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Canoes, Kayaks, Tree logs, Lifebuoys and other floating devices can be used to get to work on time... right?

2007-04-18 14:15:58 · 2 answers · asked by test u 1 in Cars & Transportation Boats & Boating

Wally you got serious? ..tell your folks and they will celebrate since this is a rarity ;)

2007-04-19 13:48:10 · update #1

2 answers

Yeah, if you live in Venice, Italy. Perhaps you should make a suggestion to Yahoo Answers to start a Stupid Question category so you can post your questions there.

And notice only two people bothered to answer this question. Stop wasting people's time who want to help out others with legitimate questions. You've been eating too much spam and it's gone to your head. Tell your mommy and daddy to tuck you in earlier beacause you aren't getting enough sleep and to monitor your computer use because children your age shouldn't be making a nusiance of themselves on such a grand scale. Your obvious immaturity is your most outstanding trait but you shouldn't be as proud of it as you are. Maybe you can save up your allowance and buy a life some day.

2007-04-19 00:41:07 · answer #1 · answered by Wally T 3 · 0 0

Only if you work near a river.

2007-04-18 21:20:24 · answer #2 · answered by Beau R 7 · 0 0

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