My son just turned 4yrs old this month. He is potty trained, he will go potty by himself all the time it's just getting him to go #2 on the potty. I have done everything, treats, letting him see me go to the bathroom,big boy underware,saying bye bye and flushing,reading books while on the potty, you name it I have done it. I even bought a special seat with Elmo on the seat hoping he would use the special seat. I am at my witts end, I have found myself getting angery and yelling at him for this. I don't want to do that, I have even cried by myself thinking I am doing something wrong.He will go #2 on the floor of his room,bathroom or any where he can find a place. I don't know what to do, I'm really getting tired of cleaning waste of the floor and my house stinks like a dirty bathroom. He knows he is doing it he will go and hind.He knows he has the urge to go. It's just getting him to sit on the potty and go. It's as if he is scared.We got the #1 down just got to get the #2 down
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asked by
stacy j
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Toddler & Preschooler