2007-04-13 22:09:41
answer #1
answered by rajan naidu 7
Your dermatologist should be able to tell you what is best for you.
For stuff like that they will usually put a numbing cream all over your face. You'll still feel the treatment, but it won't be intolerable. There are some lasers that are worse than others, but for freckles, I don't think they'll use anything too harsh.
I don't know too much about IPL, but with most treatments they will use numbing cream, especially if you request it. Your skin will usually be a little red afterwards for a few hours at least, but everyone is different.
I would suggest going for the treatment that requires the fewest sessions. IPL will probably require a few to get the effects you want, and laser will probably be the same, but there are so many different types, that you may be able to find one that requires less sessions. Not only is it less to endure, but will save you money. IPL and laser treatments are usually in the hundreds per treatment session.
Good Luck.
2007-04-13 21:10:31
answer #2
answered by Canadian Girl 3
This week I had laser treatment to remove my freckles using a versapulse laser. There is no anestheitc. It hurts a little, but nothing unbearable. About 4 minutes into the treatment, my face started to numb and get used to the pain so it wasn't all that bad in sensation. Around the eyes hurt the most because my skin is more sensitive around the eyes.
Immediately after my face was swollen in the spots where the treatment was done and it took a few hours for the redness to go away. Also, my freckles darkened (as the doctor said it would) and are still dark 2 days later. I'm thinking it might take a few more days for them to lighten to where it's not as noticable.
All in all, your face is going to take a beating and you are going to look funny for a week every month you have it done. I was told it would take 3-5 sessions for them to be removed.
Also, since the skin is sensitive due to the procedure, I don't dare put anything on it like makeup to cover the darkening of the freckles. good luck!
2007-04-14 02:40:19
answer #3
answered by menkette 2
I'm doing the same treatment with lasers and I was told it would take 3-5 sessions and each session is costing me $135. Also consider that you have to get special creams to put on your face after that the doctor perscribes. I had to purchase 2 additional topical creams that came to about $30.
2016-05-19 21:53:56
answer #4
answered by ? 3
can i just ask u why do this ? firstly freckles are sayed to be a sign of beauty and i think they are really cute also wont they come back again after u are allowed back out in the sun and i could be even more dangerous cause your skin could become even more sensitive towards the sun
2007-04-14 03:07:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
you dont need a anesthtic for laser treatment. use a moisturizer for replienishment.
2007-04-13 21:03:00
answer #6
answered by glam89 1
why would you want to? i wish i had freckles. :/
2007-04-13 21:03:30
answer #7
answered by N 2