It's quite possible to get your baby back to the breast again! If your baby will still latch on, you're halfway there already! It's not certain whether you could achieve a full milk supply again, but undoubtedly you will be able to nurse and he will get some breastmilk. Many women have great success with relactation by using a supplemental nursing system:
This way, you can still feed your baby the necessary formula supplements, while simultaneously giving breastmilk and stimulating the breasts to produce more and more milk. Bottles can be avoided completely, and all of baby's suckling needs can be satisfied at the breast, ensuring plenty of stimulation.
Here is a great article with tons of info on relactation:
It's a good idea to get in touch with a lactation consultant or local La Leche League leader, for support and up-to-date info on methods to increase milk supply, get baby suckling on the breast again (if that proves troublesome), ensure proper positioning and latch so you can avoid soreness and other painful problems, how to know when to decrease supplements, how to tell if your milk is meeting all of his needs, etc.
Best of luck! You sound like a very dedicated mom to consider going back to breastfeeding. Be confident you can do it!
2007-04-18 15:49:25
answer #1
answered by LaundryGirl 4
It's not too late! The more you get your baby to breastfeed, the more milk you will make. At each feeding, latch your baby onto each breast and let her get as much milk as is available before giving her a bottle. Try pumping between feedings to further stimulate milk production. Look into buying or renting a Supplimental Nursing System (SNS) that will allow you to feed your daughter from a tube taped to your breast so that she is stimulating milk production while filling her stomach. Find a La Leche League group near you and see if the leader has any tips for increasing your milk supply. You can do it!! Good luck!!
2007-04-18 23:04:58
answer #2
answered by erin b 3
No its not too late and if you start breast feeding andkeep doing it, the more you do the more milk you will produce. At first you will probably have to also feed formula jsut because you don't have enough to sustain the baby. Just breast feed until there is no more in there and then give a bottle to make sure your baby is full.
2007-04-18 22:49:00
answer #3
answered by Michelle C 3
Offer your breast at least every 2 hours and after your baby nurses try to pump out any residual while someone else gives the baby a bottle to supplement until you build back your supply. It will take time but be persistent and seek the advice of a lactational consultant
2007-04-18 22:51:04
answer #4
answered by eorife 1
Sure you can! It's called relactation and do offer the breast on demand and before you offer a bottle. Your baby's suckling will stimulate milk production. Also, to increase milk production eat lots of oatmeal, get really, really hydrated and go to the health food store for "mother's mik plus" tincture (herbal formula to help increae milk production). Get yourself to a La Leche League support meeting for further support.
This is wonderful for your baby's health and a wonderfully sweet experience between mama & baby. Good luck, take it slow and believe that your body will eventually produce enough to nourish your baby.
2007-04-18 23:15:56
answer #5
answered by doula 2
Nope it is not too late. If you put her to your breast the milk production will increase daily. Put her to the breast as often as you can and slowly wean her from the formula.You might even try to use a pump in between just to help boost your production. It is awesome that you decided to go ahead with it. Congrats
2007-04-18 23:09:16
answer #6
answered by *Kimmie* 5
This was me also I did breastfeed and was very commetted to it well I got tired and I kind of gave up and lost most of my milk well he is down to once a day now but I am starting to take Fenugreek you can get it at a herb store or Health way. it is cheep just buy the pills they work the best. take 3 of them 5 times a day it is harmless to the baby and to you although it will make you smell like honey when you pee:)) It will boost your milk with in 24 hours it did mine I was able to feed him 4 times a day after taking it verses once a day and I think it would of gotten better but I keep forgetting to take them they say buy the bottle and just to finish the bottle and your good.
2007-04-19 02:03:08
answer #7
answered by SIMSGIRL 2
It won't hurt to try a few times! Even if your baby doesn't go for it at first, try again the next day, etc. A friend of mine had the same problem and tried again when her son was 6 weeks. He latched on with no problems! My son HATED every second of breastfeeding. He would cry and cry. So, I've been pumping for MONTHS, but at least he's getting it somehow! GOOD LUCK! I know how you feel:)
2007-04-18 22:40:50
answer #8
answered by ProudMama2Mason 3
if you have something coming out it's not too late. it's a lot of work to get your flow back up though. pump a lot. a lot! you may not get much at first but keep it up and your flow should get back up there. did you switch your baby to formula when you couldn't breast feed? why didn't you pump so hat she could still get the breast milk? just curious.
2007-04-18 22:41:01
answer #9
answered by Mary M 3
Yes you can still breast feed as long as there's milk coming out you can still do it you just have to help stimulate production. Hot water, pumping and having your baby nurse all helps. GOOD LUCK.
2007-04-18 23:01:26
answer #10
answered by bettyaboop510 4