Thank you - the last time someone did something for me - about an hour ago.
Please - the last time I asked someone to help me out with something - about 4 hours ago.
Your welcome - the last time someone thanked me for doing something for them - about 2 hours ago.
2007-04-18 06:27:59
answer #1
answered by Mr. Indignant 4
All the time. I don 't remember the last specific time. Probably this morning when my BF brought me a cup of coffee. I was raised with manners about saying please and thank you. One of my biggest peeves about mannerless people these days is the odious habit so many young people have of responding to "Thank you" by saying "Yup" instead of "You're welcome." What is up with that?
2007-04-18 13:28:57
answer #2
answered by Nightlight 6
Please, thank you and your welcome should be on the top of the list of things that automatically come out of a persons mouth at all time, even when you don't feel like you want or have to.
2007-04-18 13:30:33
answer #3
answered by MTC R 1
The very last time I said thank you was when I was taking a phone message & the woman was being rude & didn't want to give me her number.
I use polite words all day & I get very annoyed when other peole are rude.
It's so easy to be polite...!
2007-04-18 13:25:08
answer #4
answered by Kier22_2 6
The last time I had contact with another human being - especially with someone still in school -- that's what Role Modeling is all about.
2007-04-18 13:27:39
answer #5
answered by Ben 5
Just about half an hour ago. I had a question about a package I shipped with FedEx. I called, talked to a representative and thanked him for his help. We say thank you, your welcome, yes please and no thank you to each other in our family in our home at all times. We believe in good manners.
2007-04-18 13:27:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
About 20 minutes ago. It's not difficult to say it. Doesn't hurt. I say it every single day countless times. It shouldn't be things you say only on special occasions.
2007-04-18 13:29:35
answer #7
answered by Sleeping Beauty 2
I say them all the time. My mother imparted to me a sense of respect, kindness, and manners.
2007-04-18 13:30:31
answer #8
answered by chavito 5
I always say that to the cashiers and the baggers in the supermarket when they do a good job. Most of them are stuck in such a miserable existence that some cheer and encouragement is always appreciated there.
2007-04-18 13:25:44
answer #9
answered by Rich Z 7
Two minutes ago, when the delivery man came to my door. Good manners cost nothing.
2007-04-18 13:24:42
answer #10
answered by Julia Sugarbaker 7