Cheers :-)
2007-04-15 10:38:47
answer #1
answered by chekeir 6
yes, it is. not only because Jesus said he would be there where 2 or 3 are gathered in his name, or that the Bible supports the church (see the New Testament, esp. the epistles). It is because Christians are like parts of a body, and they should be together for the body to function. With our busy lives going to Church means both keeping the seventh day and keeping community alive. Prayers are more powerful, social problems can be solved and most important we can take the Holy Communion, which nobody can do at home.
2007-04-15 18:26:56
answer #2
answered by nikea 2
:) for a Christian that loose the spiritual power trough a non christian interaction with others, must be very important to go in a church to reconnect with God. There will found inspiration to go further and to not loose anymore the love and the faith.
For a Christian that is one with the love and the faith, is not important to go to the church. He's church will be this world, and sharing love and harmony without to seek for merits will be he's first nature. In he's kindness such a person will go from time to time to different churches and will bless the people with he's presence, maybe without to be noticed as a person. For the people within the church such a presence will be cataloged as very important.
The importance of going to church is a personal thing. If you understand God's will, than you will know when to go to the church and when not. More important than going to church is the connection with God, the peace and joy that you feel and share when you act in He's name.
If you go to the church to find God FROM ALL YOUR HEART, than go to the church! Else will be a waste of time.
2007-04-15 20:18:21
answer #3
answered by last_alien 2
While being active in your local Church does not make you a Christian I do recommend that you participate when you can.
Often it is through fellowship with others that we learn. I say that even though it is possible to learn the wrong things, even at Church.
I recommend that ALL those that call themselves Christians read their Bible and study God's Word. By doing so you will come closer to God and you will be able to tell when you are being led down a path of destruction.
2007-04-15 17:36:04
answer #4
answered by drg5609 6
I think that is very important to participate in church. It's a way of fellowshipping with other Christians and building ourselves up in faith. We spend six days of the week in the world, and need that seventh day to recharge.
Pat R, another reason I no longer associate with that group
2007-04-15 17:34:09
answer #5
answered by Deus Luminarium 5
Yes, it is very important to participate in church. We have been gifts and talents by God and to not use those gifts and talents to bring others, peace, joy, and love is to waste those talents.
The church is the community of believers and you have a responsibility to those in the community. We are put here together in this life to help each other and to be helped by others when we are in need. This was demonstrated by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper when He knelt down and washed the feet of His disciples.
At the very minimum, you should gather with believers at church on Sunday and pray for them and be an example to others on how a person should thank God for ones gifts and talents.
2007-04-15 17:48:33
answer #6
answered by Sldgman 7
The universal Church—the Body of Christ (Romans 12:5)—is composed of all true believers in Christ. Non-believers are not part of the Body of Christ; therefore, it would seem that God keeps a “membership list” of who is in the Church. We see just such a list in Revelation 20:12, the Lamb’s book of life. If the universal Church has a “membership roll” in heaven, it would be appropriate for local churches to maintain a list of members on earth.
“And the Lord added to them day by day those that were being saved” (Acts 2:47). This verse indicates that salvation is a prerequisite for being “added” to the church. Churches today who require salvation before membership are simply following the biblical model. See also 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.
Membership in the local church is strongly implied in Paul’s instructions to the Corinthians to “put away from among yourselves that wicked person” (1 Corinthians 5:13). The preceding verse speaks of those “without” and “within” the local church. Such language is meaningless without a clearly defined group of members.
Why is church membership important? Church membership is a way of officially identifying yourself with a local body of believers. Church membership is a statement that you are in agreement with that local church and are a representative of it. Church membership is also a good way of determining who is allowed to vote on important church decisions and/or who is involved in official church positions / functions. Church membership is not required of Christians. It is simply a way of saying, "I am a Christian and I believe '...' church is a good church."
2007-04-16 01:53:56
answer #7
answered by Freedom 7
Well, one of the commandments is "Remember the Sabbath Day, and keep it holy," and since Jesus did not revoke any commandments....Yes, Christians should attend services on a weekly basis. If you wanted I suppose you could just read the Bible for 1-2 hours on Sundays, that could qualify as keeping it holy. You would probably learn more about Christianity by doing this, since its easy to doze off in church. But church is important for the interpretations, socializing, community service, etc....
2007-04-15 17:37:22
answer #8
answered by redguard572001 2
That really depends upon your definition of a Christian. Judging by the many denominations within the Christian faith, and many congregations within each denomination, each has slightly different feelings on what makes a "good Christian". Some emphasize church participation more than others.
Each individual must make up his or her own mind (or follow the lead of their congregation) to decide the answer to that question.
2007-04-15 17:34:05
answer #9
answered by inkantra 4
What church? The invisible body of Christ upon Earth or 4 walls where people assemble. You should learn the scriptures and pray for those over you and your family, share the good news with unbelievers, and work on keeping your integrity and character pure.
2007-04-15 17:35:36
answer #10
answered by copperhead89 4
Yes Chris it is important,where two or three are gathered in My Name there am I amongst them.
It is also good and proper to carry on with your own prayer life as well, again He said, go to your secret place and the Father Who sees all in secret will reward you.
So both personal and church prayer and worship is good for the spiritual life of the believer,
2007-04-15 17:35:59
answer #11
answered by Sentinel 7