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If it is a religion, then why is it in public school textbooks but not creation.
If it is a theory, what about those kids?

2007-04-17 12:10:26 · 43 answers · asked by sheeky 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

43 answers

It is a scientific theory. Creationism is not a scientific theory.

Note that a scientific theory is not the same as a conjecture.

2007-04-17 12:13:18 · answer #1 · answered by nondescript 7 · 6 2

Evolution is both a theory and a fact. The fact is the process itself - the theory EXPLAINS the fact - the how and why it occurs. The theory is a series of facts. Even if the theory of evolution was somehow disregarded as a poor explanation (highly unlikely) evolution the process itself would remain a fact. Also, the theory doesn't BECOME a theory unless it is already backed up by a *lot* of evidence. A hypothesis is an EDUCATED guess - then it can become a theory. So to call the theory of evolution simply a guess it beyond incorrect.

2007-04-17 12:16:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Let's define religion and see if evolution fits.

"Every philosopher makes a voluntary choice of his axioms. 'Axioms, because they are axioms, cannot be deduced from or proved by previous theorems.'"

Axioms, according to Mirriam-Webster.com, are
1 : a maxim widely accepted on its intrinsic merit
2 : a statement accepted as true as the basis for argument or inference : A POSTULATE
3 : an established rule or principle or a self-evident truth

So, axioms are truths that are necessary building blocks for later proofs, but for which there is no intrinsic proof, or which should be self-evidently true.

Axioms are truth claims. Religion makes such truth claims. Does evoltionary theory make truth claims? Yes, it does.

Religion makes truth claims that are exclusive to that religion. For example, Christianity says that Jesus is the Son of God. Islam says that Jesus was a great prophet, but most certainly not God. Buddhism says that Jesus was a great teacher, but most certainly not God. Evolution says that Jesus is irrelevant, and thus should not even enter the picture; and if he even existied, He most certainly was not God.

Does evolutionary theory use axioms, proofs and theorums?
Yes, it does.

Religions give principles to live by. Judaism gave us the Ten Commandments.
Christianity gave us the Sermon on the Mount.
Islam gives the Five Pillars of the Faith.
Evolution says there is no such thing as absolute truth, thus making a self-contradictory absolute statement about truth.

All religions have people who lead the movement.
Judaism had Abraham, David, Solomon, and the prophets.
Islam has Mohammed, and the modern day Immams.
Christianity began with Christ, was taught by Paul, and is continued in the churches today.
Evolution had Darwin and, until recently, Carl Sagan to popularize them, among other more serious scientists.

Religions have bodies of literature that contain their doctrines of truth.
Christianity has the Bible.
Judaism has the Torah, and the prophets.
Islam has the Q'ran.
Buddhism has the Karma Sutra.
Evolution has Voyage of the Beagle, and Origin of the Species, not to mention thousands of textbooks in local schools and colleges and universities (not all of which agree with each other).

So, I vote YES.
Evolution, and all humanistic "sciences" have the characteristics of religion, and are thus religions of humanism since they promote man and humanism.

2007-04-17 12:58:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Evolution is not a religion. Its a theory backed up with so much scienticific evidence that it is considered a fact. Creationism is the theory that also proves certain religions to be true. Some people dont want evoltion to be taught because it sort of contridicts with the story of christianity. It has no proof at all.

2007-04-17 12:20:31 · answer #4 · answered by kate62393 2 · 1 1

Those kids are learning atomic theory, even though no-one has ever seen an atom, because it is the scientific theory that best explains all the observed facts. It is also the theory that forms the entire foundation of science. So why shouldn't they learn evolutionary theory, which likewise is the best (in fact the only) scientific theory that explains all the observed facts?

2007-04-17 12:29:12 · answer #5 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 1 0

It is a theory; a theory with a great deal of supporting evidence, much like nuclear theory which works well enough to destroy entire cities.

It is not a religion; it makes no attemtp to acknowledge anything supernatural. It explains what comes about in biology through observatoin and science. Nothing moree, nothing less.

2007-04-17 12:18:09 · answer #6 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 0 0

A) there have been very few circumstances of human beings dropping their jobs for no longer training the issue which they were paid to reveal. ought to you pay a mechanic to fix your vehicle in the adventure that they did not trust in petrol and somewhat tried to run your vehicle on dirt? even if, maximum of those circumstances were invented, or the reason they were fired replaced into because of gross incompetence, somewhat than their beliefs. B) So, the definition of religion is an company that fires human beings for unscrupulous causes? fairly weak in case you inquire from me. C) 'you need to keep the religion. Infidels and heretics who convey any doubt will be dealt with seriously' - that's no longer about that, in case you pay someone to reveal or study evolutionary theory and they start up happening about introduction myths then they don't seem to be doing their pastime and must be fired. D) there is not any such element as 'Macro evolution', it truly is a time period invented via creationists. extremely some small adjustments through the years upload as a lot as a large replace. The MRSA virus is an celebration of evolution. end of tale. E) there is extra evidence of evolution than of the idea of gravity, we do not recognize what motives gravitational field power. Edit: Defining 'all and sundry who disagrees with me' as a faith is infantile. i ought to outline devil-worship as all and sundry who disagrees with evolution if i wanted to. Does that make you a devil worshipper? 'Macro' evolution is in basic terms 'micro' evolution after some hundred thousand years. we won't be able to reproduce this in a lab because we do no longer have that lengthy. the reason human beings get offended isn't because evolution is a faith, that's because of human beings like you coming the following appearing all intense and amazing, telling us we are incorrect, patronising all and numerous and providing no evidence to help your self

2016-12-04 05:18:29 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

It all just supports the existence of Atheos, the atheist god.

Oh wait, my mistake. It's a fact in biology that life evolves (there is no splitting into micro/macro btw). Evolution theory is just the background behind it, such as why it happens. how it happens etc.

And no, it's not a religion. It's not a faith based system of belief, it's just science. No more religion than, say, gravity or quantum mechanics.

2007-04-18 00:09:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It is a theory. Even a true evolutionist would admit that it is a theory, as it has not been proven.

Having said that, if you look at Creationism vs Evolution, you would have to say Creationism is a theory as well.

2007-04-17 12:20:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It seems, nowadays, to be a scientific religion. The crutch for which aetheists and agnostics to lean on. If it is only theory, then WHY is it so dangerous to teach religion in schools, AS A THEORY?
No, purely and simply, it is a new religious belief in chances that are scientifically disprovable.

2007-04-17 12:17:27 · answer #10 · answered by Marianna T 1 · 1 0

It is a scientific theory. If it were a religion, it would have a deity. It does not.

Gravity is also a theory. Why haven't religious people fought to get that thrown out of the schools?

2007-04-17 12:15:02 · answer #11 · answered by The Doctor 7 · 4 0

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