Mildew is mold - a living organism that thrives in warm, humid environments. If your clothes become mildewy, your best bet is to act right away. The longer it stays on the fabric, the more time mildew has to weaken or even rot your clothes.
STEP 1: Take the mildewy clothing outside and brush off any loose mold growth. (You don't want those spores floating around your house.) STEP 2: Leave fabric in the sun to dry out - heat and sun kill mildew. STEP 3: Presoak remaining stains in cold water, then wash in hot water with detergent. Allow to dry in the sun. STEP 4: If stains still persist, sponge the area with diluted chlorine bleach (use 2 tbsp. bleach to 1 qt. water). After about 10 minutes, rinse. STEP 5: Launder as usual, rinse and allow to dry in the sun. Tips & Warnings
Take nonwashable clothing to the drycleaner and identify the stain.
Chlorine bleach will damage or ruin silk, wool, nylon or Spandex.
2007-04-18 04:07:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You should be able to get the mildew stains out of your clothes by soaking it in warm soapy water and borax. Or, combine 1/4 teaspoon of color safe bleach and 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide. With a clean cloth, gently rub the stain until it is gone. Launder the garment, and dry in the sun if possible.
2007-04-18 04:07:26
answer #2
answered by Backwoods Barbie 7
First thing to do is expose the clothes to the sunlight , the sun will kill of the mildew, then add lemon juice to washable clothes& lemon juice& salt if they are dry cleaning material. Let the lemon juice dry in , even better if you do this outside in the sun, then with the clothes you can wash , wash as normal & with any clothes that are for dry cleaning only, use a wet sponge and wipe down
2007-04-18 07:00:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
try spray and wash Duo. i admire those issues , I actually are starting to be rid of rust stains from linoleum and set stains from clothing, It has in no way failed me. i will have had to do a pair of purposes, besides the fact that it has continuously completed the pastime. merely pour liberally on spots and use small brush alongside with a nail brush, ( some fabric become fluffy , with the comb ) , so try first till now scrubbing too tense. chilly water is the stain elimination expert. good success
2016-12-20 18:04:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Vinegar won't work. Yes, you need to clean the entire article. You might even want to use a disinfectant.....OxyClean would be my first choice if colors are involved. (there are specially packaged products for mildew, but I'm wondering if it is just a repackage, not a different product:
Bleach on noncolored items.
2007-04-18 04:17:46
answer #5
answered by fluffernut 7