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Islam is becoming a problem for Europe and the West!

Thats what the politicians and the media are trying to show to the masses! Is Hitler back amongst us again
trying to "dictate" to the masses in the same way the Nazi propaganda machine was working in world war two against the Jews? I thought we had come a long way away from this kind of thinking and domination. I
thought the world had learned from its past! Now they turn to Islam and muslims and want to see us as the
open enemy. What have we done? Do they want to trample us to death with all their fears over us!

What does Islam really bring which makes even presidents and countries afraid to the ears! OK,
terrorists can make anybody afraid of course even me! But now who has turned into the bigger "Terrorist"
himself! Its the Media and the Governments of today along with their secret services and special spying
networks. Who should I be more afraid of now? The Terrorist network or the Government Agencies who are attacking my way of life through Media and Government strategies? Who is attacking whom now? Who is attacking my religion? Who is attacking my privacy? Who is discriminating us now? Who feels safer now? What are you afraid off? Me, or my religion? Or are you afraid of my way of life which is not the same as yours? Are you afraid of my opinions and way of thinking as well? Do you want to destroy me and for what I stand for? I accepted Islam as my religion under my own free will! Is this what the West is
afraid is happening? That people start to have their own FREE will and are no longer under their influence.
Why is it that so many westerners have embraced islam? Why doesnt anyone talk about that? Why doesnt the Western Media see that Islam is becoming an influence in the world and crosses borders into peoples hearts without force. Why is Islam spreading so fast? Why dont they talk about that? Does that mean Islam will be dominating peoples lives under their own FREE will. Because they accepted it, and were not forced! That is why the West with its Media machine is in such a hurry to show Islam as bad, and that muslims are bad. What will they say one day in the future when more and more of their people accept islam in droves...............will they say then that their own people are BAD. Islam is not bad, its only the people who are bad. Bad people are everywhere even among muslims. People make themselves bad, thats their own FREE choice.

2007-04-13 20:41:28 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Unfortunately, it is.

While I agree with you that Muslims are also human beings like you and me, the problem is that not all Muslims are level-headed.

In fact, a lot of them are very self-opinionated and are very offensive to the average Westerner.

Take for example, DBZnut saying "Islam is the only solution" up here.

How would you expect a Christian like me to feel about people like him saying things like that?

Look at your Mosques. First of all, you come into our Lands, then you refuse to integrate with us and have your own lifestyles and then you build your Mosques which have megaphones and huge speakers over which your people caterwaul, generally making a nuisance of themselves to all others.

How do you expect us to react to this?

And then there is the arrogance of your young Muslims who misbehave, tease young girls and even rape them, sometimes and your Imams claim that it's the Western style of dressing that arouses their "innocent" Muslims!?

How do you expect us to react to that?

Then, finally, there are your Hate Rallies and the terrorists.

Now, can you blame us for saying that you people have overstayed your welcome here and want you to leave?

Think well over it.

And, please don't delude yourselves that our people are converting to Islam in "droves". Fact is that "droves" of Muslims are leaving Islam, for obvious reasons.



2007-04-13 20:46:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 10

first Yoyoda all the examples you made are of Muslims having to do this or that. they chose the Islam and so they have to live by it's rule even if YOU consider those rules as unfair and take away their Freedom of choice they chose Islam and these regulations are part of their choice.

everyone knows that Islam is a problem to west and Europe and that they view it as a religion of terrorist violence and hate and nothing we as Muslims say or do will change their minds because they want to hate it and their mind is set to hating it
nothing for as to do but be good Muslims

and to everybody remember Islam was actually there before America and Europe while Muslim countries were educated(considering the times) Europe countries were still in their dark ages .
and the root of every science is a Muslim scholar (from centuries ago)

2007-04-15 22:35:59 · answer #2 · answered by Dark Crystel 4 · 2 0

within the Muslim community there are people who want to bomb western targets, Hitler did not do this until later on you cannot compare the two. The western governments have always been pro Muslim in law and action, the media is the one at fault they like to stir up a story and when someone bombs a train full of people the media is keen to sell papers and forgets the consequences.
People embrace a lot of religions in the west but it does not make headline news.
To sum it up a story that sells will have the most coverage. it is money that is bad not a organized attempt to attack Muslims.

2007-04-14 23:17:28 · answer #3 · answered by j_emmans 6 · 2 0

Islam is becoming a problem to the west, because the west is making it a problem by focusing on only the bad. There is bad in every belief, religion, or culture. However, when it comes to Muslims' evil doings, they get broadcast quite loudly.
That there were Arabs on the planes in 9/11 doesn't make it an Islamic Jihad. Who knows if those Arabs were even Muslim? And, despite what some people may want to believe, (like yoyodda who states: "In ALL muslim countries if Muslims convert to any other religion then they face the risk of imprisonment or death.") Not ALL Arabs are Muslim. In most Arab countries, you find churches right alongside Mosques. I was quite pleased when I visited countries like Egypt to find that the two do co-exist peacefully. (I think I counted more churches than mosques there.)
We are led by the media to believe that Islam and Muslims are out to convert anyone at any cost. It just simply isn't true. In many Muslim countries, you even find mixed marriages. Even in Saudi Arabia, I have met many people who are Christian living quite peacefully amongst the Muslims.
I also have many American friends, with no Arab lineage, who have embraced Islam. For most of them, their reversion to Islam has been a result of much discontent with their 'inherited' religion, searching for the truth, and consideration of the Qur'an.

2007-04-13 22:52:50 · answer #4 · answered by bint_bill 2 · 6 2

The early Muslims were at least as imperialistic as the crusaders were. In fact, the crusades were [in their better aspects] responses to Islamic imperialism. You remember the Seljuk Turks, the Abbasid Caliphate, the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ottoman Empire,---well, I guess they don't teach that as much as they should, in Western schools. But you can look it up. I'm not familiar with your quote or its context; but true, there has been a lot of fighting around Muslim societies, but Muslims are hardly unique in this. ALL the groups mentioned have engaged in imperialism except the Jews. Amazing, isn't it? In short, I don't think Islam itself is essentially more violent than other religions. However, at this point in history, some ugly interpretations of Islam have developed, involving Islamist terrorism. This Islamist movement, which aims to take over the world, is on the rise. Christianity also has a history of forceful expansion and cruelty, though obviously cruelty is contrary to Christian morals. It is contrary to Muslim morals also; but there are always some who don't really care about that, or find ways to justify it. This is a conflict within Islam and can only be resolved within Islam by Muslims. Just as past cruelties in the name of Christianity had to be resolved within Christianity and by Christians. Meanwhile, of course, all of us, including Muslims, will have to defend ourselves from this "jihadist" perversion of Islam.

2016-05-19 21:51:51 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Wow!!... Impressive, MashaAllah.
My favorite part in your question(s) is: "Do you want to destroy me and for what I stand for? I accepted Islam as my religion under my own free will! Is this what the West is afraid is happening? That people start to have their own FREE will and are no longer under their influence."

Yes, the west is definitely afraid of Islam. Silly them, they mistakenly think that all (okay, fine, MOST) Muslims are terrorists. LOL! ;) ANNND... not only that but they also judge Islam based on what its followers have transformed it into. But I'm not worried, though, since the younger generation seems to be gaining a better, more accurate understanding of Islam. MashaAllah.
May God be our Guide and Supporter in all that we do! Aamene.

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the world.

2007-04-14 16:54:22 · answer #6 · answered by Serenity 2 · 3 2

There is a saying which goes somewhat like this: "He who does not learn from history is bound to repeat it." Thus Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin and Pol Pot might just as well never have happened. Intelligent Christians don't blame Islam, because they know that there are sick people in every religion that has ever been practised on this planet.

2007-04-13 20:49:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

IT IS THE OTHER WAY ROUND! When a crane collapsed in Mecca, no one was blamed, all 100 or so people who perished did so honourably. In 911, a mere few hundred more died in New York, millions upon millions of Muslims were murdered brutally!!

2015-09-23 01:42:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Islam and true, pious Muslims are not the problem. The problems arise when foreign governments invade the Middle East to control the resources there and uneducated people with no other resources available to them resort to terrorism to defend themselves and their countries. These people may claim to be Muslim, but they are in NO WAY following Islam as they should be.

2007-04-14 00:18:50 · answer #9 · answered by ♥ terry g ♥ 7 · 5 2

You have made a very impassioned case for "FREE choice" for individuals which is allowed in the liberal western democracies.
Now try to see things from another point of view -
In ALL muslim countries if Muslims convert to any other religion then they face the risk of imprisonment or death. No FREE CHOICE here. You cannot have it both ways ie. gladly accept converts from other religions & kill muslims if they convert out. How would you like it if Christain governments pass laws similar to those in Muslim countries on conversions? Is this not double standards of the highest order?

A muslim woman cannot marry a non muslim man in these countries. The man needs to convery to Islam prior to marriage. No FREE CHOICE here

If in a marriage between 2 muslims, one partner changes his/her religion, the marriage stands dissolved under muslim law. No FREE CHOICE here.

In most muslim countries there is a COMPULSORY dress code for women. No FREE CHOICE here also.
& on & on

So the fREE CHOICE you are talking about is a concept of western democracies that will be disappear if Islam becomes the religion of any country. Is there not enough reason for people & governments to be scared.

Think this over & I would like your answer.

EDIT- bint bill- i stand by what I say. I never said all arabs are muslims. And by the way recently in Egypt the Govt. has passed a law which says to the effect that if a religious community is below a certain percentage of the total population then the religious community has to declare itself as either muslim, jew or christian. In effect the buddhists, hindus, bhais etc. have just lost their identity. So much for allowing free choice.

EDIT _ Dark cry...
What I have pointed out are the contradictions in the question. On one hand he makes an impassioned case for free choice & while we all know there is no such thing in muslim societies AND even non muslims are bound by the rules in Islamic societies. For example in most Islamic countries ALL women regardless of religion have to follow a dress code.
He points out to the conversions taking place into Islam which is due to free choice while the laws of Islam state that muslim apostates be killed (no free choice here).
If, as you say muslims accept a severe restriction on their free choice then why is there so much violence in so many muslim countries many of which are not even on the radar of the USA?
And by the way, most of the the top muslim thinkers & scientists in the "Golden Age" of Islam were not religious.

2007-04-13 21:16:21 · answer #10 · answered by yoyodda 3 · 3 4

I agree. Islam is not a danger to the West and Europe. Terrorism is against Islam. Over half the new converts to Islam are women.

2007-04-14 04:50:42 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

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