Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you, sis!
- If a MUSLIM person goes against Islam, hurting people, then, yes, of course I'd speak out against it!
- Yes, I strongly condemn terrorism, terrorists, and everything that these ignorants have done in the name of Islam.
- No, I don't think they've read the Quran themselves, at least not in context. They're NOT ANY different from those anti-Muslims who take Quranic verses out of context, pathetically assuming that these verses apply to every-day life! My GOODNESS!!! What a shame, huh! I wish these people would get to experience the peace and satisfaction I feel due to being a Muslim or at least due to knowing and understanding Islam truthfully.
- There's no such thing as 70 virgins for them. LOL! Makes me laugh sooo hard!! I just wonder what they'll say to Allah when they face Him, you know?... Astaghfirullah!
- How do I feel about their having hijacked our religion? I feel pity for them. I think there are more Good Muslims than there are bad ones, but it's just that the good ones don't get attention from the biased media. But I'm not worried. I still know that the Truth has always prevailed, always will, and is being prevailed right now! Why else do you think Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world? :D Why else do you think women (WESTERN women, mostly!) are choosing Islam as their Way of Life--and NOT by "sword". Sheesh! Wonder where these anti-Muslims go this idea of "Islam was spread by the sword" from.
- Why do I think they've ignored true Islamic teachings?... Because they think they're better than Allah; they think they'll repent the moment before they die!!!! Some of them are, I think, "hafeez" (having memorized the entire Quran---but, sadly, WITHOUT understanding ANYthing in it!! JUST memorizing it. How sad!), and they're sadly and falsely taught that if you memorize the Quran, then no matter what you do, you'll go to heaven. LOL! I just wonder, WHEN will they start realizing that Islam is nothing but LOGIC? WHEN will they be grateful for the hearts, the ears, the eyes, the MINDS, the conscience (just to name of a few of Allah's blessings) with which their Creator has blessed them?
- They deny us beautiful women our rights because they're INTIDIMATED by our intelligence; they KNOW that when we're given the chance, we women have more intelligence than most men, even! And these chickens, these terrorists who claim they're Muslims, are chickening out, thinking that we women will take control and then these ignorant men won't be able to control us anymore!!! So, they refuse to educate us. And when the few of them DO educate us... :D women become like you and me, sis ;)! And, believe me, such men CANNOT stand us!!! I was discussing this with a Christian from Ghana, and he, too, pathetically believes that women shouldn't have certain freedom and rights, and, girrrrrrrrll!!! He actually told me THIS: "If you don't change your point of view concerning your rights and freedom, no man will be happy to marry you." LOL! I replied, "No man who thinks like you, of course; but any man who thinks like me will be fine."
- What Islam says about women? ;) Sis, you know I'm a passionate feminist. Where to start from?...Here's a link to a question I asked on Y/A, entitled "Females, do you know your (religious) rights?";_ylt=AjUAvO2cFs5VQu95jWBUgeGJSAx.?qid=20061225222453AAomXg6
Hope the reader will read all the answers, esp those from Muslim women, because some of them responded to those answers/comments of the non-Muslims. Very interesting, I thought it was. Vvvvvvvveeeeeeeery happy I asked the question! I hope the link still works since I had to delete that account...
I'd LOVE to tell you about those rights that a woman has, but I'm not sure if I should put them all here. But I really want to! :D Sooo... here you go!!
Below is Roshni's answer (to my question), and I think our rights are very well summarized by her, so...
Following are some rights, which Muslim women have!
1. The RIGHT and duty to acquire education.
2. The RIGHT to have her own independent property.
3. The RIGHT to work [job or business] to earn money, which she keeps it.
4. The RIGHT to equal reward for equal deed and/or work.
5. The RIGHT to express her opinion.
6. The RIGHT to argue and/or advocate her cause or opinion to be heard.
7. The RIGHT to vote since 1,421 years.
8. The RIGHT to provisions from her husband for all her needs and more.
9. The RIGHT to negotiate marriage terms of her choice.
10.The RIGHT to obtain divorce from her husband, even on the grounds that she simply don't like him. In Islaam divorce is suppose to be last resort.
11.The RIGHT to keep all her own money. [She is not responsible for maintenance of family].
12.The RIGHT to get sexual satisfaction from her husband.
13.The RIGHT to get custody of her children in case of divorce
[unless she is unable to raise them for valid reasons]
14.The RIGHT to choose husband of her choice.
15.The RIGHT to refuse a proposed and/or arranged marriage.
16. The RIGHT to re-marry after divorce or after becoming widow.
Women are exempt from:
a.. Fasting when they are pregnant or nursing or menstruating,
b.. Praying when menstruating or bleeding after childbirth,
c.. The obligation to attend congregational prayers in the mosque on Fridays.
d.. They are not obliged to take part as soldiers in the defense of
Islam, although they are not forbidden to do so.
But under normal circumstances they are allowed to do all the things that men do.
- Even when they are menstruating, on special days, like the two Eid festivals, they are still allowed to come to the Eid prayers, and menstruating women can take part in most of the actions of the Hajj pilgrimage.
Islamic laws does not requires that women should confine themselves to household duties. [i.e., she's not obligated to cook, clean, or do ANY of the household duties; her husband is to cooperate with her, and nothing's to be left to her alone].
Muslim women have [and are as well] headed Islamic provinces [and states as well], like Arwa bint Ahmad, who served as governor of Yemen under the Fatimid Khalifahs in the late fifth and early sixth century.
These rights were given to us OVER 1400 years ago but granted to today's non-Muslim women hardly a few decades -- or, let's say, a couple of centuries -- ago. What does that tell ya? :D
Here's a link to an answer of mine where the question was if we knew that most Muslim cultures are not Islamc at ALL:;_ylt=AkYusjv_NlFGzeHGJrUaqw6JSAx.?qid=20070323213252AARBBYJ&show=7#profile-info-jsRRgueZaa
Here are two links to how terrorism and Islam are not linked at ALL:
Peace be upon you all, folks! And have a blessed, peaceful, relaxing, wonderful night, inshaAllah!
Edit: This note is to the user "Emogen Sue"... LOL! Dearest sis ;) You're just no different from those terrorists who don't understand Quran at all, are you? Or from those anti-Muslims who believe EVERYTHING they hear/read about Islam without having any clue of what Islam REALLY teaches. As sad as I think that is, I pray that God blesses you with True Guidance, an open mind, an open-heart, and open eyes. Aameen! It'd be a REALLY good idea to start thinking for yourself, don't you think? Before it's, like, waaaaay tooo late.... Anyways, peace to you always, dear :).
Edit 2: Johnny, I do not know how to thank you for stating all that stuff. It's nothing new to me, though, since I've read that same ol' stuff a million times before here on Y/A AND on at least 110 anti-Islamic websites. But it's no biggie. :D I've got it ALL under control! Hope you'll read my response, buddy.
-- Umm.. your points, 1-7, I demand evidence FROM THE QURAN for. :D Got any? Nope. Sorry; unacceptable for someone who doesn't believe everythin she hears about the most Beautiful Religion of all times.
-- Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Lord of the Worlds be upon him) taught his followers to oppress and kill all non-Muslims? Hmm.. I wonder why because the QURAN forbids it, and Muhammad (pbuh) was a passionate and committed follower of Islam. Liar, stop lying, man. :P I'll give a few verses concerning non-Muslims, but let's first discuss 9:5, which starts off with "when the Sacred Month is over".... Johnny, do you ever wonder WHY it says, "When the Sacred Month is over"?... I did. And here's what I found out: Islam doesn't allow wars during sacred months, whether those months are sacred to the Muslims, to the Christians, to the Jews, or to any group with whom the Muslims are fighting the war. And I wonder why.... I mean, WHY would God say not to fight a war during a sacred month?... Sheesh, DUHHH!! Because it's a sign of RESPECT to everyone, whether they're Muslims or not.
So, going back to 9:5... LOL! The MOST (mis)quoted Quranic verse by you anti-Muslims. This verse is the main reason I'm loving Islam more than ever, and this verse is the reason I know more about my Religion than I ever thought I would. And why? Because I KNOW its HISTORY!
How about reading the verses BEFORE and some AFTER verse 9:5, huh?
So, let's see; I'm gonna give you verses 9:1-5, ok?
“A declaration of the dissolution of agreements from God and His messenger to the idolaters with whom you have made [no-war] agreements.
Thus, you [O polytheists] may freely traverse in the land for four months, but know that you shall not escape God's judgment and that God shall surely humble the unbelievers.
A proclamation [should be made] to these people from God and His messenger on the day of Hajj-e-Akbar , [declaring] that God and His messenger are no longer under any obligation toward these polytheists. If you repent, [O polytheists,] it shall be better for you but if you turn your backs [paying no heed], then know that you shall not be able to escape God's judgment.
Give these rejecters the glad tidings of a painful punishment, except those polytheists who have not dishonored their treaties with you and have not aided anyone against you.
With these, fulfill your treaties till the appointed term. Indeed, God loves the righteous. When the sacred months are over, slay the polytheists wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush for them” (9: 1-5).
Can you tell how its talking about TREATIES with these polytheists?... I can. Did you read where it said, "Give these rejecters the glad tidings of a painful punishment, except those polytheists who have not dishonored their treaties with you and have not aided anyone against you. With these, fulfill your treaties till the appointed term. Indeed, God loves the righteous."
For God's sake, those POLYTHEISTS who cause no harm to the Muslims weren't to be given the tidings of the Punishment!!!!
And what about verse SIX?
"If one among the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him so that he may hear the Word of God; and then escort him to where he can be secure."
Tsk, tsk. Can't believe you missed this EXTREEEMELY important verse out, man..... It tells the Muslims to give PROTECTION to those non-Muslims!!!!!!
I wonder which other religion teaches anything similar, but whatever; thats not the point here.
[Here's a website that's dedicated SOLELY to 9:5. In case you're interested, that is. :D]
-- About the hadith concerning a Muslim who leaves Islam. LOL!
Hmm.. since killing is a BIIIIIIIIG thing Islam, a BIIG crime (killing ONE person--not necessarily MUSLIM-- is like having killed the entire humanity! 5:32), it MUST be in the Quran somewhere, right? I mean, that a Muslim who leaves Islam should be killed, right? Well, let's see if it is. ... It's NOT.
The Quran discusses apostates MANNNY times (2:217, 3:86-90, 4:137, 9:66, 9:74, 16:106-109, 4:88-91, 47:25-27), but NOWHERE does it tell the reader what the apostate's punishment is to be.
Get THIS, though: The Quran doesn't mandate or even recommend the death penalty for ANYYYY crime!! (I woudln't call it the death penalty if you're killing someone in order to defend yourself and/or your people and to kill your oppressor or the "eye for eye" deal--which isn't MANDATORY but only permitted. Would you?...)
And you know how I always say that ANY hadith that goes against the Quranic teaching is totally unaccepted by me, right? Well, the Quran says "NO compulsion in religion", so what do you say, buddy?...
Oh, but you know something? I HAVE read that same hadith, and, yes, I was VERY shocked--when I read it in ENGLISH. So, because I knew better than to trust its TRANSLATED version, I turned to the ORIGINAL ARABIC of the hadith, and I don't remember it, but it literally says "a Muslim who leaves Islam and spread mischief in the land he's living in". Sheesh, man. Don't know about you, but THIS makes perrrrrfect sense to ME.
Oh, and, of course, ANYONE who spreads mischief in the land and/or oppresses his people is to be put to death--whether MUSLIM or NOT.
As for the rest of the hadith you've mentioned, unless they can be suported BY the Quran, I'm not accepting them, ok? LOL! Ali (peace be upon him) killed some atheist ;)! LOL!!! Right, right...sure, he did. And, what was it? Muhammad (pbuh) killed some 800 Jews? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's even FUNNIER!! LOL!!! ;) Try again, honey. I'm not buying it. The QURAN doesn't permit EITHER of these, you see.
The purpose of the hadiths is to ELABORATE what the QURAN already states. For instance, the Quran says to pray on time 5 times a day, right? Well, it doesn't describe HOW we're to perform the prayers; so we turn to the hadith, and it tells us how to, and we follow.
The Hadiths are NOT to add to or take away ANYTHING from the Quran, okay? If it does, I'm not accepting it. Neither is ANY Muslim who knows his/her religion well enough to know this.
Umm... concerning forcing my beliefs down your throat, the Quran says the following:
2:256 There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.
16:82 But if they turn away from you, (O Prophet remember that) your only duty is a clear delivery of the Message (entrusted to you).
6:107 Yet if God had so willed, they would not have ascribed Divinity to aught besides him; hence, We have not made you their keeper, nor are you (of your own choice) a guardian over them.
4:79, 80 (Say to everyone of them,) 'Whatever good betides you is from God and whatever evil betides you is from your own self and that We have (O Prophet) sent you to mankind only as a messenger and all sufficing is God as witness. Whoso obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys God. And for those who turn away, We have not sent you as a keeper."
11:28 (Noah to his people) He (Noah) said "O my people! think over it! If 1 act upon a clear direction from my Lord who has bestowed on me from Himself the Merciful talent of seeing the right way, a way which you cannot see for yourself, does it follow that we can force you to take the right path when you definitely decline to take it?
17:53, 54 And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner unto those who do not share their beliefs. Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is mans foe .... Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith.
21:107 to 109 (O Prophet?) 'We have not sent you except to be a mercy to all mankind:" Declare, "Verily, what is revealed to me is this, your God is the only One God, so is it not up to you to bow down to Him?' But if they turn away then say, "I have delivered the Truth in a manner clear to one and all, and I know not whether the promised hour (of Judgment) is near or far."
22:67 To every people have We appointed ceremonial rites (of prayer) which they observe; therefore, let them not wrangle over this matter with you, but bid them to turn to your Lord (since that is the main objective of religion). You indeed are rightly guided. But if they still dispute you in this matter, (then say,) `God best knows (the value of) what you do."
88:21, 22; also see 24:54 And so, (O Prophet!) exhort them your task is only to exhort; you cannot compel them to believe.
48:28 He it is Who has sent forth His Messenger with the (task of spreading) Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to the end that tie make it prevail over every (false) religion, and none can bear witness to the Truth as God does.
36:16, 17 (Three Messengers to their people)Said (the Messengers), "Our Sustainer knows that we have indeed been sent unto you, but we are not bound to more than clearly deliver the Message entrusted to us.'
39:41 Assuredly, We have sent down the Book to you in right form for the good of man. Whoso guided himself by it does so to his own advantage, and whoso turns away from it does so at his own loss. You certainly are not their keeper.
42:6, 48 And whoso takes for patrons others besides God, over them does God keep a watch. Mark, you are not a keeper over them. But if they turn aside from you (do not get disheartened), for We have not sent you to be a keeper over them; your task is but to preach...
64:12 Obey God then and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away (no blame shall attach to our Messenger), for the duty of Our Messenger is just to deliver the message.
67:25, 26 And they ask, "When shall the promise be fulfilled if you speak the Truth?" Say, "The knowledge of it is verily with God alone, and verily I am but a plain warner."
60:8 Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
60:9 Allah only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong.
Understood, or shall I give even MORE?... Sheess... I wonder if you'll ever read this :S!!!!
Moving on!!!!
-- I know EXACTLY what Jesus (pbuh) taught because I woudln't be following him if I didn't know. :D I know, I know, according to you, I don't follow Jesus (pbuh), but that's just your opinion.
Now... I LOVE the topic of "killing/terrorism in Islam", so can we PLEEEEEEEEEEASE spend some more time on that?... Please, please, PRETTY please? Thanks.
Well, I wanna talk about the instances in which we're PERMITTED by the QURAN to kill others. And those instances are, according to the Quran, when you non-Muslims oppress us, drive us out of our land, and/or INITIATE the war yourselves. We Muslims are NOT permitted--as can be seen below--to initiate a war.
"And FIGHT in the way of Allah with THOSE WHO FIGHT WITH YOU, and DO NOT exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits". (Human rights: the first reason)
-"And kill them wherever you find them, and DRIVE them out from whence THEY DROVE you OUT, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers" (human rights: first reason also)
-"But if they DESIST, then surely Allah IS Forgiving, Merciful".
(Human right's to non-Muslims: stop fighting them if they stop fighting Muslims, for transgressing or exceeding the limits in Islam is forbidden and that was pointed out in the sign 190 so that Muslims would keep that in mind even if they are at war time)
"Permission [to fight] is given to those against whom war is being wrongfully waged and, verily, God has indeed the power to succour them; those who have been driven from their homelands against all right for no other reason than their saying, 'Our sustainer is God!'" (22:39-40).
Now, anyone can commit acts of terror and aggression and say, "it's in self-defense." In fact, that is precisely what Al Qaeda is doing: they claim by killing 3,000 people in New York City and Washington, D.C., they are "defending" the Muslim nation against "Zionist and Crusader" aggression against the Muslims. What sheer rubbish! They're NOT following the Quran!!! They're killing others for personal pleasure as have done many, many other religious freaks throughout history.
The Qur'an clearly states, in the remainder of 2:190:
"...but do not commit aggression, for verily, God does not love aggressors."
"Committing aggression" includes killing innocent civilians in Tel Aviv, Beslan, New York, Baghdad, or wherever else. Furthermore, when the enemy ceases its hostility, Muslims' fighting must cease:
"...but if they desist, then all hostility shall cease, save against those who [willfully] do wrong" (2:193).
Another verse repeats this insistence that hostility must cease when the enemy stops its aggression against you:
"But if they [the enemy] incline to peace, incline thou to it as well, and place thy trust in God: verily, He alone is all-hearing, all-knowing! And should they seek but to deceive thee [by their show of peace] - behold, God is enough for thee!... " (8:61-62).
Thus, even if the enemy is feigning a peaceful posture, the Muslims are still commanded to cease hostility and "place their trust in God."
It is quite clear that fighting is in self-defense, and aggression is not allowed.
Soooo.. what do you think? Muslims CANNOT fight non-Muslims EXCEPT in cases where the non-Muslims oppress the Muslims, wage wars against the Muslims/refuse to allow Muslims to practice their beliefs.
[] Perfect link for you and your brothers and sisters who also believe that Islam believes in terrorism. Sheesh, grow up, kids.
If you wanna read more (LOL ;)!!!...), here's an answer of mine to a q asked by a non-Muslim who seemed to hate Islam but changed his mind after reading my answer :D. Here's the link:;_ylt=AkYusjv_NlFGzeHGJrUaqw7sy6IX?qid=20070414022457AAycPMi&show=7#profile-info-9QUqLvSuaa
You're also probably one of those peeps who think that Islam mandates JIHAD and that JIHAD means to kill innocent people. Well, buddy, lemme tell you that's not true according to the Quran.
You see, "Jihad" is an Arabic word that literally means "struggle" or "conflict"; it can be internal OR external -- or, in some cases, both. Now,does this struggle/conflict HAVE to be a physical one that requires FIGHTING or WARS? NOOOO! LOL! Giving up LYING, for instance, in order to please God and to get closer to God (since He hates lying) is considered jihad; fulflling the last pillar of Islam (pilgrimage to Mecca IF the person can financially and physically afford it) is considered jihad; fasting yourself when others around you aren't doing it, and it's very difficult for you to fast, but you still do it is considered jihad; being modest (in dressing, talking, walking, acting, and all other manners) is considered jihad ESPECIALLY when others around you don't know what modesty is (esp when it comes to the types of clothes you wear); when you get angry and control yourself from being stupid during anger (hitting someone, yelling at someone, throwing something here and there, cursing, etc.), you're committing jihad--because God specifically tells us NOT to do stupid things during anger and that we DO have the ability to control our anger so we should take advantage of that; .. and I can give a loooong list of many other Jihadi acts, but I am sure you get the idea. :D
But what DOES Islam say concerning wars? I mean, who all can we fight/kill during wars? There ARE conditions, you see. Tons of them. And the Muslims around you and around me and around the world don't seem to be following those conditions, but in no way does that mean that they're being Islamic or that Islam supports THEIR own man-made rules and regulations concerning wars.
During wars, Muslims are NOT permitted by God to kill children, women, religious leaders (priests, imaams, rabbis, etc.), anyone who's not participating in the war, or the elderly; we're not permitted to destroy places of residence, animals (unless they're being used in the war--as has been the case in past history), or places of worship like Mosques, Churches, Temples, etc. If Muslims disobey this law (and, as I see, most do), that's between them and God, and God is Most Fair.
So, think about it: if Muslims aren't permitted to do these things EVEN DURING wars, do you SERIOUSLY believe they're permitted to behead "800 Jews" or kill an atheist? LOL! Nope. That's not Islamic, and if you're gonna claim it is Islamic, give me evidence FROM the Quran that Muhammad (pbuh) did such a thing.
I don't think you wanna read more, but in case you do, here's an answer of mine to a question of some anti-Islamic dude who said something like, "Muslims, the Quran says to kill all infidels" or something. LOL! Makes me laugh my head off. Here's my reply to him:;_ylt=AveiLpOZ3TtBFW8vi4b2Lr7sy6IX?qid=20070312204620AADJeVR
If you're gonna read it, don't miss the part about how loving and respecting others is portrayed in the Quran.
One last note, and then I promise I'll end this! :)
- "Say: 'Come, I will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from': Join not anything as equal with Him; be good to your parents; kill not your children on a plea of want;- We provide sustenance for you and for them;- come not nigh to shameful deeds. Whether open or secret; take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom" (6:151).
Do you see how Allah doesn't SPECIFY whether those children and parents and lives are Muslims or not. Do you still think we can just kill a non-Muslim just like that?
"Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just" (6:8).
AHHHAAAA! Leave us alone, and we'll leave you alone. Simple as that, no strings attached.
Well, well, well! SOMEONE's finally done (that's me).
Peace and blessings be upon you, and remember: I want evidence from the Quran for every claim you make concerning Islam.
2007-04-17 17:53:38
answer #1
answered by Serenity 2