Because you don't reveal the hook until it is already imbedded.
2007-04-17 07:55:06
answer #1
answered by Medusa 5
First of all, every Muslim should know that there is no compulsion in Islam.
When a person converts to Islam then it must come from his choice only and not by being forced.
However, Muslims shouldn't come up to people and start preaching about Islam and tell you to convert.
If a person wants questions about Islam then of course we should provide the answers.
Second, Muslims don't want a righteous war on the West.
It is terrorists who are twisting Islam that are saying this.
Not Muslims.
Third, Muslims don't live 24/7 on this site. If I would have noticed those questions then I would have reminded him or her that we aren't supposed to convert other people.
Once again, there is no compulsion in Islam.
Fourth, I can't control the actions of people. I am not a dictator.
I hope this helps.
2007-04-17 14:59:47
answer #2
answered by ? 5
Well if the terrorists of 9/11 etc. were reacting against the original Gulf War, well who began that? Why was the whole area united against the leader who DID start it? It was SADDAM who caused it!
As to converting to Islam? Well IF you must, then force should not be the factor used!
2007-04-17 16:47:06
answer #3
answered by Pat M 2
Look. There's no reasoning with a religious fundamentalist of any religion. They divide the world into servants of their god and servants of evil and sooner or later the zealots will try to kill the unbeliever who in their mind deserves death. Why their god's arm is too short to do it for himself is a question they never seem to ask. But I would suggest this is a good reason not to let hysteria over the tragedy at VT and a gun-ban happy Democratic congress (and I'm a Democrat) disarm the American people. We've already seen i Iraq that standing armies and policemen are no protection against assassins and murderers. When they start shooting at me, I intend to shoot back.
And P.S. just because he's occasionally right doesn't mean Glen Beck isn't still a pot-stirring moron.
2007-04-17 15:59:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No, its propaganda to make you feel scared and uncomfortable during the war and nothing more than Christianity does to others.
Seriously, why do people keep saying this crap? Is it not obvious that the Islamic population is attempting to mess with your heads during a war where their people are being murdered and their society being systematically changed beyond all recognition?
Edit: The thumbs down I've gotten on this answer only proves that people are sheep. People should be brighter than falling for the garbage that comes out about Islam.
2007-04-17 14:57:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Apparently (and I'm not trying to speak for the terrorists here) they think that the attacks of 9/11 and subsequent terrorist attacks have been in retaliation for the Gulf War, back in the early 90's and are trying to use that as justification for their attacks on us, claiming that they are only fighting in self-defense.
And also, if I ask if you want to convert to Islam and you say "No," that in no way gives me the right to attack you, verbally or physically. That is YOUR choice, why should I be responsible for your decision?
2007-04-17 14:55:17
answer #6
answered by Maverick 6
I know this: since 9/11, we haven't had any attacks on our soil (uh, thankyou Mr. Bush),
and so they are taking a sneaky approach by trying to convert our people over to Islam, which is like opening your front door wide enough to let a mob in and kill all of us and our children. How can people be so damned stupid? They don't want to love you, they think you're the devil - they want to kill us. But people are falling for it left and right - mindless peaceniks who actually believe if we talk nicey-nice to them we can find mutual ground, a love of one another.
Stupid idiots - and, these idiots will be the very first ones to yell, scream and moan if we are attacked again "why did this happen?" or "why didn't Bush stop it?" -
stupid. If we ARE attacked again, those idiots are the ones who get the finger pointed directly at THEM. Thats right, its gonna be YOUR FAULT, PEACENIK. (i commend you on your question, and apologize for the mini-rant).
2007-04-17 15:02:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Nice theory, but somehow I find it difficult to see posting questions on Yahoo! Answers as a prelude to global jihad.
2007-04-17 14:55:58
answer #8
answered by completelysurroundedbyimbeciles 4
honestly from what I know of Islam it is not a religion of peace. Here's a quote I heard once "99 percent of muslims are not terrorists, but 99 percent of terrorists are muslim". That means that I think something in the Koran is not right for this to happen. But, I think that most Muslims are just good people who want to love and serve God. I think that they are sincere, but sincerely wrong.
They probably really believe that Islam is a religion of peace.
2007-04-17 14:55:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I am aware of that. You should watch The Glenn Beck show -- he revealed this months ago because no one in the American media was talking about it.
2007-04-17 14:56:16
answer #10
answered by Suzanne: YPA 7