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I'm not being nasty here but for goodness sake, do they even realise the problems they are creating and causing? Just cause a dog can breed, like some humans, does not mean they should, who agrees? Who disagrees?

2007-04-13 19:21:02 · 16 answers · asked by Unicornrider 7 in Pets Dogs

Sorry, for the one misspelt word, it's "successful "...

2007-04-13 19:46:55 · update #1

16 answers

But what about people like me? I am dying for a dog and I am allergic to almost everything in the world haha, so I had to go to an allergist w/ hairs from a few of my friends dogs that I liked to see which ones I could live with... the answer I got was a poodle or anything mixed w/ a poodle. I was ok w/ this b/c I want a small dog anyway . Of course the first thing I do is find some reputable adoption agencies and apply- and get denied no fewer than 15 times b/c I'm only 21. They completely ignored the fact that I work two jobs and make about $100 K a year w/ my salary and my fiance's combined, we own TWO houses both with large yards in good neighborhoods, and that at least one of us is almost home to be w/ puppy, not to mention I can take it with me as I'm working at my main job as a wedding planner. And a few of the companies were extremely rude and literally insulted me and proceeded to ignore my messages. Then, I went to a couple of shelters and no dogs caught my eye. So then a friend referred me to a reputable breeder near Miami where celebrities get their dogs, and I saw the cutest Maltepoos! But acccording to most people on here, I'm going to hell if I get one. So wtf am I supposed to do? Get a regular poodle even though I don't like them? Adopt a dog from a shelter that I'm not really gonna be as happy with and will probably be hell on my allergies?
And to people who don't understand the designer dog thing, the reason I haven't had a dog b4 now is for the same reasons I've given: I'm allergic to almost every dog except poodles, and I don't like poodles! So if they are now making hybrids that I find adorable and I can also live with, why shouldn't I buy one? My allergies seem to be able to tolerate Pugs as well ever since my fiance's mom moved into our house w/ hers, but I think they are gross (w/ the heavy breathing and snot) and repulsively ugly. Should I have to get one of those that I absolutely detest rather than get a 'designer dog' that I love?? I think you guys are unintentionally creating a double- standard. The dogs in the pounds could have been from breeders also, so what are you saying, the dogs that come DIRECTLY from breeders don't deserve happy homes? Say, for instance, everyone stops buying from breeders and only take in strays and adopt from pounds and agencies, all of the puppies left at the mills will be either homeless or stuck at the mill living miserable lives. Do they not deserve to be loved as well??

2007-04-21 15:28:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I definitely agree! People often don't realize that each litter they allow their dogs to have mean more DEAD dogs. Pretend for a moment that your dog just had 6 pups. Yes, you found homes for all 6 pups. Now go to the local animal shelter and pick 6 dogs. Is it the cute little spaniel with the sad brown eyes? The bouncy Pom that jumped up and down at the sight of you? The older lab who simply raised a paw for a shake with doubtful eyes? The high energy newfoundland pup who wanted to play with you so badly? who is it? Doesn't matter. They are dead. Those 6 dogs will DIE because there are no homes for them. 7 pups are born for every human. There just are not enough homes.

Even if we ignore this, they don't consider the harm they are doing to their OWN PETS. The first heat increases a dogs risk of masticular cancer. (breast cancer). The first litter TRIPLES that risk. Masticular and testicular cancers are the #1 cancers in dogs and cats. (neutering ELIMINATES the risk of testicular cancer by the way.) Also, dogs that breed live 5-8 years LESS than dogs that don't. That means that EVERY litter a dog has takes about a year off of her life.

So they breed and breed, not knowing or caring that they are killing their own dogs, and other dogs as well.

By the way, a Labradoodle is NOT a purebred. It is a MUTT. It is HALF Labrador, and HALF poodle. Not a purebred. "boutique" names like this are just a fancy way to try and get people to pay large amounts of money for a mutt.

2007-04-13 19:32:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I do not see that these breeders are successful .
My definition of successful encompasses such things as .........a serious plan for the breed (s) of the dogs they choose to raise and sell. Success to me also means that they raise healthy, well adjusted pups.
Also, included in my definition ........completely satisfied customers who turn back to that same breeder for either a second pup to keep the first one company ....OR....returns many years later for another dog after the first one has lived a long and healthy life with minimal genetic defects.

I am a senior citizen now and I can truthfully say that there are only two breeders that met my impression of a "successful breeder."
In my mind , the ones that don't meet my criteria are opportunists grabbing at the dollar to be made! Rarely do these breeders consider what will happen after the puppy leaves the home kennel.
I concur with others that have written to reply to this question; many see dollar signs without really seeing the puppy!

2007-04-21 19:04:57 · answer #3 · answered by Terri E 2 · 0 0

It's not just now.It's been happening forever and it makes me sick.
It's easy money that drives people to do it.They don't care that the precious little pups they oohed and ahhed over for 8-12 weeks before they sent them out into the world are being abused,neglected and ultimately dumped hopefully at the nearest shelter. When good owners find they can no longer afford to feed them or has to move and cannot take the dog with again it ends up at a shelter or left abandoned to fend for itself.
Dogs have the right to breed just like people do but that does'nt mean they should.
Just take a look at your neighbors.How many one parent households are in your neighborhood right now.How stressed are the parents over cash or rather the lack of it?How much quality time do the kids spend with the one parent they have?How old are these parents?Look at the burden placed on the tax-payers to help these people raise their kids.
It's everyones problem not just the single parent.Just like the pet over-population is everyones problem.Most just choose to ignore it.
Dogs and cats are not disposable.They breath,they bleed,they have feelings and wants and needs just like children do.They like to make choices.They're social creatures that are not all that different from us humans.But because they can't speak as we do they're ignored.Or they get the blame for our negligence.
I don't think every dog should be spayed or neutered.I think every dog owner should provide enough exercise and mental stimulation to keep the dog from running off to get into mischief and do their best to insure there are no unwanted pups waiting around to be put down or waiting for a home where they'll be loved.
I don't know what's wrong with people.Most I know eagerly await a new litter and add up the money as the pups come out.I see a newborn pup and see a new life and I pray it will be a good one.
I fear things will never change either.At least not until we start treating children as we treat dogs and cats.Can you imagine the outrage that would be created if we put all the abused,neglected,unwanted children in cages where they got little interaction with others of their kind and were put on display daily to hope this would be the day they got a real home where they'd be loved and wanted and appreciated?How fast would people run to get a child out of that situation?But people drive by animal shelters every day and turn a blind eye.They don't want to feel bad after they see how those animals have to live or watch as one is lead to be put down.They don't want to wonder if that was one of their dogs pups or one of that pups off-spring.

2007-04-14 02:33:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think many are ignorant as to the true breeding of pets in general. Look at the local animal shelter, people should adopt not add through breeding their own dog. Knowing the dogs bloodline is so important and knowing what you are doing is imperative. I often hear many say, one litter, it's nice so my kids can see. This kills me. I wound up with an abandoned litter of Dalmation pups 11 years ago which I hand raised--all did well. The mom was only 1 and had been abused, she began to kill the pups. The dad was a show dog. Many from the litter had seizure disorders (I found out later). This was during the new release of 101 Dalmations, so many of the pups were out there, it was a craze to have them. Many were so poorly bred. This is just one example of an ignorant person thinking he was breeding dogs, in fact it was very sad. I took 3 weks vacation from work, did not sleep, just to keep these pups alive. Then finding suitable homes was another entire issue, it took me many weeks and the total cost was several thousand dollars with vet care (emergency trips to the vet--I had never done this before and was a wreck), the puppy shots, check ups, hearing tests, and a contract which each new parent had to sign promising to provide me with proof of neuter or spay, they were never to be breed by my contract. All the example of one persons ignorance. I kept one from the litter, the patched puppy and she is wonderful!

2007-04-21 13:19:18 · answer #5 · answered by KT 2 · 0 0

In my adventure, the canines breeds that are the least probable to enhance human aggression themes are the Pug, Beagle, English Bulldog, and Boston Terrier. i've got not rather considered an occasion of any of those breeds that i'd say had a extreme aggression subject, however I even have met various disturbing Beagles. nicely-bred Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Pit Bulls, and Greyhounds would be suitable up there besides. on the different hand are the breeds that are maximum probable to be aggressive. I even have under no circumstances had a delightful adventure with a Yorkie. in reality, of the 50 or so Yorkies that I even have encountered, i'd say all 50 had some style of aggression subject. Chow Chows, Akitas, and Chihuahuas are suitable up there besides. yet, i'd say that the main aggressive canines breeds are the multiple breeds of Terrier from Scotland, the Scottish Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, and Skye Terrier. Scotties and Westies in specific are very bitey canines.

2016-10-02 23:17:48 · answer #6 · answered by celia 4 · 0 0

People should go on PetFinder.com or other rescue websites and see all of the animals that are about to be put to sleep because of this kind of irresponsible behavior. There are far too many animals that need a good home to be creating more. There are so many people that are mixing dogs and coming up with these "designer breeds" without thinking of the repercussions of this. Stop supporting breeders and the pet stores that are keeping them in business and visit a local shelter for a wonderful pet.

2007-04-21 08:46:41 · answer #7 · answered by Shane R 1 · 0 0

I have been living in Mexico for the last 3 years. If anyone still believes in indiscriminate breeding they should come here and see the dying, mangy, starving dogs that roam the streets in packs. I love dogs, but I swear sometimes when i see these dogs I wish i had a gun. They are sooo miserable

2007-04-21 07:48:35 · answer #8 · answered by michelledenay 2 · 0 0

I used to be a dog breeder of purebred dogs. I researched, I didn't overbreed, I gave health guarantees, my puppies where
healthy, raised in the house, I gave it my all. Then I stopped when I realized there are so many many dogs out there from the SPCA, rescue groups that needs homes.
I don't understand the "Designer Dog Thing" Another trend.
People, all of us, need to be responsible buyers, don't buy
dogs at the pet store, don't buy from breeders who always have puppies or breed more than one type of dog and don't
buy into this stupid, stupid,idea of designer dogs.

2007-04-21 18:21:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am against puppy farms or any kind of breeding unless it is regulated and licensed to only a set amount. There way too many dogs and cats in shelters waiting to be adopted because of indiscrimated breeding. Worse yet I see too many strays and dumped dogs suffering till the day they die a miserable death.

2007-04-21 16:40:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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