My world view is simple -- that man is by nature good. Circumstances only make him otherwise. It is correct and no one can argue with that. (yes, say touche now.)
2007-04-18 08:49:04
answer #1
answered by Tammy 4
People are the same, the world over.
They love their mama, their country, and their cars.
They want a little more--money, vacation, security, freedom.
Little girls love pink anything.
Outside the US, everyone likes meeting friends and strangers at coffeeshops or cafes and discussing the issues of the day.
The same things trigger anger, disgust, and shame, but the reactions are wildly divergent, depending on culture.
I've lived in eight or nine countries, and perhaps 20 states in the US, over 30 years (but as a computer worker, not in the military).
2007-04-18 15:25:41
answer #2
answered by nora22000 7
I think the world is too commericailized...we *people in genral* don't look at the world with an open mind we look at it as they're differferent, we're better, let's sell them crud they don't need. It's sad. I can't say why its opinion is never correct in some one else's eyes.
2007-04-18 15:23:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
World view? I think humans have a spirit. I think the spiritual conforms to our expectations. I think lizard people who live inside the Earth have controlled our culture and civilization since our earliest days. I think they even created us to be their pharmaceutical cattle and industrial base. I think some of them can look exactly human and they are the Conspiracy and the Illuminati and 'The Man' who oppresses the common folk. I think our government lies to us, but that's expected. I think Bush has exposed the stupid Fundi side of the GOP and that they must be fought with every ounce of effort that can be mustered in order for decent civilization to prosper. I think Cuba stopped being any kind of threat more than 2 decades ago. I think Christianity and Islam are both extremist death cults intent upon global conquest. I think our Forefathers commited genocide against the Native Americans, but were good men despite that. I think life is what you make of it and that greed, hatred, and the desire to control others has made more evil than tolerance, acceptance, and compassion. I think gays are born that way. I think abortion is infanticide, murder, but it is a necessary evil and an unfortunate fact of primate existance. I believe in evolution but think life is a Creation of our Mother Earth. I think They are out to harm me. I think the average person is pretty average. I think humility is better than a bloated ego that deflates on a regular basis. I think oil baron and other global industrialists can either choose to be good guys or be pirates, and I'm afraid it looks like they chose to be pirates. I think Hillary should run as Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and drop the one name thing, sounds too much like Cher or Madonna for my tastes, but that won't stop me from voting for her. I think that our brave men and women need our support as they fight an urban battle against plain clothed insurgents in the Mother-Freakin' Middle East because of an arrogent Fundi ex-coke addict's bloated regard for his father's honor. (He could not have choosen a worse situation, even on purpose!) I think very few people are as interested in spirituality, politics, and the unknown as I am. I think PS3 is too expensive to buy right now. I think history is rewritten by the victors, which means most of what we learn in school is spin of some kind. I think we should maintain the Seperation of Church and State to prevent extremist death cultists from turning our fine nation into some kind of Christian Iran. And, I think we only have one Earth, once we screw it up we have no where else to go. Oh, I think we desperately need to think about building huge, indoor farms so that we can grow the food we need to feed our people no matter what the weather decides to do with itself. Talk to any geologist. Climates change quickly and drastically and they did it while we were just wearing skins and knapping flint. Blame games don't do anything useful. Adapt or die.
2007-04-18 15:37:57
answer #4
answered by St. Toad 5
i dont have 1 ...but if i did it would be correct because i said it is.....n thats all that shood matter to any1 with a view......thats y its called a view...not a fact
2007-04-18 15:22:37
answer #5
answered by mike d 1