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My brother and I and our mother are buying a king air 200 for our business and also thinking about a beach jet are there any pilots who can comment on the planes and former owners?
How bad is the operating expenses and fuel costs and what is it like to fly the plane

2007-04-17 12:09:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Aircraft

9 answers

I've flown both...lots of king air time. Your choice should be dependent on your mission... Distance, Payload and Destinations. There is no one size fits all. For example,the Kingair may not be the the most cost effective aircraft dependendent on your needs. I might also add that I suggest you don't buy any aircraft without following proper process in order to aviod very costly mistakes. If you wish to converse about this further ,email me. Maybe I can help

2007-04-18 05:49:55 · answer #1 · answered by captvelocity 1 · 0 0

If those observations were at all accurate it wouldn't look good.Since they're not, your question is moot, but I'll enlighten you with facts and the most accurate summary of his first 100 days: 1) No, he didn't 2)Even if he did, so what? At least they didn't hold hands. 3)Nobody cares 4)Really? was that following some protocol? 5) And do you know the other option? 6) That's a good thing 7)No, he didn't. 8) again, no, he didn't 9)Gee, this is just riddled with lies, isn't it? Once again, no, he didn't. 10) Wow! No wonder you have no links...this is the biggest lie so far. 11) termination of a plan we couldn't possibly implement with our current technology? Not a bad idea. 12) you mean it's a bad thing to announce we will no longer torture prisoners and not only adhere to our own laws but international laws as well? 13) he did comment publicly...didn't Rush tell you that? 14) at least his chief wasn't carrying on an affair in a room reserved for 9/11 workers. 15)Never made that apology once. NEVER. 16)Told the truth...hmmm, and that's bad because.... 17)No 18)his AG probably won't resign in disgrace for having politicized his office by hiring and firing based on political affiliation and even worse crimes. 19)this one really makes no sense and is absurd 20)Not his doing...and why were people afraid of Air Force One, any way? 21)he didn't say that. the whole deal was negotiated and GM could have declined. They'd be out of business, but they could have declined. 22)Never did, isn't doing it. 23)No again 24)he's already spent more time in Washington then Bush did during both his terms.(Hey, if you can "exaggerate" why can't I). 25) One of his best ideas so far (it's in the link) Did you get this list from Glenn Beck or did you just make it up all on your own?

2016-04-01 06:17:14 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Both very good airplanes. The 200 has advantages for shorter fields but is slower. The beech jet is losing to the cessna citation in the battle of reliability. Single pilot operation verses two and the fact that to this day 3 beech jet 400's have had an unexplained loss of both engines in flight. I work on both type and the maintenance cost is also lower on the king air

2007-04-18 23:53:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We use two Super 200's at our company. We operate into very diverse places- large international airports and short dirt strips, and the Kingair has proven itself over and over. From a cost point of view, reliability and comfort, it is worth the interest. From a pilot's perspective, I have yet to hear a pilot complaining that they fly a Kingair...

As pointed out, there isn't an aircraft that suits everything, so speak to the various manufacturers about what will be best for your operation. All the best on choosing your new aircraft!

2007-04-18 07:53:10 · answer #4 · answered by rghaviation 2 · 0 0

my fbo has one but i havent shown up in days, i hear they are very good, if youd like to save money on an even better plane id recommend you look into the ones under experimental, for most it just means they werent built at the factory, sometimes a small factory right next to, a good example is a lancair, vs the 'factory built' columbia, pressure cabin n all the goodies, keep in mind a twin engine is more expensive than a single, maybe that could also save you money, or just a timeshare charter depending on the use youd like to put, theres a lancair thats selling in my fbo still i think if youre into single engines, seats 4 and airschool owner cared just remember experimental often times means higher end performance than what youd get normally at the same price.. million dollar plane for less than half press cabin etc, i definitely recommend you look into some of these, ask in your local fbo many folks in mine are very knowledgable 5t6 btw ooh and ermember... the biggest costs are always the maintenance, remember about he biannual total engine tear down, used planes are just as good if not more proven than a new plane due to this, good luck, if you found my answer best please pick mine im competing thanks

2007-04-17 12:29:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The King Air 200 is great! You should get it.

2007-04-17 12:31:14 · answer #6 · answered by Leon 5 · 0 0

REQUEST this info from the manu. go to king air and beech and talk to them about the different planes that are out there .. I have a friend that sells planes ---have been in both and it is my opinion that the king air will be a great plane for a long time.....

2007-04-17 12:14:24 · answer #7 · answered by XTX 7 · 1 0

Its is a good prop aircraft!

2007-04-17 14:40:26 · answer #8 · answered by Southwest and Jet Blue Airways! 2 · 0 0

Fantastic, go for it.

2007-04-17 12:12:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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