning that their thinking is misguided. Jesus never superceded the Old Testament, but lived His life guided by it. He said not one letter of it would pass away. This does not sound like doing away with it.
4. It's ok. Even many Christians are confused with it! You're actually doing fairly well!
2007-04-19 12:26:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
1. Not quite, The Torah is made up of the 5 books of GOD's Law. These same books are the first 5 books in the Old Testement but are not the only books. There are 34 other books inaddition to these in the OT.
2.Good question. I can't tell you definantly an answer to this, but I think its a translation.
3.Yes, in a way. We believe that there are things in the Torah that people did to be faithful to GOD (offerings) but that these things are not necessary anymore. But remember that GOD's Law ia always the same, and if it is sin in GOD's Law (Torah)then it is always sin.
4.You're not confused. you asked very good questions, and had me thinking about things I haven't thought about that much.
2007-04-19 12:31:43
answer #8
answered by alexomalex 2
1. Basically, Yes. The first 5 "Books of Moses"
2. Translation
3. Not quite. The New Testament is viewed by Christians as the "completion" of prophecy. St Augustine said, The New Testament is hidden in the Old, and The Old Testament is revealed in the New. They go together.
4. Could be. This subject can be quite complicated and takes a bit of real study, God Bless.
2007-04-19 12:26:17
answer #9
answered by Augustine 6
The Torah is the 1st 5 books of the Old Testament.
2007-04-19 12:23:22
answer #10
answered by Lehra R 3