First of all, all gas smells differently at different times depending on what you're body is doing with what you ate or whatever bug you've gotten. Second, all people fart and sometimes those farts are really rank. Third, you need to look at your overall diet to see what you are eating that is producing those noxious gases and eliminate it, or eat it when you won't be around anyone else. Fourth, you can try products like Gas-Ex, but I doubt if they will help you in the odor dept. And fifth, try chewing on candied ginger to east digestive woes.
2007-04-15 13:50:08
answer #1
answered by JennyP 7
Gas of the most stinky kind is usually caused by high fiber foods, especially beans and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli,cabbage,kale). You can avoid those foods or try an enzymatic treatment called Beano, which you take before you eat the offending foods-it works better for some then others. Or you can note which foods give you the green swamp farts and just plan not to be around other people the day you eat them!
2007-04-15 20:57:38
answer #2
answered by barbara 7
Gas comes in all forms, but since you are talking about farts, you cant really stop them unless you stop eating meat, veggies, beans or really anything else. Go easy on the meat, because i have found that it can cause rank gas and of course broccoli. Just go over your diet to see what you can change. Drink lots of water and milk, and as for solid food, eat less wheat products. That is the best advice I can give.
2007-04-15 20:53:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
2007-04-15 20:50:09
answer #4
answered by helplessromatic2000 5
These people gave some good advice. I was going to suggest you chew on charcoal. But Beano make much more sense. lol
2007-04-16 04:27:48
answer #5
answered by GoldE 5
Beano... take one pill before you eat any gas-causing food.
2007-04-15 20:54:44
answer #6
answered by Sugar Pie 7
smelly gas is caused by the wrong bacteria in your intestines, go to the pharmacist and get some flora q and no one will be able to tell if you let one.
2007-04-15 23:44:00
answer #7
answered by 4
mix water and a spoon of baking soda or alka selzer
2007-04-15 20:50:36
answer #8
answered by Tina Tegarden 4