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2007-04-18 14:16:19 · 22 answers · asked by Budlightgurl 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

22 answers

If the govt. will let you go to war and kill at 18, then you should be allowed a beer or two

2007-04-18 14:19:16 · answer #1 · answered by zebra597 2 · 2 1

Here, In Australia the drinking age IS 18. Sure, why not? Kids can drive at 17, vote at 18, see R rated movies at 18, why are they not mature enough to drink alcohol also?

2007-04-18 21:20:16 · answer #2 · answered by Lauren J 6 · 0 1

no i think that most 18 yr olds are irresponsible NOT ALL so dont get all sensitive look at what alot of them are doing right now with the alcohol they do get. car accidents, alcohol poisoning, and things like that. im only 20 and i am patient and responsible enough to drink in moderation and never drive. i think they should put an iq test with alcohol consumption not just an age limit. there are too many idiots drinking and driving.

2007-04-18 21:22:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

NO, I don't think it should be lowered. I think there would be an increase in teens and adults with alcohol problems, abuse and accidents. I don't think there are good things about lowering the drinking age. If it were to happen then there would be worse problems than what teenagers are facing.

2007-04-18 21:26:22 · answer #4 · answered by aurora 2 · 1 0

Absolutely not..Reason why is because MOST (no all) 18 year old's are not mature enough & responsible enough as it is...So, I think 21 is the youngest of age to drink if it was up to me..

2007-04-18 22:08:17 · answer #5 · answered by That Girl 5 · 0 0

Sure. It's not going to happen, though. I think the law has been tied to federal funding of state highways, so if states decide to lower the drinking age, no more new roads for them. I could be wrong, though.

2007-04-18 21:19:08 · answer #6 · answered by McLovin 7 · 0 1

No, I think the drinking age should be eliminated. IMO, the government doesn't have any business setting a minimum age to consume alcohol. Any adult should be able to make the decision to imbibe for him/herself, and parents should have the ability to decide whether their minor children may consume alcoholic beverages.

2007-04-18 21:55:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes they should... if your old enough to serve your country a bartender should be allowed to serve ya a drink.

Wow ha I guess a lot of people disagree. I'm 16.. so are a lot of my mates. Yeah there are a lot of car accidents and such... its going to happen anyways. An age limit isn't going to stop it.

2007-04-18 21:23:37 · answer #8 · answered by Kate 5 · 0 1

No, they tried that already in the 70's, in Arizona.
They ended up going back to 21. It didn't work.

2007-04-18 21:20:06 · answer #9 · answered by P-Nut 7 · 0 0

No.. It should be raised to mid 20s

2007-04-18 21:22:36 · answer #10 · answered by Lavender 7 · 1 0

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