Sure it's possible God made you feel better, and it's good to ask questions. I was always skeptical for many years about God, but I have since "felt" God, His presence and I will never again be able to say He doesn't exist.
People will tell me "Whatever!" me a freak or whatever, but it's MY experience with God. it is between God and myself...and I once said to myself...ok if I am wrong and there is No God then what?...I've lived a good, fulfilling life with hope for eternity with God.....
Now if I am right and God does exist then I have forged a relationship with Him and if He does exist and I don't..then what?
This was my "process" at the begining and I do not doubt the presence of God.
Good luck in your search.
2007-04-14 12:21:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There's nothing shameful about thinking maybe there really is a God.
I'm excited for you! Yes, God answers prayers. A month ago I went on a mission trip to Peru. All doubts that God hears and answers prayers were completely erased. We were there in the rainy season--the season where it faithfully rains every single day. A good deal of the ministry we were doing was outdoors, so the rain discouraged us alot. We prayed that God would make it rain less, and he listened! We literally could watch the clouds and the rain go completely around us--and it didn't just happen once, it happened several times. I don't think it was coincidence. During the rainy season it seriously rains every day without fail.
Ok, I don't know if that even related at all to what you wanted, but I just wanted to let you know of the power of prayer and God's control. I'll pray for you.
2007-04-14 12:32:04
answer #2
answered by Caroline W 2
This is a great thing! You are believing in God and have faith that God can heal you! If you have a relationship with God every day He will listen to you! God is love! John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life! There is nothing to be ashamed of! In Mathew 28 verse 19 it says Go, therefore and make disciples of all the nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. So by all means tell people about this. I am praying for you!
2007-04-14 13:15:36
answer #3
answered by G.W. loves winter! 7
I most definately think that there is a God. I always figured that people just didn't want to believe in God because of the things that are going on in the world around us and they think "how can a so called loving God do this?" But thats the best part about a loving God, he see's past our sins and still loves us. Plus, he gives us the free will to love him back. Personally I always felt that God provides a calm in my life and i'm sure other christians would agree...
2007-04-14 19:12:16
answer #4
answered by krista457 1
1345: There are no coincidences in science. "Is there a God ?" - is a profound question for mankind throughout history. Science can neither, prove nor disprove God's existence. Scientific evidence contained in physics i.e. the half-life, (where the isotopes breakdown or decay), of U232 (Uranium) into lead (Pb) requires thousands of years - if the Earth is billions of years old, why hasn't all U232 decayed into Pb by now ? The reality of God's existence comes through devine revelation, which becomes evident when God draws you to Him (John 6, verse 44) - called also, the "elect" ! This is why the on-going battle of God's existence has been a contentious sore spot to non-believers ( the "uncalled") for millenia. People throughout the ages have fashioned gods, in there own choosing. Today, society follows after gods of $, sex, drugs, education, careers, cars, fame, people, self, etc., etc. and worship them religiously. Humans were meant or created to have a relationship with his or her Creator and that is why, people become jaded or empty after chasing after gods of their own, devising. As time rolls on, countfeit religions will become prominent, as the demise of our western culture becomes more apparent. Then, the mass deceptions will start and many will follow the course of deception, unwittingly. The bottom-line in your experience is, should God be drawing you to Him self, through Jesus Christ, into a spiritual relationship, - you will know it. Good luck to you if this is the case.
2007-04-14 12:41:59
answer #5
answered by guraqt2me 7
God is calling you my friend, He wants to be in your life. If you want to know God, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior from your sins. For it is through Jesus Christ that we have access to God. Never be ashamed to say there is a God, he created you and he will last forever. The people who say there is no God has blinded themselves to what is self-evident. They are fools and will reap what they sow. You're right the universe did not get here by chance, how could it? Ask any non-believer how the universe got here without God and they will not give you a staight answer. I will pray for you. Peace be with you.
2007-04-14 12:31:19
answer #6
answered by 4Christ 4
Yes there is a God and He probably did make you feel better. Anyone who is healed is usually healed by God. God is in control of everything. Nothing happens that is not the will of God. God has a plan and He may be callling you or making Himself known to you. Keep looking for Him. Ask Him for things and He will hear and answer your prayers. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. You have nothing to lose and heaven to gain. God bless you.
2007-04-16 01:46:11
answer #7
answered by hope 3
That is interesting. If you read the events that took place with job and God you might get a better understanding of things. Job was favored in God’s eyes and yet Job lost his Family, wealth, most of his health and friends. This is someone who’s close to him and he was afflicted with some harsh problems. On the other hand some people who hardly knew God were cured of their Ailments. So, why the difference? Back then many people didn’t know who God was, and these miracles were necessary to demonstrate Gods power, in order to let people know who he is, such as in the case with Pharaoh. So, today would he demonstrate his power as was done back then? He has given us his inspired word the bible for us to draw close to him and get a clear understanding of who is, and what he requires of us.
Yes he exists, did he heal you? Probably not.
2007-04-14 12:29:07
answer #8
answered by grem 3
Never be ashamed to tell people your beliefs, their yours and you have a right to them.
I have no God in my life at all, I find believing in myself is enough.
I have always thought that God is an imaginary friend for grown ups, no offence intended to anyone, or their religions with with that statement.
I like to take the glory of any miracles that happen in my life, and the downfalls, well, who else can I blame but my own actions.
Listen to whatever it is talking to you, and go with it, it may just work for you and give you the faith and the answers you appear to be looking for in your life.
2007-04-14 12:31:19
answer #9
answered by Wise One 4
I believe there is a God. Of course, we can't prove it one way or the other so I choose to believe.
I just accept the idea of there being a supreme power greater than myself. I elect to call him God. When I die and go to heaven, he'll tell me, "See, you were right all along." And, if I'm wrong and there is no after life, so, will I even know the difference?
2007-04-14 12:27:48
answer #10
answered by Juanitaville 5