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Do hindus really have inferior classes needing protection and do benefits of Reservation really reach them

2007-04-13 20:58:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Civic Participation

18 answers

The depressed and down trodden classes of Hindus need even today the protection against their slaughter, gang rapes, arson of huts, bonded labour, etc. Despite much publicity, the real benefits of reservations are not reaching them since those in power are not sincere & honest and want to use them at need, keeping them always SCs STs in Hinduism.

Hinduism is not a religion. It is a culture, custom, tradition, rite and ritual. It divided humanity in 4 categories (varnas) and thousands of castes therein. Not included in these 4 are the Untouchables, worst and dirtiest than animals. All Hindus always belong to their birth castes only. Castes are absolutely unchangeable. A Hindu attains perfection (moksha) by attending the job of his caste, HE IS BORN IN BY NATURE. If he adopts any other job, he is a sinner. Only Brahmins are licenced to read, study, self educate, recite sacred words and verses, attend temples, be priests, etc. If a Shudra (4th category-varna) listens the vedas and sacred verses then boiling lead is to be poured into his ears, if looks at them then red hot rods to be inserted into his eyes, if recites them then his tongue is to be cut, as taught and guided by Upanishadas.

The Indian Central and State governments' all rules, laws, acts, notifications, orders, directions, clarifications, explanations and the Supreme Court's & High Courts' several judgements always confirmed that HINDUS' CASTES CAN NEVER BE CHANGED. If possible, one from higher caste would have changed to some lower caste to avail of the government benefits and facilities given to lower caste people.

The Holy Bhagavad Gita Chapter-18 Verses 40-47 are translated below; showing division of humanity in 4 Varnas and modes of worship / attaining Moksha.

"""There is no being existing on the Earth, in the celestial spheres or in any universal planetary system which is free from the influence of these three modes of born of material nature. O Arjuna, the activities of the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras are clearly divided according to the qualities born of their own nature. The actions of a brahmana arising from his own nature are serenity, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge of the Vadas, wisdom and firm faith. The actions of a Ksatriya born of his own nature are heroism, exuberance, determination, resourcefulness, without trace of cowardice in battle, generosity and leadership. The actions of a vaisya born of his own nature are agriculture, cow protection and trade, also the actions of a sudra born of his own nature consists in service to brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas. Following each his own activity, a man achieves finally perfection, now hear how he performer of action prescribed according to qualification attains perfection. From whom is the existence of all living entities, by whom all this is pervaded, through worshipping Him, by ones own actions prescribed according to qualification a man achieves perfection. Ones righteous duty imperfectly done is better than another’s duty done perfectly; by performing actions predicated according to ones own nature sinful one does not incur sinful reactions. Actions prescribed according to ones nature must not be given up. O Arjuna, even if defective; since all endeavors are covered with defects as fire is covered by smoke."""

2007-04-14 22:40:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Yes. There is a caste system in India practiced from time immemorial.

Basically it started as differentiated by the job one person does and divided into four. The highest is sopposed to be Brahmin (the teacher), then Shatriya (the warrior), Vaisya (the business man-farmer etc) and the Sudra (who does the menial jobs).

Later on it developed into so many depending on the jobs done by each sub group and mutiplied and certain people like scavengers, barbers, washer men etc were brought to the lowest category.

Today even if one do not do the job he is supposed to do by his caste also proudly proclaim his caste.

From the Sudras, the lowest of all classes , government gives them eduction and job reservation and even financial assistance.

In some villages even today you should not touch certain castes called the Scheduled caste and they are treated very badly even though all Governments (both central and states) offer them protection and benefits.

The funniest thing is that these people, even after their religious conversion to Islam and Christianity ,still love to have these benefits and stick to it. Even though the two religions do not have any caste systems. In some Christian churches in India they do not allow low caste christians.

Hindu religious book 'Bhagavat Gita' says that the people are divided into four ( as mentioned above) by God depending on the Character and the nature of the job done by an individual. So in the same family four brothers can have different castes depending on their job and character.

As usually happens people took what they want and left what they do not want.

2007-04-13 21:29:28 · answer #2 · answered by rajan l 6 · 0 0

I for one certainly feel that untouchability and the resultant disability are still prevalent in the Hindu society. The sufferers are the SC/STs. Reservation has indeed improved their lot. But, I do not believe that the so called OBCs deserve any special consideration, for they are no longer depressed classes. Many of the ruling men are from these communities.

2007-04-14 20:18:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In competitions the performance of a student depends not only on the standard and facilities his college but it also depends upon the education level of his parents. Parents contribute to the personility of a student which can not be altered by an educational institute. In the subject case parents of the socially backward classes are not in a position to add + points in their child; for this reservation etc. are there.

2007-04-13 21:21:16 · answer #4 · answered by deepak57 7 · 0 0

It is a matter of regreat, we are all indians are hindus, gradually, loosing our moral rights from our govt. There is something problems are arrising in india, firstly, the reservation quata, now, it is backdated. In thisissues, we are not development to our hindus. Secondly, we are going to be the minority persons.As you like to say, the inferrior classes.
Muslims are growing as mejority persons. When, Allhabad hicourt recently announces - " now, muslims are mejority persons" ,then, when, why muslims are getting the sufficient
protections &facilitites from our govts..?
When, our political leaders are increasing their vote bank,
by the muslims ( as they are mejority in india) then, why, can do protect our hindus by the govt..?
Really, it is a matter thinking to our hindus need protection.

2007-04-14 06:52:00 · answer #5 · answered by diprodiptaBanerjee 3 · 0 0

The politician in India is the greatest fraud of the world. Those who are poor have no protection in India irrespective of which class they belong to Did you not see this being proved in the recent judgement against the Pereira who killed 8 and injured 9 by running over them by his car?
In short there is no justice for the poor in India

2007-04-16 18:47:54 · answer #6 · answered by Brahmanda 7 · 0 0

Class based protection in the form of reservation etc., is unscientific and unwanted. What is needed is financial assistance to the poor members of any class.

2007-04-15 15:11:40 · answer #7 · answered by Tony Sebastion 2 · 0 0

There are certain caste divisions in India who suffer from discrimination in some rural and remote parts where illiteracy rules.
But the politicians don't take any real steps to achieve 100 % literacy which is the main reason for this discrimination.

2007-04-13 21:40:29 · answer #8 · answered by balaGraju 5 · 0 0

This is just political propoganda, the benefits does not reach them, but is used by grass root political party members, who pose as inferior classes.

2007-04-13 23:12:05 · answer #9 · answered by wizard of the East 7 · 0 0

You must choose the correct word which is "deprived" and not inferior.
As for protection any honest person may need protection in this jungle as the power is corrupting those who have it and the numbers of the few who can respect values is receding thanks to misunderstood commercialisation.

2007-04-13 21:10:50 · answer #10 · answered by Agyanee 3 · 0 0

the first and last class deprived are the poor not of caste but out of allindian citizens to be specfic below the poverty line who will remain deprived of any possibility of free india
and so no demarkation of religion caste or creed is reasonable against iradication of pverty as top criteria in india

2007-04-15 21:19:05 · answer #11 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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