hell yeah, alot of 22 year old's feel like that. my friend went to jail when he was 20 for murder. his future looks worse than yours. relax man. sign up for some classes, get a job and some money, listen to your favorite music and live your life the same way you used to. no one is getting ahead. we all feel like we ain't getting no where. just chill. look around. a person like you could help alot of people. express yourself. say how you feel and liberate the feelings of many other 22 year olds. go crazy man, have a chrisis, go head, go nuts, just pay your bills and don't hurt nobody, that's all you can do.
2007-04-18 08:48:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I remember clearly being so depressed on my 25th birthday that I could not even go to the pub. I thought "I am a quarter of a century old and I have nothing to show for my life" LMFAO Now!! but at the time it seemed appalling to me. You have the solution at your disposal. you are young and unfettered. Travel, have an affair with an exotic beauty. Bungee jump from a New Zealand Glacier, snorkel off the coast of Phuket. Work as a barman in a seedy Amsterdam estaminet where the Coffee comes with a side order of hash. Meditate in India. Trek in Nepal. Go on Safari in Africa.Hike the Appalachian Trail, buy yourself a 1969 Chevrolet Impala and drive Route 66, picking up hitch hikers and dropping trips!! Live, damn you. Live!! Or stop whining about how much you wish you could!! Ah youth. It's wasted on the young.
2016-05-18 01:51:19
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Sure, but how about a 35 yr Crisis, are you ready for that? Just kidding, but you sound kind of down, maybe I can bring you back up with just a few words.
What you have just done for yourself by acknowledging this feeling - is you have just given yourself a whole hearted swift kick in the keester to get off it and start in on actively taking your part in life and owning it!! Wonderful!! You know you gotta do something, just what is it?!! Right - Now you'll probably start scanning your brain for something that will take this feeling of pressure off, and then you'll find it, then use it, then the quarter life crisis is over. You must be having kind of a sad day, take yourself out to lunch and a movie, go for and icecream, play in the rain and get all soaked. Just cuz your over 18 doesn't mean you have to entirely grow up!!
2007-04-18 08:54:29
answer #3
answered by Curiosity 2
You spent the last 22 years achieving adulthood. Growing up may not seem like a big accomplishment, but that's your job the first part of your life.
You're poised on a launching pad. Go make yourself a great life.
2007-04-18 08:45:06
answer #4
answered by KC 7
Im 22 aswell,i know what you mean.But life is so so so short that ive deceided that i hav'nt got enough time to worry about what has gone.I bet you've achived more than most.
2007-04-18 08:50:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
At 22, you've got lots of time. I know you've probably heard that before and wince, but it truly is accurate.
I wasted my 20s before I really got into gear, and that's not uncommon.
Cut yourself some slack.
2007-04-18 08:45:51
answer #6
answered by kent_shakespear 7
I just turned 56 - where did my life go - and yes I am having a crisis - everyday is a crisis!@~
2007-04-18 08:50:26
answer #7
answered by nswblue 6
dude! not the best im there too!
but remember you have another 3/4 to do something so dont worry!
2007-04-18 08:45:35
answer #8
answered by crunchymonkey 6
I'm in the process of it now.Good luck
2007-04-18 08:43:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous