Try ur best to research the company and find out who is in charge of the specific department in which you are applying for. if all else fails, write to whom it may concern. but you really should try to get on the internet or make some phone calls to find out who is in charge of the department. remember, you do not have to state who you are over the fone. good luck!
2007-04-18 18:11:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Writing Dear Sir/Madam is only used if you are somehow related to the person or he is a person of great importance (e.g. your boss, or customer). Writing To Whom it may concern is obsolete in modern technical writings. The best thing that you should is to know the name of the person whom you are going to send your letter this will also shows that you really have background with them.
Good Luck to you!
2007-04-18 19:46:27
answer #2
answered by Ray Bernardo C 1
First call the company and "find out" the name of the Human Resources Director...then direct your cover letter to that person.
2007-04-18 18:10:51
answer #3
answered by sophieb 7
Yes, I would write it like that, I dont think its a little stiff at all
2007-04-18 18:09:43
answer #4
answered by unfixingblowfish 3
Find the name of the department head you are applying for. Anything else lowers your chances greatly.
2007-04-18 18:47:57
answer #5
answered by Zzyzx 4
To whom it may concern,
Don't forget the "best answer" or a thumbs up!
2007-04-18 18:08:57
answer #6
answered by Jake G 2
that would do OK. Or you could say "to whom it concerns".
2007-04-18 18:13:32
answer #7
answered by winkcat 7