Yes. YES. Y E S !
It's very sad how traditional theists degrade "God" by making "God" nothing more than a human under a guise of divinity.
The bible and organized religions INSULT "God."
2007-04-16 10:30:47
answer #1
answered by Sweetchild Danielle 7
You're God doesn't exist.
If somebody killed your entire family, would you be happy with a judge that let the killer go because he was very forgiving? No you would be angry and demand justice. Well I got news for you, all sin is against God, and eternity in hell is what it requires. God is just and therefore will not let sin go unpunished.
But how could God if he truly loves us, send us to hell for all eternity? If one loves they must hate. Otherwise they could never love in the first place. This could also be said for God. God hates sin, and loves righteousness. In order for God to love as much as he does, he must also hate an equivalent amount. For instance somebody that says they love children must hate abortion, or they're liars.
So if God would send someone to an eternity in hell, sin must be a serious issue. Why in the world would the creator of all things, not care about his creation?
But how can Jesus suffering on the cross for a few hours save a great number of people from an eternity in hell? The sacrifice doesn't seem to be efficient until you realize who it was that died on the cross. Jesus is God manifested in the flesh, and is worth more than all creation combined simply because he is of infinite worth. That is why an infinite valued sacrifice would be efficient for a finite amount of time.
Is God justified in killing the wicked? Yes absolutely. Many people believe Jesus was killed by the Jews, Romans, or Satan, however it was God. For when God looked at Jesus all he saw was the sin of the World. So God had no compassion on his own son, but brought his complete wrath upon him.
If one rejects the sacrifice of Jesus, beware, because if God had no compassion on his perfect son, you have no chance of receiving any mercy.
2007-04-16 17:34:09
answer #2
answered by ۞ JønaŦhan ۞ 7
John 3:16
2007-04-16 17:22:15
answer #3
answered by Highly Favoured 7
I think that you need to read the new testament. The God that I know doesn't demand anything from me, He loves me perfectly and demands nothing in return for his love. Look up the definition of Grace in Hebrew meaning. It means undeserved favor. We are saved by grace. He loved us so much that He gave his only Son to die for YOU on the cross! All that is required of you to receive all of His promises and His Love is that you accept His Son Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, ask Him to come into your Heart and change your life! You are right that I am not perfect but because Jesus is the Lord of my life I am made perfect and righteous through Him and am being changed from glory to glory each and every day. Even though I don't have to do anything for God, I follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and I choose to be God's hands in the Earth. Whatever, He leads me to do; He has given me what I need to do it because He loves me. I Love Living for Him!
2007-04-16 17:40:43
answer #4
answered by Christina L 2
I believe God is not a monster. But I also believe he is the God in the Bible. I don't know where your common sense came from, but certainly God could not be defined as common. Perhaps your sense was derived from elsewhere.
2007-04-16 17:18:11
answer #5
answered by Truth7 4
life is the stage budy we are children to God if a kid lie or do bad things we punish so like God its said that when u reach God u never come back to this miserable world when u go to hell u come back and given another chance God is Great pray him all day he will always with u
2007-04-16 17:24:13
answer #6
answered by Dwarakesh R 1
Yep you sound like a true Deist. Not that there's anything wrong with that of course. I respect your right to believe how you choose to believe. Hell that makes more sense then certain religions do.
2007-04-16 17:19:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you dont believe in god or the bible, then you havnt read the bible properly. He is God. He so does care. People go to hell because they refused to believe that he can save them from sin.
2007-04-16 17:19:29
answer #8
answered by Come on over here.... 1
Hypothetically, if you are a programmer, would you create your programs with the intent of having them work? Perform a desired task? I would.
Still hypothetically, if that program didn't work, would you try to fix it? And if it wasn't fixable, would you delete it and start over? I would.
This is an open suggestion; I'm not saying that I'm the only one who know's the answere, but I am saying I read an aweful lot of the book you call the Bible.
According to what I've read and heard, we were created for a purpose. Giving joy to God. That would be our "job", you could say.
According to the account concerning the first 2 people God created, Adam and Eve, they didn't do the job they were created for. They could do anything they wanted, just enjoy the world God made for them. Take care of the garden and name the animals. The only catch is that there was one tree. Out of the whole garden God designated one tree that was a no-touchy. I believe God did that to let Adam and Eve know that God had authority over them; that they would remember who made them.
Adam and Eve skrewed up. They ate from the one tree God told them not to. Now I don't know why, but there are guidlines created that separates God from things that sinned, that go against his wishes. We were broken, and God can't be with something that has gone against him, something that denies God's authority. I had that death sentance on me since the first time I went against what God wanted me to do, which I have done many times, because we are not created perfect, like you said.
God created our spirit's to not die, even though our broken state (let's call that "sin") makes our bodies die. If God can't be with us if we sin, and our spirits can't die, then Hell is separation from God. I don't know if that means a lake of fire, or if it's just a dark quiet place with no association with the one who made us.
If I were God, this would be the part where i would delete and start over. But instead he spent a long time trying to teach us what rules not to break to stay unbroken. Because we are "unperfect" humans, from all the way back to Adam and Eve, we always broke the rules. Since the punishment for sin is death, God decided that an animal sacrifice would be enough to kindof "paint over" our mistakes. To let the animals take some of the punishment.
This wasn't the perfect answer; since animals perform how they're supposed to, and since God holds humans far above animals (we're created in his image, according to the Bible I read) an animal sacrifice once a year didn't totally eliminate the obstacle that our brokeness made.
This is where Jesus comes in. The Son of God for some reason I still can't fathom, loved us his Father's creation so much, that he came down from Heaven to Earth to live as a human. While he was on Earth, my Bible says that he never sinned; he was the only one who went through life as a human and never became broken. With his perfect record, he could have lived on and at the end of his life, he would have gone back to Heaven with God.
He didn't do that though. That wasn't his purpose. After living a little more than 30 years, he allowed himself to be crucified by Romans. This was the most painful humiliating death at that time. He took our death sentance from us and died for our sins. Does that sound like a monster?
Now each one of us broken, dishonorable things have an opportunity to be right with God, to avoid separation with him, wich I would consider "Hell". All we have to do is ask for forgiveness, and acknowledge that Jesus has paid for our sin. We are also asked to repent, which means to turn away from what we were doing before and acknowledge that God has authority above us, we were made by him after all right?. And it doesn't pay to fix something if it's trying to break itself again, right?
I would consider, according to the Bible I read, God to be so infatuated with us his creation, that he would be willing to do anything ANYTHING to fix us so we can give him joy again. That makes me feel just a little warm and fuzzy inside thinking about it, how about you?
2007-04-16 17:53:45
answer #9
answered by stevedude256 2
Defiantly! Scare tactics by religious leaders to keep the flock in line. Sad part is it works.
2007-04-16 17:49:41
answer #10
answered by Ray T 5