Not everyone believes that "it" is helping anyone. The deist, for one, does not believe that there is a helping power helping us. On the contrary, the deist believes in the exact opposite.
And then we must not forget the atheist (both agnostic and gnostic) who does not agree that there is a higher power helping us. In fact, if there was any sign of a higher power helping the atheist, he would cease to be an atheist.
Then there is the disagreement of what that higher power is. While most religions can agree on the existence of a higher power, some followers claim that it forbids premarital sex while others claim the opposite.
So, it can't really boil down to just one common belief. Not everyone even has that belief.
2007-04-19 05:03:43
answer #1
answered by Rev Kev 5
If you break it down my friend we are all believing in (the Higher Powers) We just have to learn to be tolerant and acceptable that everyone has a different picture in their minds on what to believe in. Now if everyone would take the time to stop preaching what is good or bad and follow it with action things would fall into place much faster. Until that time comes my friend all we can do is continue to hope and put faith into ourselves and those around us that they will accept the knowledge that we have and start using the answers provided for us.
Have a Wonderful Day!
2007-04-19 12:10:37
answer #2
answered by dawnsmysticalwonders 3
Well, here is the bottom line silly girl, we do not all "practically believe the same thing", that is precisely why we cannot all get along.
For instance I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the bible is the True Word of God. God is the only true God and Jesus is the only way to eternal life with God in heaven.
There are many reasons that I know this and one of them is that all of the bible prophecy that has been fulfilled to date has been 100% accurate. Other "religions" are not able to make this claim. As a matter of fact Christianity is a relationship with Jesus and not a religion.
So although it would be nice if we could all agree, all we can do is agree to disagree.
Hope this helps answer your question,
2007-04-19 12:10:00
answer #3
answered by redeemed 5
You're half right! Criticizing others is wrong. Trying to help them is not. You see, people's souls are at stake, and the only people who are right are the ones that God says are right. Some deities come and go. Remember the god who was supposed to take his followers back to heaven in a flying saucer? Remember Jim Jones? David Koresh? They are the reasons why we can't all get along. They cost people their time, talent, treasure, children and sometimes their very lives. You see, the greatest higher power wins in the end. What He has said will go. Just be absolutely sure you've found the greatest. Who determines that? The Greatest Himself.
2007-04-19 12:14:43
answer #4
answered by singwritelaugh 4
Religions attempt to answer the most important questions in life, specifically what happens after you die. If budhism is true, you come back as a cow in india if you're lucky. If athiesm is true, then you simply don't exist any more (which makes life purposeless). If Islam is true, you never know what happens, but you'll either end up in a paradise or hell depending on the mood of their unknowable god. If you're a jew, you have to be lucky to be born a jew. If Christianity is true then everyone is condemned to hell anyway, because God is Just and perfectly holy, but He himself suffered the penalty for sin so that you can be justified when judged, if you repent of your sins and trust in Christ.
Only one can be true because they completely conflict with one another. It is important because EVERYONE DIES, and if Christianity is true, then you're in serious trouble if you died today.
So call it stupid if you want, spend time on it or not, but if the God of the bible does exist, then you will have to give an account of your life, and if you don't trust in His means of salvation, you'll end up eternally punished by an eternally good God.
Everyone should spend the time trying to figure this stuff out and make sure they're right with God, and be completely assured that they will be going to heaven.
2007-04-19 12:14:05
answer #5
answered by dooltaz 4
Those who feel the need to force their way on others and claim the rest of us are wrong, do so to validate what they believe. I don't think they are really sure themselves if they were they would have no need to force their way on others .Religion has always been used as a control .
2007-04-19 12:29:13
answer #6
answered by winterberg 2
Never mind the irrational belief, some religions demand that believers do not get along with others.
For example, where are the benign christians that say 'I believe in one god, but it's a travesty to have the pledge of allegience claim that's the only way"? They're a small and silent minority.
2007-04-19 12:05:57
answer #7
answered by eldad9 6
Engaging, discussing, arguing ideas produces knowledge so you basically want everyone to be ignorant of everyone elses beliefs.
If you can't handle debate don't engage in it.
So what if all people can say is something stupid and sarcastic that just means they are void of any real ideas or knowledge and they are unable or unwilling to put in effort into "thinking."
2007-04-19 12:09:57
answer #8
answered by Who's got my back? 5
The only way for the world to get along is to abandon all religions because everyone has a superiority complex as far as their religion goes. Theirs is the best & they won't compromise their ancient beliefs for anyone on this world.
The only way to band people together is to get rid of religion all together. It's a non-sensical concept that only hinders the progress of the human race.
2007-04-19 12:05:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Go read your higher power's book and it will tell you it is good to hate the other people and in most cases you can enslave them and take their land. There is a big punishment for making friends with them or fornicating with their gods
2007-04-19 12:05:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous