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In my understanding, to be a Christian is to be "Christ-like" and how you can be Christ-like, living in a mansion.

2007-04-13 20:22:49 · 36 answers · asked by NONAME 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

36 answers

ie: catholic church... I go to a non-donominational church (un-fancy and plain)
decorations shouldn't matter.
It's all material and you can't take it with you when you die!

2007-04-13 20:26:18 · answer #1 · answered by love for art 3 · 2 2

I've struggled with this for years. I don't live in a mansion; far from it! I live in a one bedroom apartment. When Jesus was on earth He had "no place to lay His head". Yet He never condemned wealth. He said, "Sell what you have and give alms to the poor." I've seen it worded differently in different translations. Some folks will say that you shouldn't own anything and wander around like a transient like Jesus did. But have you ever noticed that Jesus didn't call everyone to that form of lifestyle? Nor did He make it a prerequsite to Salvation. Most people back then earned a living selling whatever goods they could make or aquire; much like today. But could it mean that in earning your money you must not neglect the needy? How can one be generous if all are broke?

Paul writes that everyone should work and earn his own keep. He also states that, and this is misquoted ad-nauseum, that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil, not money or the aquisition of it in it self. He also said that, "a man is truley wealthy if he is happy with what he has" and "if we have food and clothing we should be happy."

The abundance of money or anything in creation has never made anyone happy in and of it's self. It's how they "manage" that abundance of money or talent or personality or circumstance that He will require an account of. "To whom much is given, much will be required.

People who live in mansions aren't always wealthy and people who live on the street aren't always poor.

2007-04-13 20:58:00 · answer #2 · answered by JIMBUS_35 2 · 0 0

You can still be a Christian and still live in a mansion but a minister should not live in one because he makes money from donations. If you make money without ripping people off and you are a giving person and occasion share you mansion with people in need (ie: emergency shelter) I see nothing wrong with it. I'm a Christan and I still would like to live in a mansion but I will be satisfied in a small one bedroom house too if it is comfortable and everything works in it.

2007-04-17 00:43:27 · answer #3 · answered by kevdre1 2 · 0 0

Christians get a mansion in heaven, why would God not want you to have one on earth? If the Lord Jesus had lived His entire life on this earth, according to the laws of reaping and sowing He would have been a billionaire or more and people would have criticized Him for it. It is no different today. If you apply the priciples of God you will reap the same thing whether you are sinner or saint. Remember, the Rockefellers, the oil tycoons. You know what the key to their success was? They paid their tithes to the church, even thought they were not none for being Christians. So, if it will work for sinners, then how much more will it work for God's people.

2007-04-13 20:29:57 · answer #4 · answered by super saiyan 3 6 · 1 0

Yahushua never sold a book, never needed a chariot nor a home. So you are right.

After reading some answers, its clear many don't "get it". They are blinded by what the church and man tells them over what the book says. Follow the book, it is the Word...not a building nor man.

And yes it is okay to be wealthy and follow Yahushua. BUT it depends on what you do with that cash and it is not right for a minister/preacher to live this way. For it is their job to spread the wealth among the poor, not take it for themselves. And last I checked, the world had plenty of poor, homeless, non fed people.

You want truth, follow YHWH (Yahweh). I grew up in Baptist family and I asked all you do and a ton more questions, and I got every answer but what the book said.

2007-04-13 20:26:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Having money is not hypocritical. If a person makes alot of money, he has earned the right to spend it. Will living in a mansion prevent a person from being Christlike? No. A person who lives in a mansion can still be good to people and love his enemies. People who criticize rich people, regardless of religion, are usually lazy and jealous people who have not accomplished much in life.

2007-04-13 20:27:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When I first saw the headline, I wondered what the hell are "manions". Even though I knew the answer to that.
So the answer to your question is no, they are not Christians. More than likely they are Jews, or the subordinates of Jews. (laughing my *** off)
I am sorry, you must be young in your faith to ask a question like that, or someone is filling your head with non-sensical religious rhetoric.
If a man, or woman is successful in their life and they live with honor and dignity within the community they inhabit why should thier faith or standing before a higher being be questioned? If you can understand this then you have your answer. If not, lok me up and We can chat.

2007-04-13 20:34:35 · answer #7 · answered by scorpious 2 · 0 0

Thats funny u ask, most of the fake *** christians I know are living large, The bible dosent say anything about living in t he lap of luxury being a sin however, Im sure that in ther "church Home" there are proverty stricken people that these wealthy "christians" attend, In MY opinion most christians give the impression that the more you posses that indicates that you're truly blessed. The entire religion has a lot of holes and major contradictions.

2007-04-13 20:33:59 · answer #8 · answered by josalynn 1 · 0 0

Do you think poverty is more Christ-like than affluence? Where do you draw the line?

By your logic a modest home is presumably more Christ-like than a mansion. By extension a dumpy apartment is more Christ-like than a modest home. Living in your car is more Christ-like than a dumpy apartment and living on the street is more Christ-like than living in your car. Does that really make sense? I don't think so either.

2007-04-13 20:31:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think some of them are hypocritical, and also thieves. Several televangelists over the years have been proven as huge frauds and thieves and they were definitely hypocrites.

I do think some Christians that live in mansions are humble people who do not brag about their status.

This is another example of someone's character being genuine or not being genuine.

2007-04-13 20:27:08 · answer #10 · answered by yomama23 3 · 1 0

They have been entrusted with much and are accountable for it. So they will answer to God if they were greedy. Please note that David, Solomon, Job, Abraham were wealthy.....but they gave much too. They didnt put all their hope into their money but to God. God gives a lot blessings to the poor and many are full of faith. Dont envy the wealthy and lovingly treat everyone the same whether wealthy or not. Let God deal with their sins. I personally think there is no need for extravagant homes or cars or jewelry. I used be angry about it but one day God put me in a church with many wealthy people and I learned many people who went were just as filled with the Holy Spirit loving God as my other more financially humbled church I attended.

2007-04-13 20:41:26 · answer #11 · answered by Ms DeeAnn 5 · 0 0

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