Not really.
It means raised to the spirit body.
Resurrection is mortal to immortality.
Rev 20:5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
The spiritually dead are still mortal, i.e. liable to die, those resurrected are immortal.
Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
2007-04-19 02:13:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Daniel 12:2 summarizes the two very different fates facing mankind: “Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” Everyone will be raised from the dead, but not everyone will share the same destiny. The New Testament reveals the further detail of separate resurrections for the just and the unjust.
Revelation 20:4-6 mentions a “first resurrection” and identifies those involved as “blessed and holy.” The second death (the lake of fire, Revelation 20:14) has no power over these individuals. The first resurrection, then, is the raising of all believers. It corresponds with Jesus’ teaching of the “resurrection of the just” (Luke 14:14) and the “resurrection of life” (John 5:29).
The first resurrection takes place in various stages. Jesus Christ Himself (the “firstfruits,” 1 Corinthians 15:20), paved the way for the resurrection of all who believe in Him. There was a resurrection of the Jerusalem saints (Matthew 27:52-53) which should be included in our consideration of the first resurrection. Still to come are the resurrection of “the dead in Christ” at the Lord’s return (1 Thessalonians 4:16) and the resurrection of the martyrs at the end of the Tribulation (Revelation 20:4).
Revelation 20:12-13 identifies those comprising the second resurrection as the wicked judged by God prior to being cast into the lake of fire. The second resurrection, then, is the raising of all unbelievers; the second resurrection is connected to the second death. It corresponds with Jesus’ teaching of the “resurrection of damnation” (John 5:29).
The event which divides the first and second resurrections seems to be the millennial kingdom. The last of the righteous are raised to reign “with Christ a thousand years” (Revelation 20:4), but the “rest of the dead [that is, the wicked] lived not again until the thousand years were finished” (Revelation 20:5).
What great rejoicing will attend the first resurrection! What great anguish at the second! What a responsibility we have to share the gospel! “And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire” (Jude 23).
Recommended Resource: What the Bible Says about Heaven & Eternity by Ice & Demy.
2007-04-19 18:25:15
answer #2
answered by Freedom 7
South of the Mediterranean, people believed in physical resurrection, reanimation of corpses. They had elaborate burial rituals to preserve the bodies and prepare them for the next life.
North of the Mediterranean, people believed in spirits/souls and routinely cremated their dead. The Gnostics were from North of the Mediterranean.
The Gospels are very clear that physical resurrection is the only option. There is no scenario where you die and your spirit goes to heaven. This was a heresy and the early Christians condemned it.
When Christianity failed to catch on in the Middle East, it took off in Asia Minor and Europe, where the Resurrection was treated as a special event and they continued to believe what they had before Christianity, which was the belief in souls/spirits.
The corpses of the original Christians are all decomposed, and Jesus never came back for them.
2007-04-19 02:16:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Dear Friend,
You are quite correct. Nowhere does the bible teach that we all go to heaven when we die.
The Bible teaches us that when we are dead:
Ecclesiastes 9:5
For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even the memory of them is forgotten.
The Bible teaches us of the resurrection to life and an eternal existance on Earth with Jesus and God.
Why not investigate this for yourself in the Bible?
God Bless
2007-04-19 02:12:46
answer #4
answered by ianptitchener 3
No, you're authentic, there is not any life after dying. Jehovah God advised Adam in Genesis 3:19 "For dirt you're and to dirt you will return.” The punishment for Adam and Eve's sin grow to be dying, the top of life. whilst a guy or woman dies that's like going right into a deep sleep, as may be seen from Jesus' words whilst Lazarus died. there is not any soul or spirit that survives after a guy or woman dies. the only desire for a lifeless guy or woman is the resurrection in God's new international, or resurrection for the few who will function kings and clergymen with Christ Jesus in heaven. So there is not any might desire to be petrified of lifeless human beings, or to purpose to speak with them. there is not any might desire to desire for his or her souls, there are not any souls suffering in hellfire. those are pagan ideals, invented by using devil to maintain them in religious captivity. Paisley
2016-10-03 05:59:03
answer #5
answered by ? 4
The bible teaches that it is appointed once to die and then the judgement. To me that means that once we die, we are judged then and then admitted into heaven or hell. There is some theological debate about that but this is not the venue to explore that.
2007-04-19 02:17:19
answer #6
answered by Sharon M 6
Read 1 Corinthians 15:51-58
The spirit will live forever in either heaven or hell.....
Those of us in heaven will receive our new incorruptable bodies at the resurrection
2007-04-19 02:08:19
answer #7
answered by primoa1970 7
Yes you are correct. For more information consider the links below along with your copy of the Bible.
2007-04-19 02:13:18
answer #8
answered by Abdijah 7
You got it right there you are either alive or dead you hit the jackpot because this idea thet we live on after death is promoted by Satan and his demons to further the lie that Satan told Eve in the garden of Eden:"You positively will not die"Are you aware first of all, people who are dead, are asleep in death. There is no activity. No work or devising in Sheol in which you are about to go, the scriptures says. The dead are conscience of nothing at all. ( Eccl. 5:9, Eccl 9:10) Please stop believing that persons who have died are immediately and miraculously in heaven. That is the furthest thing from the truth. Please stop believing persons who are dead are "dead spirits" haunting folks. They are demons, keep in mind they have powers too. It is nothing for them to pretend to be your dead loved ones, if they can get you to believe in falsehood in religion or anywhere else they already have your soul!!! If Satan and his demons can get you to believe, the soul lives on after death and never dies; then what real need will you have, to believe and hope in the resurrection by means of Christ Jesus? There is none, for you can't resurrect something that isn't really dead! Think about it. At John 5:28,29., speaks of persons being in God's memory. Know that persons REMAIN ASLEEP in death untill Jesus calls them out of their memorial tomb. Like Lazarus, he too was asleep in death to the point that he was smelling. Yet Jesus called his name, told him to "COME OUT" and brought him back to life. This was simply done by Jesus and some of his disciples on a SMALL SCALE to build faith; and to show what Jesus will and can do for all mankind in the near future through Jehovah God's Kingdom on a GRANDER SCALE. He will put an end to all sickness and death. Note he didn't resurrect LAZARUS so he could go to heaven. He resurrect him to be right here on earth, even though it was temporarily, for we know he did die again. So when we see scriptures like these below..KNOW THIS IS MANKIND'S OTHER HOPE. These are Jehovah's PROMISES to us which are held out in his WORD the BIBLE. Keep in mind, "IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for GOD 2 LIE.
PS. 37:9,11,29:"Evildoers themselves
will be cut off, but those HOPING IN JEHOVAH
are the ones that WILL POSSESS THE EARTH...The
THE EARTH, and they will indeed find their exquisite
delight in the abundance of peace. The RIGHTEOUS
themselves will POSSESS THE EARTH, and
they will RESIDE FOREVER upon it."
Isa.33:24: " NO RESIDENT will say: "I AM SICK."
Isa 25:8: "He will actually SWALLOW UP DEATH
FOREVER, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will
certainly wipe the tears from all faces."
Isa. 65:21, 25 : "And they will certainly build
houses and HAVE OCCUPANCY, and they will
certainly built vineyards and EAT (their) fruitage."
The wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as
one and the LION WILL EAT STRAW just like the bull;
and as for the serpent, his food will be dust.
They will do NO HARM nor cause any ruin in all
my holy mountain, "Jehovah has said."
Isa. 35:5, 6 " At that time the eyes of the blind
ones will be opened, and the very ears of the
deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the
lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and
the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in
gladness. for the wilderness water will have burst
out, and the torrents and in the dessert plain."
Isa. 11:8,9: "And the sucking child will certainly
play upon the the hole of the cobras, and upon
the light aperture of a poisonous snake will a
weaned child actually put his own hand. They
will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my
holy mountain, because the earth will certainly be
as the water is covering the very sea."
PS.46:9 "He is causing all WARS to CEASE."
Isa.65:17: "For here I am creating NEW HEAVENS
and a NEW EARTH and the former things will not
be called to mind, neither will they come up into
the heart."
Isa 45:18: "For this is what Jehovah has said, the
Creator of the heavens,. He the (true) God, the
He the One who firmly established it, who did not
create it simply for NOTHING, who formed it even to
be INHABITED: "I am Jehovah and there is no one
Isa. 55:11: "so MY WORD that goes forth from my
TO ME WITHOUT RESULTS, but it will certainly do
that in which I have delighted and it will have CERTAIN
SUCCESS in that for which I have sent it."
Daniel 2:44: "And in the days of those kings the God
of heaven will set up a KINGDOM that will never be brought
to Ruin. And the Kingdom itself will not be passed on
to any other people. It will CRUSH AND PUT AN END to all
If all the church members believe they are going to heaven, then who are the righteous ones who are to possess the earth???? Did you not know that Abraham, Job, John the Baptizer, David, nor Noah none of them had a heavenly hope. This will be discussed in my next blog.
Now it will have to take a reasoning person to realize the real purpose of why God creating the earth. This was not so all of us who are righteous to end up in heaven. (SEE with your EYE of UNDERSTANDING, by REASONING ON THE SCRIPTURES, AND MAKE IT A MATTER OF PRAYER.) At revelation it speaks of those who are of the GREAT CROWD, or MULTITUDE which no man was able to NUMBER. (Rev 7:9) The OTHER SHEEP which are not of the heavenly fold, which is also used (John 10:16). My question to you is, do you want to be a subject in JEHOVAH'S NEW KINGDOM? In which we are asked to pray for at (Matt 6:9,10). Just because Satan intervene in the beginning when he DECIEVED EVE doesn't mean that Jehovah's purpose changed for mankind. Why would it? Jehovah lovingly made provisions for all us right then and there in the Garden of Eden before all of them Adam, Eve and the Serpent which was Satan. Letting them and us (according to the bible in Genesis) know that he would be sending mankind his SEED and he would die for us.
He still desires for the world to be filled with righteous persons serving him on a Paradise earth. That is what those scriptures gives evidence of. This system was not meant to be like it is today, for Satan is the "GOD OF THIS SYSTEM OF THINGS." Please believe this, Satan and his system are coming to an end very soon. Please don't begin to accept this system as normal, meaning you prefer Satan's old system to Jehovah's new one to come! Will you get marked as one who is "SIGHING AND GROANING" over the detestible things that are being done on the face of the earth? (Ezek.9:4) Originally the Paradise was meant to be spread over all the earth by Adam before he had sinned and had lost mankind's gift of everlasting life. So a perfect life for a perfect life, that is why Jesus gave his life, for Adam was perfect. Once he had sinned we being his sinful offspring, WHO else could? Jesus was that corresponding ransom sacrifice for mankind. This affords MOST of us the HOPE OF EVERLASTING LIFE right here on earth (not in heaven) by means of Jesus Christ. That's if we take in ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE and exercise faith in it. There was a Paradise lost, and guess what, there will be a Paradise restored. What Jehovah has purposed will be fulfilled. This is what mankind need to know!!! For Jesus told the evildoer truly I say to you today, "you will be with me in Paradise." Keep in mind the Paradise has never been in Heaven, only right here on earth. Do you want to be a Subject in Jehovah God's New Kingdom? A paradise is awaiting for all those who are hoping in Jehovah. For this is THE TRUTH THAT WILL SET YOU AND THOSE YOU LOVE FREE.
2007-04-19 02:21:47
answer #9
answered by I speak Truth 6