"[I disagree,] when ever something bad happens God gets the blame." - Spoken4
I strongly disagree with you. Let's look at another recent tragedy...umm....9/11. Do you remember anyone saying "This is gods way of punishing us" or "God caused this". No. It was some hijackers that caused it. It was Saddam that caused it. But wait, according to the bible, everything your god does is correct. Good system you got there with your imaginary friend. You never need to question his actions, because they're always right. You realize your stuck in a loophole where you cant even do as much as question your own god, your own creator? So all your gullible *** does is pull that bullsh*t line "God wanted it to happen" out in any argument and always be right in your own sense? Good system.
So 9/11 was a good thing? Because god took the blame, remember? I don't remember myself, but apparently thats what you're saying about things like the holocaust too. Another thing religion caused. Millions of deaths? Thats supposed to be good? I just dont it I guess, because I see murder as a bad thing in any case.
You religious people are freakin tools.
2007-04-17 15:53:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
"Here's the irony -> When something positive happens, religious folk give God the credit, but when a tragedy occurs, he gets none of the blame."
That's not entirely correct. When God brings righteous judgment on people like He has done in the past when He sent the destroyer to kill all of the first born in Egypt, then He gets the credit for that. But when sinners commit murder, that isn't God, that's the work of the Devil.
John 8:42 Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. 43 Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
2007-04-17 22:36:06
answer #2
answered by Martin S 7
That's strange, I see something quite different. I see people who, whenever something good happens pat themselves on the back and congratulate one another on how clever they are, but whenever something bad happens, they whine "Where was God?"
And yet He keeps His patience.
No, Jesus didn't "forget to set the alarm". His people have been sounding the alarm ever since YOU kicked Him out of school. Remember? "We don't want our children to pray to the Christian God!!" And so, your children do not have to pray to the Christian God. "We do not want any mention of the Christian God in our children's school!" And so, there is no mention of the Christian God in your children's school. No, not even one childish voice singing "O Little Town of Bethlehem" at Christmastime.
YOU got what you wanted. God is not in your children's school.
So, having asked Him to leave, why do you now whine, "where was God??"
And then you have the gall to call Christians hypocrites.
Christians have every right to be saying "I told you so"...yet all I hear from them is "May God bless the families of the victims."
I say, give it a rest already. This tragedy is NOT an appropriate time for you to get up on your hate pedestal and trash the very people who are praying for you.
2007-04-17 22:41:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
That is because God doesn't have anything to do with Tragedy....only good things come from God. and what happened in VT is the cause of humanity. God didn't say "Hmmm i think i'll make a 6 ft tall Korean go and shoot up a University today" God is Sinless, he is perfection. don't blame what is obviously the fault of humanity on God.
2007-04-17 22:38:07
answer #4
answered by tweetybird37406 6
I'm sorry to hear about your brother, I'll pray for him, but please read the Bible. In Matt.5:45 it says that He (God) sendeth rain on the just and unjust. You see It can be because of our own sin or simply sin in the world that brings bad things on our life. Was your brother a bad person, I hope not but whether he was or wasn't the murder was a bad person. You can't blame God for that mans stupididy.
I hope you understand and ask that you read a King James Bible, it can answer more questions than any preacher, professor, or scholar.
2007-04-17 22:49:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You can't blame God when people do the opposite of what He commands.
God says love your neighbor, not kill him.
People are responsible for what they do.
In this world, unforseen occurrences happen to all of us, as Ecclesiastes 9:11 says, so we have to be careful.
Since God has allowed us free will and has given us the capacity for intelligence, He does not have to hold us by the hand. He did not make us robots. But we live in a world that man has made dangerous, and these are the things that happen.
But you can't blame God.
2007-04-17 22:42:11
answer #6
answered by בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh) 6
I wouldnt give God credit for almost anything, and Im christian. God does not interfere in human events unless it concerns him or his people. Man caused this, man will pay for it. That Cho/Chu guy was probably mad because his friend cheated on him (Dont know if thats accuratre-just what I heard) so he killed her. Then, knowing he was gonna get killed on sentence anyway, decided to take evreyone with him. Its a terrible disastor, but its no ones fault but the er and the friend who (maybe) provoked him.
2007-04-17 22:47:43
answer #7
answered by goatman 5
Ever since Adam disobeyed and Eve was deceived, sin (including death, disease, famine, disaster, hate, greed, adversity, pride, lust, etc.) entered the world.
Man is given *complete* free will and the world will never be perfect again until Jesus returns and establishes his Kingdom!
All good *has* to emanate from God, for, as Jesus said: . . . "There is only One who is good . . ." (Matthew 19:17); . . . No one is good - except God alone." (Mark 10:18); . . . "No one is good - except God alone." (Luke 18:19) (all scripture, NIV; partial verses are quoted - If you think I'm taking these out of context, read the full verse and the respective passages!)
Satan is the author of all that is evil.
2007-04-17 22:58:30
answer #8
answered by trebor namyl hcaeb 6
It's sad to hear about your brothers friends, I am sure he will be okay. I send all of my prayers to him and his family, and everyone else involved in a tragedy like this.
I guess you can say it was Jesus' will for those people to die, it's a horrible thing to think, but our day will come, and when it does come the day that we pass away I know it must have been in his will all along otherwise I wouldn't have died.
2007-04-17 22:37:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I do. God is not an instrument to be used to prevent and solve our problems. God has given us everything we need so that everyone can live in peace and not be needy. It is really up to us.
What happened at Virginia Tech is the result of evil systems and structures in our society. The Christian world has not really tried to live the gospel. Instead, we have put more emphasis on consumerism, competition and hedonistic values.
Peace and every blessing!
2007-04-17 22:47:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous