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Hi, I have to ask someone who is in their mid-adult ages (40-60) some questions. Since I really have no adults I can ask, I was wondering if anyone could help me out. Just answer these two questions... 1) What is your definition of midlife crisis? and 2) Do you think you had one? Why?

2007-04-18 07:20:54 · 2 answers · asked by Mody1704 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2 answers

I'm having one, but not at a "panic" level.
It was hitting 50 and realising I'd been doing the same job for 27 years and that, well paid though it was, it wasn't fun any more, and that I couldn't face doing it for another 10-15 years.

I can't answer for the whole world, but it was that basically: I wasn't rich enough to retire, but I might be working myself to death trying to get there. Was this really the best plan I could come up with?

We shall see. My house is up for sale, I'm going to move to a different part of the country and try something totally different. I don't know what yet, but there's someone who might just need a hand next year with their toy museum.

Definition of a mid-life crisis:
"Hard work got me where I am today.
Where am I?"

2007-04-18 07:33:35 · answer #1 · answered by Pedestal 42 7 · 1 0

A sense of exasperation with one's current life.Everyone has one.Even the rich and idle.Because one's goals usually aren't achieved and/or one finally seeks answers to the 3 great philosophical questions of life.

2007-04-18 14:28:24 · answer #2 · answered by kitz 5 · 0 0

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