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I believe Jesus Christ is savior and I believe in God, but I don't agree with everything in Christianity, such as eternal damnation, I dosen't make sense for God to send others to a "hell" Any argument Christians come up with is not valid either. It is unfair for people who have never heard the so called good news Gospel (sounds more like bad news) to go to hell. I dont take the bible literally, even some of what jesus said makes no sense. If your eye causes you to sin cut it out (even a blind person can still lust) I am at wits end trying to figure out which church to belong to. But I don't want to attend church ever again. I can believe in Christ all by myself I don't have to go to church. Even Christians cant agree what to believe. Look at the thousands of denominations.

2007-04-19 08:50:00 · 19 answers · asked by gary l 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Would you want to be in Heaven with some one who killed 1 your family members?

2007-04-19 09:27:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

God bless you so much. I know exactly what you're going through cuz I've been there myself.

It's so hard to find the truth, to find Jesus, in the middle of so much screaming. Everyone says the bible means this, or it means that, and some other guy says everybody else has it wrong except him. It's crazy!

For me, I was a protestant who became Catholic. The Catholic Church is where I finally learned the truth, the Faith. Now, I'm not trying to push Catholicism on you, only sharing how it worked out for me.

I would like to add that Jesus knows you're searching, and He wants nothing more than for you to be close to Him. I just figured a little word of encouragement would be helpful :).

As far as you specific questions, I can probably be of some help. The Catechism of the Church does teach the reality of Hell. It is an eternal state of existence where a soul is cut off from the love and light of God. Now, does this mean that people who have never heard of God or the gospel will automatically go to Hell? No, of course not. God takes into account each person's station in life. Someone who's never heard of God or the gospel can't be judged the same as someone who has. That wouldn't be fair and God knows this.

What about those who do know? Well, it comes down to a question of free will. You see, those who end up in Hell did so because of their own choosing. They freely rejected Christ's forgiveness and love, and condemned themselves. You see, God gave each of us free will. We don't have to love Him if we don't want to. It's completely up to us. The relationship is a two-way street: God loves us always, but not all people love God. A person can spend their whole life like this and die hating God. Whatever their particular reasons I don't know, but in general someone who refuses God's love and forgiveness damns themselves.

The scripture about cutting out your eye if it causes you to sin - you're 100%, even a blink person can lust. If we took this scripture literally none of us would have eyes or hands. Jesus was making an extreme statement here to demonstrate how much we are to hate sin and do everything we can to get away from it. He was using an illustration.

Yes, there are thousands of denominations, and they are spring from different people saying the bible means different things and putting down everyone else in the process. For someone like yourself who is honestly looking for the truth of Jesus, trying to sort through all the commotion can seem impossible.

What helped me was understanding history. When we look back to the very beginning of Christianity, we learn that Christ gave us one Faith, and one Church. It started with the apostles, who then spread the gospel and built up the Church. The Church has continued to preserve and teach Christ faithfully for the past 2,000 years. The problem you're seeing today officially has its roots around the year 1500 when the Protestant Reformation occurred. From there, Protestantism has continued to fracture until we have what we have today. When I examined this, it broke it down for me that it's all because one guy says scripture means this and another means it says that. The only Church I found to be faithful to what Christ taught was the Catholic Church. It's what helped me to understand the same questions you've asked.

Well, hope this helps. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. God bless and take care.

2007-04-19 16:21:10 · answer #2 · answered by Danny H 6 · 1 0

The Bible does not give a definite answer as to what happens to those who do not hear the Gospel message. It does say this though, "I tell you, it would be more bearable for Sodom than for that town." Luke 10:12
This seems to be saying that God will judge people in different ways. God is just, and he will let no one be punished more that what they deserve.

You also had a question about hell. God does not send people to go to hell. People choose hell when they reject him. They are saying to God 'I do not want you. Stay out of my life." God is only honoring their wishes. Hell is a complete separation from God. Yes, it is eternal. If God had his way, no one would be in hell, but he loves us too much for that. If there was no hell, what would be the point of faith? It would not be fair for all the Christians who gave up their life for the sake of the Gospel.

The part of getting your eye cut out is a metaphor for removing the temptation of the sin from you. This is to keep you from sinning.

Going to church is important. It is here where you hear the Word of God. It is here where you get your daily bread and your spiritual food. Christians need to be around other Christians, because we strengthen and support each other.

2007-04-19 16:06:34 · answer #3 · answered by kitty21 3 · 1 0

Hi Gary as a Catholic I do not have a problem with any of this and here`s why;
What is eternal damnation? is it as so many believe the rough justice of a hard hearted God? I do not think so,so much is written about the mercy of God and so little about His divine justice which is so mis-understood,God cannot be untrue to Himself if this was so then He could not be God,He is loving and merciful and also loving and just,take away Divine justice and again we have no God.
Adam and Eve represented all of humanity that is why they are refered to as our first parents and when they disobeyed God the humanity they represented suffered the same fate too,this fall that we all know of was not just a mere trifle it was of such a magnitude of offence to the Justice of God that only God Himself could restore the balance and this by sending His Son into the world.
Now if it took such a sacrifice to restore mankind how terrible was the intial offence,we can only conjecture and wonder.
The price of our redemption is that we not only acknowledge that we needed a Savior but we must also believe in Him and follow His redemptive Gospel this is the plain choice that is set before all of us,Jesus is the way,the truth and the life and we must choose life or death.
Hell then is for those who refuse thru stubborn pride to accept the Son of God and have life, at the end of our life here on earth we will have already made our choice by the way we have lived and accepted the Gospel of Christ,it is our decision and after death this cannot be changed, this rejection of God while on earth is after death an eternal rejection and there will no longer be any gray areas as we will know fully then the clarity of our decision.
Hell will be the suitable place for those who have rejected God`s love and mercy as Hell is nothing more than the absence of God`s love which in itself is ultimately eternal self punishment.
As far as being fair God has given us all the instinctive ability to search and find Him in our hearts and so too in the beauty of creation so that no one can rightly say they did not know,many pagan peoples have come to find the one true God by these signs which have led them to the word of God.
Jesus did not mean that we literally pluck out our eyes,He used such strong language to really drive home the point that we should do all in our power to avoid sin.
Finally my last point is this,Christ has one body and one church which is His mystical body and all who believe in Him belong to His mystical body,we cannot be His followers outside of this body oh sure we can worship God when alone but this is not the same thing as being a member of Hid church,He said Himself`I know my sheep and my sheep know Me` we cannot act like loose cannons and tear the Body of Christ apart.
I tell you all this for one reason only that you may find peace in your heart and spirit and I pray that whatever has upset your spirit will by the power and love of our compassionate and gentle Savior be taken away from you and leave you as He intended you to be,a peaceful and fearless warrior for the kingdom.
Gdo bless you Brother.

2007-04-19 16:30:49 · answer #4 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 0 0

OH MAN do I sympathize with you! I have been a Christian for over 20 years and do I ever get slain at Bible Studies! Even though I got baptised just two years ago I did it with this thought in mind"

I am being baptised because I wanted to be a follower of Jesus and who he was. Follow me he said. Follow his example of loving and accepting all. In my way of thinking, From my take on it, Jesus IS the greatest of all Universalists. I've never seen him as a big bad meanie who would exclude people with a good heart from another religion. HYPOCRITS on the other hand - who do not love but spew words about love....

I have accepted that I am a Universalist and I am proud of my ability to see that God manifests daily to teach us. What are false Gods? Manna. Money and possessions. Power. False religions are led by people who want your money and worship. But that has nothing to do with spiritual leaders who found God, have a relationship with God and have compassion for society.

I will be called a Heretic, told I will be going to hell and all that. But that's what you suffer when you stand firm in what you find as truth.

THE TRUTH that aggressive religion totes is just another name for controlling the populous. Like the Pharasees and over-zealous Christians, Muslims, etc.. In my humble opinion.

2007-04-19 16:03:38 · answer #5 · answered by pinkm00n59 1 · 0 0

Well you make a good argument, but we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which is why he sent his Son as a gift for us to free us from our eternal death. The sins punish us, Jesus saves us. Jesus speaks in parables (You can tear the temple down and I will rebuild it in three days. ) Going to hell is our punishment for sinning if we haven't received the gift in which he gave. Everyone will hear the word of God in some form. Eitehr on internet TV friends, or entertainment. We've all heard the "Good Word" to be honest though what's wrong with just accepting him? What doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it doesn't mae sense, God is all knowing what we think is illogical is logical to him becuase he know ALL variables while we only know a handful

2007-04-19 15:58:47 · answer #6 · answered by bboyballer112 2 · 1 0

You say you don't believe all the Bible is true? Then why should you believe ANY of it is? Jesus mentioned the eye to illustrate simply whatever, wherever, whoever, whyever, however, whenever makes YOU lust, get away from there. He didn't mean to literally cut your eyes off or your arm.
You need to understand that God has immutable laws, that God is perfect, and he is the Creator, not us. I can make things of clay and remake or destroy whatever I want of them. It is my clay to do with it whatever I want whether you approve or not. God doesn't need your approval about anything he does.
You seem to be placing God on trial, trying to decide for him and angels what he should do and not do. Forget about all that and just follow Jesus and he will make all things clear in his time and way. Christianity is a personal thing between you and God. If you attended a church of 1000 members and they all backslid won't bring you into judgement for their backsliding..same for all the denominations. Jesus told Peter when Peter was asking questions about John's life..."What is that to you? Follow me." It seems you're trying to blame others for your indecisiveness about your own intelligent decision to follow Jesus.

2007-04-19 16:02:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You sound more like a Deist to be quite honest with you.

Deism is a religious philosophy and movement that became prominent in England, France, and the United States in the 17th and 18th centuries. Deists typically reject supernatural events (prophecy, miracles) and divine revelation prominent in organized religion, along with holy books and revealed religions that assert the existence of such things. Instead, deists hold that religious beliefs must be founded on human reason and observed features of the natural world, and that these sources reveal the existence of one God or supreme being.


2007-04-19 15:56:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God makes the rules.... man dose not... mankind must play by God's rules if it wants God's rewards at the end of the game... if any do not play by God's rules... they lose.... it's that simple

All who come to God in The Way He prescribes will receive His free gift of Salvation. Those become part of The Church of which Jesus The Christ is The Head. Those are the ones of The True christian Faith. Only those of The Church will enter Heaven.

If you have any question concerning The True Christian Faith you may email me... One honest question will receive one honest answer to the best of my ability.... or you may check out me and my Faith at: http://www.mikesfaith.com

2007-04-19 15:59:10 · answer #9 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 1 0

You didn't finish Jesus statement " if your right eye offend you pluck it out, if your right hand offend you cut it off, better to enter into the gates of heaven maimed, than to enter into hell whole" (my paraphrase)

I have studied the Bible for almost 30 years, It is my understanding that Jesus in the Gospels preached more about hell than he did Heaven. I would urge you to reconsider and reach out to an evangelical curch in your area. Have a face to face or one on one encounter with other Christians. Don't deny yourself the chance to be hand or foot or eye in the body of Christ. The chance to bless and be blessed in corpriate worship.

I tell you true, worshiping God thru Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit is better than any drug I ever took, any feeling I have ever tried to manufacture. Any untruth the devil has tried to keep me from, and trying to be a "Lone Ranger Christian" is the biggest lie the devil has told since the 70's when he said "God is dead". Saitan is a liar, Jesus is the King and you need to understand there is a Heaven and there is a hell and we are truely bound for one or the other.

My reward is in heaven, with all my hipocrite friends at the church I worship at, and you know we always got room for one more.

There is but one faith, one hope, one salvation. Get it brother. cling to it, make Jesus the prize, and cast your universalist immaginations, by the way side. Get into the river with Ezekiel, get into the deep water of Jesus with the rest of us that don't know how to swim and we will tread water together on the Holy Spirit.

Hallelujah!!!! Praise His Holy Name!!!!!

all 4 now B
(ps: please forgive my spellin errors)

2007-04-19 16:17:03 · answer #10 · answered by ImJstBob 4 · 1 0

In Islam, God does not send people to hell for good unless theyre two things:


2. disbelievers in His oneness/existence.

hypocrites are actually in a deeper level of hell then disbelievers are.

all other people, who have even the remotest faith in God, go through hell to pay for those sins they have not fully repented for or felt sorry for, then by the grace of the Creator and for the sake of the faith they have in God, they are allowed to enter Heaven for good.

You should read up on other religions.

2007-04-19 16:05:33 · answer #11 · answered by Antares 6 · 0 1

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