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There was a time temptation and accusations from Satan would leave me overwhelmed. Through prayer those things are no longer as effective. Some may think this sounds a bit much, but I feel like Satan is now using others to do frazzle me spiritually. Some of the things people do are just cruel and unwarranted for no reason. In a lot of ways this is more difficult than dealing with Satan and his mess, because it can leave you feeling ostracized, alone, and betrayed. If you are a Christian dealing with this, how did God help you get through it all. Are there any sermons or articles online that may uplift me?

2007-04-13 18:19:30 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

At first I thought many things were a coincidence, but these things are happening back to back for no reason. A few people I've caught in deception just apologized and said they don't know why they did those things. A person can really cause trouble for you depending on their position here on earth. I know God will protect me, but it is really quite frustrating.

2007-04-13 18:41:31 · update #1

Well, I just remind myself that many people are spritually weak and may not be able to resist the influence of Satan. But when these things happen back to back it's rough.

2007-04-13 18:43:05 · update #2

Also, these are not always people who do things because they know you're a christian. It seems people sometimes just enjoy being cruel to people who mean them no harm.

2007-04-15 11:41:09 · update #3

27 answers

You talk about Satan, as though there was a real being that existed walking around, paying attention to everything you do somehow trying to steal your mortal soul.

I believe that Satan is an allegory for describing a person's ego. In other words, if you live, just by exercising or satisfying your ego you create a distance between yourself and God ereby if you live through God, your ego means nothing.

Although you may find it insulting, I believe that stories of Satan following us around to tempt us are children's tales designed to keep people going to church, because they are afraid of not going, not because they're seeking a personal connection with God or spiritual growth.

I hope that you do find spiritual enlightenment at sometime in, the future. God bless you.

2007-04-21 10:42:31 · answer #1 · answered by Boston Bluefish 6 · 0 0

I'm an atheist. I'll start with that in case you don't want to waste your time, I mean, what the heck could I know, right?

Well, I have no fear of Satan. I lead a happy and moral life. Bad things happen, some good some bad. Sometimes they happen back-to-back. Even if everything you believe is true about god and satan and everything, don't you think coincidence exists as well?

Humans can be incredibly insecure as you seem to be right now. That's when we are less kind. That's when we deceive. That's when we make mistakes and behave out of sorts. All this worrying is probably making you paranoid, upset, anxious and lost. Don't create false positives in your claims about the world. Even if satan were to exist and was influencing those around you, at this point, you'd take even the simplest action and assume it was his doing.

Well, here's the wrap up. There is no satan. There is no god. Bad things happen whether you believe or don't. However, I must make the appeal that if you didn't have the added stress of these fictions in your life, you'd be far happier. The false hope of eternal life in heaven seems to be accompanied by a little bit of hell on earth for you right now.

Sorry, if you think I'm just one more of satans minions. Hope this helped.

2007-04-21 16:22:43 · answer #2 · answered by J Bowden Hapgood 2 · 0 1

My heart is totally broken when i read what people think of Christ- the one who die for you and i. Well i am really trying to understand the way you think BUT I CAN'T. I was once like u untill i met with the truth.
As for the question and the person behind the question, don't ever let people's unbelief deter you from trusting God. One thing i do when all seems hopeless, i say to myself that there is nothing new under the sun and that there is no temptation that comes my way, where God has not provided a way of escape for me. So my advice for you is to find your escape in the WORD OF GOD. And getting a true pastor or mentor to put you through all else you might just become like one of these unfortunate unbelievers. GOD FORBID. Then read 1 Corithians 10 : 13

2007-04-21 18:33:20 · answer #3 · answered by anaminiaclocologialityscumciouss 1 · 1 0

Is it just me, or did a wave of five people (maybe more soon...) with very very irreligious and overall hate speech prove that Satan can do that?

It's possible man, as was just proven, Satan can use things, events, people and more to try and get to you. The thing to hang on to is the remembrance that your God delivers you from evil and that He loves you. I've noticed that people can do such a thing and it's usually at the worst times.

Hang on, just remember that your God loves you and that He's waiting to guard you from this. If all else fails, I remember somewhere in that book of His you read all the time He says something about "Always being there for you and never leaving you"? Maybe you should take a look at that and talk to you God about it?

J. Linket -

2007-04-14 01:32:56 · answer #4 · answered by Jack Linket 2 · 1 0

First, congratulations!!
Satan only mess with those that are a threat and are active in their faith.
Second, you need to develop a tough skin while keeping the heart tender. God never said it would be easy, but He did promise that people would hate you, but you will NEVER be alone. He also promises that He will give you no more than you can handle.

Look around at your situation as a whole and understand that even though you don't see it, what your going through now will help you help others. Additionally, ask the Lord to show you what He wants you to see, understand and learn. Ultimately, wither we understand it or not, these valleys are for our benefit and there are lessons and things learned in the valleys that cannot be learned ANYWHERE else. As uncomfortable as the valley is, it is one of my favorite places because some of my most INTIMATE times with God come from them.
Learn to say "Thank You" for the pain, for the struggle and the hurt and not just when things are good or easy. Remember this, valleys come to an end and are only for a period.

At the same time, I challenge you to find SOMETHING in those that have hurt you that is good and FORGIVE them.

Sometimes we know more about our problems and less about God's purpose, but hang on and know that He's in control. Most people know the first part of that statement, but FAITH begins at the "but" of that statement. Faith is like a muscle, it MUST be exercised to be of any value.

I will be praying for you.

BTW....if you are looking for good sermons to better equip you and help you...look at www.intouch.org
Dr. Charles Stanley is wonderful in this area.

2007-04-14 02:00:09 · answer #5 · answered by windeee thumper 3 · 2 0

I'm So Sorry that you are going throught this right now. i think All Christians at one time or another goes throught this. I know i have i have been under attack from a couple of people who do not like that i am a single mother. but God is with me. and I have a great love for GOD. and He helps me by making me focus on what is the most imporatne thing. my DAUGHTER. nothing else should matter to me. Just focus on God and what ever is the most important thing in your life now.

I should also point out that I have a Wonderful Friend Ken from Shattered Men. Ken as he told you was attacked by satan. sure he used someone else to do it. cause he knew Ken would kick his butt. so he used someone to ruin Ken. BUT Ken has gotten stronger. his Shattered Men group really it's a Family. has gotten stronger only showing satan that WE ARE STRONGER. we have God fighting with us. Ken keep up the great work. and show who ever the COWARD was you will not give up. for the Truth has NOTHING TO HIDE. God Bless you.

I hope you get past these things going on in your life I will keep you in my Prayers.

2007-04-14 16:28:50 · answer #6 · answered by Proud Mommy 6 · 1 0

Since temptation doesn't work any more, Satan is going to do what he can to harass you because you represent God and he hates that. God Said in the Bible that you will be blessed when you are persecuted for obeying and loving Jesus. Talk to God about it and ask Him to give you the strength to deal with these confrontations and give you wisdom and discernment to see through what Satan throws at you. You really need God's help and comfort right now. Don't be afraid to call upon His name for help. Ask Him to help you forgive those who are treating you this way.
God Bless!

2007-04-22 00:47:34 · answer #7 · answered by Questions 1 · 0 0

One of the early Christians said that one should expect temptation till their last breath. He also said that without temptation no one can be saved. It is something to think about. In your case, you may have too many people in your social group. Jesus was tempted in every way just as we are; he did not cave in to it. He learned humility through obedience. I also am dealing with a severe temptation. Time will tell if I succumb or resist it until it leaves me alone.

2007-04-22 00:26:56 · answer #8 · answered by taxigringo 4 · 0 0

Psalms 55, 56,&57. Look at vs 12-14 of Ps.55. This is a prophecy of Jesus and Judas before the betrayal. Being betrayed is a part of our maturing in Christ. Turn your heart to Jesus like David did - He can bear all your burdens.

2007-04-21 20:04:15 · answer #9 · answered by copperhead89 4 · 0 0

Learning to be spiritually strong usually includes being "ostracized, alone and betrayed" at one point or another.

Stick with your beliefs. If you are betrayed, so be it ... but don't betray others. Love - and pray for - everyone, including the ostracizers and betrayers.

Betrayal usually moves us closer to God and may also place us closer to people who are more sincere and caring, once we truly deserve their company.

Thomas Keating's books (especially "Invitation to Love" and "Open Mind/Open Heart") can help get one through the "dark night/knight". Good luck and blessings.

2007-04-14 13:34:11 · answer #10 · answered by sweetwine 3 · 0 0

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