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My unborn son's father is now threatening to work a minimum wage job as means of spiting me because things are not working out between us. He currently makes decent money as a truck driver. Is it legal for him to quit and work a low wage job so that when child support gets assessed he will be ordered to pay much less? What makes this worse is that this was a planned pregnancy and somehow the pregnancy seems to have ruined our relationship.

Also, is there a minimum amout someone must pay each month? What if they don't even have a job? is a child support order still made?

And if you care to answer, why do some men feel so bitter about child support? It's as if they believe they are going to be the sole provider. Do they not recongize that child care alone is about $800 or more a month, not to mention all the other expenses and the average working class man pays something around $400? That leaves the bulk of the support paid by the mother. Lack of control maybe?

2007-04-13 18:15:14 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

LMAO @ Joa5...yes, I see, those who pay child are seriously bitter!! Oh believe me I can support my child...when I graduate from law school next year and start getting my six figure income.

2007-04-13 18:36:36 · update #1

24 answers

Different states have diferent mininmums but yes they do and support is based on what they make if he is that dumb then tell him to quit you will still get your $$$ my oldes sons dad is in prison and he is raking up debt with me right now even though he is in jail and will soon be back to prision they are still counting it up soon he will have a new charge for non payment of child support you are legally allowed to make him provide you with an earings statment every calender year to see if you belive you are entiltled to more money then you petition the court . you do have to ask by certified letter as he has to answer in the same fashion.....As long as he is the same persoon once you get your order for support there is no getting out of it , even if they arent working I had a Judge tell my Sons Dad that it wasnt his problem that he didnt have a job and that he had better get one

dudes are just pissed about child support because they feel more like they are paying you than providing for they're children and they dont have contol over the money it is usally taken from they're checks before they even get them so they also have no control over the situation

2007-04-13 18:28:47 · answer #1 · answered by stacie_collins2001 3 · 1 1

No it is not illegal for the father to leave one job to go to another that pays less so he does not have to pay that much in child support.

I know of men that either do not work or get paid cash so as to look like they do not have jobs at all and do not have to pay child support.

Child support is bases on the income that the father is making. There is not a minimum that has to be paid. That would be unfair to the father that are really trying hard to pay and help take care of there children.

I think that some guys are better about paying child support cause of the horror story's they hear from there friends about the woman that are on welfare and getting child support and have boyfriends that are paying for all most everything while the father is trying to live off half an income..

2007-04-13 18:56:23 · answer #2 · answered by LadyCatherine 7 · 1 0

Yes it is totally legal. It is very common for men to quite working all together to get out of child support (generally they still work but under the table and non reported income is not factored in for child support). Usually child suppport is a % of income rather than a set amount. Also there are several states - Florida being the biggest offender, that don't enforce child support orders from other states no matter how much the father makes. Many father's move there just to get out of paying while still keeping a decent income.
In my experience most men don't want to pay simply because they hate the mother and somehow assume she is spending all the money on manicures and sex toys for her new boyfr. Also many just want nothing to do w the child once they are done w the mother.

Used to work in child welfare - take it you didn't study family/marital/social service law.

2007-04-14 01:16:15 · answer #3 · answered by jillmarie2000 5 · 0 0

Well he can get a lower paying job and what sucks for you is after the order is made you can not have it re-evaluated but every three years. Therefore, if he is making min wage when your order is made your child will be at least 3 before you can seek an increase.

An order is made reguardless of wheather the person has a job or not. It is then based at min wage.

My husband pays $300 a month in child support. I think men are spitful because they pay money and do not legally get but 6 days a month to see the child or get to have little input in their lives. Which then makes them feel a little used I suppose. Its hard for a man who loves his child to not be as involved as he wants to be because of courts but for a mother to be able to take his money for the next 20 years the courts help. I think men just want more equal rights.

2007-04-13 18:32:54 · answer #4 · answered by J&A 3 · 1 0

Child support is determined by how much the father makes. The percentage varies by state. I have known one guy that paid 12 dollars a week for both of his kids. He lied about his wages. He claimed he still worked at the job he worked at when the kids were born. He was actually a truck driver.

He can go and get a lower paying job, since the baby is not born. However, if he does this after the baby is born and support has already been established, I am not sure he can get it lowered and if he can it will mean going back to court. The cost of court may not even be worth him trying to have it lowered.

2007-04-13 18:26:28 · answer #5 · answered by mcgrawm7 2 · 1 1

If he does follow through on this threat, he'll end up in jail. While doing this isn't illegal, support judges don't appreciate being mocked, and often rule that support will be based on the previous income. Of course, you will need proof of his current income (which may take a court order) and it doesn't hurt to have witness who have heard him make this threat.
Even if that doesn't happen, I doubt he'll enjoy living on Ramen when he's been eating steak. And those support payments hurt even more the less money you have.

Men feel bitter about child support for the same reason women feel bitter about visitation.

2007-04-14 02:14:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I might sound mean but..... You should just get a second job and pay for it all yourself, or you could just give up the baby for adoption (he or she will be adopted by a family with more money). You will be a much better person if you do so. I have to ask... Why did you bother having a baby? You do know that they are just vanity. Why would you have a baby you can not afford? Seriously, I grew up out in a mobile home out in the desert with no AC, no hot water. The roof leaked, and sometimes we had no electricity. My parents were gone all the time. They brought home groceries once in a while. I was damn thankful that they were gone. I had enough problems and did not need my alcoholic parents entertaining themselves by kicking my behind. I also did not need them telling me that it was all my fault for being born and making them poor. My brother and I survived. I found a job when I was 13, and that is how we ate. I had to walk two miles one way. When my brother managed to get a job, be walked 11 miles one way. I later joined the military, and lost my hearing in one ear (First Gulf war). Today he works in Mental health, and I am a software developer. I have a Rolex, many stamps in my passport, and live in a half-million dollar house. I never received one red cent from anyone. Everything I have I earned all by myself. I walk with a cane, but I bet I can out-walk most men half my age. Your child probably only has it a little better than I did. Let him or her live a better life elsewhere.

2016-04-01 01:02:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe he is upset because he has to pay child support for an unborn child (not yet born). He could chose to work a low paying job out of spite. It takes maturity from both parents to make any relationship to work, especially with a child is involve. If he chooses not to work, he could go to jail. Of course, he will be unable to pay when he is in jail.

Since this was a planned pregnancy, I am sure you guys have talked about the cost and expenses needed to raise a child. Now, I think he is less enthused.

I suggest just being patient and attempt to keep the lines of communication open. Since he may quit work, he could fill in as a babysitter that could eliminate the cost of a day care. Also, request that he make other contribution as a form of child support. For instance, my cousin arranged with her baby's daddy...instead of court order child support, he helps with baby sitting and other cost...like health care(ie insurance) and other cost solely for the child (clothes, food, medications, etc) .

Good luck in your situation. I hope it works out.

2007-04-13 18:37:51 · answer #8 · answered by sunshine23511 5 · 0 0

Child support is based on the amount the mom and the dad make. If he takes a lower paying job he will pay less support but I doubt that will last long when he finds out how hard it is to get by on minimum wage. And no men don't think about such things as child care. For some reason the think they are giving the money to you for you to go blow. Can't understand that. They seem to have a disconnect from the child and think that since you are the one pregnant you should be the one to have to deal with it all. Good luck to you.

2007-04-13 18:22:02 · answer #9 · answered by chr1 4 · 1 2

Unfortunately it is of course without telling the courts about it...I always believed (and still do) that if a dad (or mom) truly loves his child(ren) he will want to support them. Even if he does not want to give the spouse money , he can make sure they are well clothed, have medical insurance, etc. You cannot make a parent be a parent by forcing them to pay money....a parent loves the child unconditionally, no matter what the circumstances with the spouse. The child is the innocent.

2007-04-14 01:41:58 · answer #10 · answered by dino 2 · 0 0

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