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In the past year ....or the years of Palmer, Nicklaus, and Trevino and Player.....

2007-04-17 16:48:04 · 7 answers · asked by Phil C 1 in Sports Golf

7 answers

Usually not verymuch, but he would have done very well in the Masters and the US Open.

2007-04-17 17:10:09 · answer #1 · answered by Nelson_DeVon 7 · 0 0

The player at the bottom of the 2006 money list of the PGA Tour made $163K in 200th place. His scoring average was 72.0 strokes per round over 51 rounds. Most tour courses are par 72, but some are 71 or even 70. Stokes per round is only a moderate indicator of a player's performance relative to par because we don't know the exact distribution of par 70, 71, and 72 rounds.

A hypothetical player always scoring par would do better than 200th place. If he played the 2006 U.S. Open, par would have won by 5 strokes and earned $1.2M. This victory alone would rank ~75th place on the annual money list. Par in some tournaments misses the cut. On others, it is a top-ten finish. It is reasonable to conclude, that $2M would have been possible in 2006.

2007-04-18 06:35:43 · answer #2 · answered by _tessar_ 3 · 0 0

The only way to really find out is to use last year's full schedule on the PGA tour to see how well a final round 288 (Assuming all courses played are Par 72..which I know they're not but for sake of argument, let's just pretend) would have placed you at and how much money the person would have won.

For instance, this year's first tourny..the Mercedes Championship, Jim Furyk shot even par after 4 rounds and wound up getting 12th place...and winning $80,000....not bad for 4 days worth of work...even AFTER giving $8,000 (10%) to his caddy!

Personally...I'd say if someone shot even par golf in every tournament they played and played an average of 20 tournaments per year...they 'might' when one tournament, say this years "Masters", when the winning score was OVER PAR but would NOT crack the top 30 money winners...but should crack the top 125 in order to keep their playing priviledges for the next year.

2007-04-17 19:44:58 · answer #3 · answered by raymejr 2 · 0 0

Think about this...
In the 15 tournaments this year, shooting even par would earn you $1,823,589, and put you 5th on the money list. That includes a win at the Masters. If you didn't include the Masters, you would still average about $37,000 per tournament, and be about 53rd on the money list with $518,589, which is more than enough to keep your card if you keep it up. It says a lot about the "grinders" out on the tour.

2007-04-18 05:16:33 · answer #4 · answered by vdrive_60 4 · 0 0

I'd say over $1 million.

He'd do badly in most tournaments, but in the Masters and the U.S. Open, played at tough courses with scoring over par, he'd win those and make good money.

2007-04-18 08:49:05 · answer #5 · answered by SG 5 · 0 0

in 1986 golf digest did an article. if you shot even par all year long. they would have wound up 2nd on the money list. old ball wood clubs.

2007-04-17 23:40:39 · answer #6 · answered by bigman42718 3 · 0 0

Anywhere between 25,000 to 35,000 dollars.

2007-04-17 20:08:08 · answer #7 · answered by Zoivic.com 5 · 0 0

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