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Am I one of the few polytheists deeply annoyed by the wiccan fluff mentality? Seriously, I saw a question about "Wicca being the oldest religion, and if you say otherwise, you are wrong!"

Don't get me wrong, it's a nivce portal for most into Polytheism, but many who stay in it tend to get all fluffy and annoying.

Who else feels this way?

NOTE: This is not all Wiccans. some are actually not fluffy. I like those ones.

2007-04-16 08:41:23 · 32 answers · asked by Squishy Khrysorrhapis 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

I have met some Wiccans who seemed to be "into" that lifestyle just for the clothing and attitude. I guess those are the fluffy ones. Don't worry, they pass through the Wiccan stage on their way to Goth, then they realize it's all useless, and become Emo. My theory is that at some point in the late 20's when the daily drudge of wakeup, gotowork, comehome and drinkallnight really sets in, they grow out of Emo and become Republicans.

2007-04-16 08:46:35 · answer #1 · answered by Cosmic I 6 · 7 1

Anyone up for a slice of bunny pie?

Yes, it gets frustrating. I see nothing wrong with ignorance but intentional ignorance gets on my nerves. What I find most saddening is that there are folks who are sincerely looking for information and then they run into the fluffs. Sometimes they will turn away from Wicca as a religion because they see it as too shallow---but they've never even had the chance to learn about the actual religion of Wicca. I've seen elders insulted and shouted down by fluffies. Unfortunately, many elders have left the public pagan community. Things have changed so much in the last couple of decades and not all changes have been for the better. I really don't care how fluffy a person is as long as they don't mistakenly label themselves by a religion that they don't practice. I'm not a Wiccan but I try to do what I can to help stop the spread of misinformation. I don't know what else to do. I'm open for suggestions--I'd really like to be part of the solution. Watching the name of Wicca being watered down and homogenized is heartbreaking.

2007-04-16 09:58:51 · answer #2 · answered by Witchy 7 · 4 0

Assuming I understand what you mean about a "fluff mentality" then I'd say some Wiccans I know fall into that category but many do not come even close.

What I don't understand is the relationship between that and the "example" you gave -- someone's statement about Wicca being the oldest religion. Perhaps I don't understand what you mean by "fluff mentality" after all; the statement (about Wicca being the oldest religion) demonstrates either a lack of knowledge about Wicca and its history or an utter disregard for the "finer points" of Wiccan history (ie the distinction between Wicca and the ancient religions and practices it draws upon), but I wouldn't describe it as "fluffy."

What am I missing? (Serious question here!)

(I guess my interpretation of "fluffy" would include stereotypically new-age types, and Wicca certainly attracts its fair share of those, but I would think those types arrive to Wicca already "fluffy" and don't become that way as a result of observing the Sabbats and practicing magick.)

2007-04-16 08:51:08 · answer #3 · answered by ljb 6 · 2 0

I think I understand what you are getting at and I think that most people confuse Paganism with Wicca. I thought I would try Wicca once because it seemed most closely matched with many of my beliefs but once I looked into it I was disappointed by how much they were so much like any other religion. I the people get "fluffy" because they like the ritual parts of Wicca. They get all bogged down in tarot and flowy, multi-colored clothing and ceremonies and spells and lose the intent. To me, that's no different than someone dressing up to go to Catholic church on Sunday. I don't know if you are referring to polytheism as a specific religion or just wondering about Wiccans but as a general answer, some Wiccans tend to forget what they are about, just like everyone else. Good luck.

2007-04-16 08:49:48 · answer #4 · answered by jamlinrich 3 · 2 0

Wiccans aren't the problem.
It's that little part in the craft that says to follow your instincts...
It makes it prone to grow fluffy bunnies.
The fluffy bunnies are worse than fundies, most fundies have some kind of belief involved.
Who thinks the worse line for explaining why someone chose wicca is: "It just feels right, ya know? It's just like, I'm suppose to do what ever feels right, and I don't know why but, you know, this just feels right so it must be right! I think I'm psycic! Maybe I'm a natural witch!" (natural in comparison to the ones made by parker bros. maybe...)
But don't give up hope, some fluffies learn to read more than the first book and grow some prudence and turn into nice people! I think I turned out okay... I have my beliefs, and a reason why I believe it usually. i'm on my way, and I'm not the first one to open my pagan life with that shameful line and turn out better rounded.

2007-04-16 10:03:24 · answer #5 · answered by Hit me with it 3 · 1 0

I do not consider myself fluffy and I understand were you are coming from. I, among other wiccans am annoyed by this and was planning to ask this question but you got to it first. lol
I am very upset that they make a mockery out of those who aren’t just interested in the "Magic", yes I meant to spell it that way because that is how they see it. They figure that if they call themselves wiccan they can fly. They don’t bother to look up the history.
Well enough with the ranting, back to the subject.
I've tried to tell many that wicca was created the 40s and recognized as a religion in the 50s but no one listens.

Yes I am annoyed by this.

Fluffys! Read your history!

2007-04-16 09:51:48 · answer #6 · answered by I Smoke Cigarettes 3 · 5 0


You'll enjoy the material on this site:


It will deeply offend some. Those "some" are likely to be fluffy bunnies.

But basically this says it very well:

"My definition of "fluffy" is "willfully ignorant." This excludes the newbies who just don't have much information; inexperienced seekers are not automatically "fluffy." Nor are all eclectics.

This includes the folks, newbie or not, who choose to ignore facts and other useful information in lieu of strictly "Wicca is what *I* want it to be," etc. I believe that being "fluffy" is not necessarily knowing the wrong thing, but refusing to learn or grow beyond initial information.

Fluffies are the ones that stick to misconceptions even when they come across contradictory evidence, and who don't think they ever need to expand their knowledge outside of the one book they first read. Those who insist on staying in "persecution mode" despite historical evidence to the contrary.

This also includes "one-book wonders" who are now self-declared High Priest/esses and those who think the "darker side" of things is evil and scream "harm none" at you whilst beating you over the head at the same time; oftentime, just because you don't follow the Rede to the letter.

They believe that "perfect love and trust" is literal and any sort of unpleasantness, critical thinking or challenge to their ideas are personal attacks and/or elitist."

2007-04-16 10:24:44 · answer #7 · answered by Praise Singer 6 · 4 0

I hate Fluffies as much as I do Fundies. They can crop up in any religion, but unfortunately for Wicca, most of the Fluffies gravitate towards it. I don't have anything against Wicca itself, I just cannot stand fluffy bunnies. I know a few Wiccans both IRL and on here, they are good folk and serious about their faith, not fluffy at all.

This is why I do not call myself Pagan. When I do, people automatically assume I'm a New Ager and/or (fluffy) Wiccan. Hel, I'd rather they call me a Satanist or a Atheist...anything but THAT. I call myself a Heathen because I actually do practice Heathenry (Asatru).

I am just as annoyed as you are. I've had Fluffies send me just as much hate mail as Fundies do. I had one call me a "Hillbilly Heathen", another called me a "Fundie Pagan", those made me laugh as did the one telling me I wasn't "true to my craft" because I don't practice magic.

2007-04-16 08:50:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0


Thats one of the reasons i left Wicca :)
I found out i was too Fluffy and my friend (the only other wiccan in my town) Was even Fluffier then Me!

it got annoying how he always said that "wicca is the only religion that matters"
It was WAY to christian for my taste, so finally annoyed that the religion that i found (and loved) was just getting to christianized, i had to start another spiritual search.

Fluffy wiccans ruin everything (but i can't really blame mike for it, he's only 16 ^_^)

2007-04-16 19:15:50 · answer #9 · answered by Bobby 3 · 1 0

The fluff came in on the New Age wave, along with the goth, crystal and mega jewelry phase. This is the problem I have with the I got my initiation on-line and the IRAB (I Read a Book) pagans, they got a book or a website that tells them that they can be a Wiccan just by saying so, and they can know it all by their lonesome, and that's all there is to it. Most of them think that the Rede's last line says it all and it's all about peace and love.

Wicca is a nature based religion and nature for those who don't get it isn't all cute and furry, it is often "bloody of claw and sharp of fang".

Don't worry about it squishymiester, you are no where near as hard on them as I am.

2007-04-16 09:14:19 · answer #10 · answered by Black Dragon 5 · 5 0

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