honey, it is impossible. if you lose more than 1-2lbs a week (which is healthy) you lose water weight and muscle NOT fat. and lets face it - you didnt gain all that overnight...
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter your stats and it will tell you how many calories a day you need to maintain your weight. take 300-400calories off that number and that's how much you need to lose weight.
eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 big ones.
5-8 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.
8 glasses of water a day.
4-6 times a week cardio work out for 30-50min plus light weight training.
no junk food, no sodas, no white flour (white bread, pasta, cookies, cakes etc)
2007-04-13 18:03:41
answer #1
answered by Natalie 7
The weight those people are losing is water weight. And since the body is 70% water, you gain it back. You can't lose 60 lbs in 3 months, it takes time.
The answer you're looking for is for someone to tell you one of two things: the first is find some "miracle diet" that you lose weight and keep it off, which doesn't exist or the second is to exercise mercilessly and not eat anything. Which will qualify you for anorexia and could result in death.
Now, if you want to lose weight you need to change your mind set first. Put it out of your head right now that you can lose 60 lbs in 3 months or 5 in a week. It's not going to happen and if it does you'll just gain it all back. Start by eating healthier. Instead of fast food, make your own sandwich. Cut back on candy and sweets and eat fruits. Begin eating a well-balanced meal and take a multivitamin once a day. Drink more water, milk, orange juice, and any other juices. Granola bars are very healthy. You may also want to try Slim Fast, it has a bunch of vitamins and minerals that healthy for you and it even has that hunger control to help you eat less throughout the day and feel less hungry.
You may also want to take exercising. I suggest a warm up of crunches, sit ups, and stretches for about 30 minutes. Then take a 20 minute walk twice a week. Continue the warm-up every day, as it is quick.
If you follow these, and begin increasing your walking time either by days or by time, then you'll begin to see results in about a month. Walking is best for women. Running opens up problems to the back, shins, and knees, so I wouldn't suggest running unless you have a good running shoe and your running on grass, not concrete.
I know this isn't what you want to hear, but if you want a lie then I'm not going to give that to you. I'm telling you the truth because it is what you deserve to hear and not always what you want.
2007-04-14 01:15:10
answer #2
answered by Treasure 3
Honey, I don't think anybody's going to tell you what you want to hear. The chances of losing 60 lbs. in three months *and* keeping it off are just not good. Can you lose the weight? Totally! You could probably even take the weight off in the timeframe you mentioned, but your body would be so traumatized by the extreme diet that it would want to put most of it back on as soon as you stopped.
Running is very good for you; green tea is a good source of antioxidants and the like. For food: eat clean, which means fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Cut way down on the processed stuff. Know what you're putting into your body (fat, calories, fiber, protein, carbs, etc.) and how much. Eat when you're hungry (not when you're bored/sad/happy/etc.). Drinks: water is great. Don't drink your calories if you can help it (skim milk is an exception).
Exercise: start out doing exercises that you like to do, and try to do 60 min. a day most days of the week. Strength training is important (2-3x/week) also. If that sounds insane, figure out what you can do and then gradually up your workout time, frequency, and intensity. It doesn't have to be all at once: better to take a quick ten-minute walk at lunch and another after dinner than not to do anything.
I'm a Weight Watchers leader (50 lbs. kept off for three years), a certified aerobics instructor, and a survivor of various eating disorders. Please, please go slow, take your time, and be good to yourself and your body. Take care and good luck.
2007-04-14 01:25:20
answer #3
answered by quesarasara79 2
Not possible. You can lose the 10 lbs in a week but that is usually the first week or 2. That kind of weight lose will not keep happening. Even people who have surgery to help them lose about 100 lbs in a year. That is less than 10 lbs a month.
I am sure you are wanting to do this for a special occasion or something but you should be thinking more long term for health reasons.
I know this is not what you want to hear but its the truth.
2007-04-14 01:03:18
answer #4
answered by GEE-GEE 5
At an average of 2 pounds per week, (which is safe), i would this 60 pounds would be better in 6 months, its a little more attainable and will be better for your body because it is slower. When you lose alot of weight too quickly, your skin doesnt have time to move back to its original place.
a couple things that will help, is stop listening to the ads and doing fad diets.
here are a few hints:
-dont eat after 7-8:00 at night
-have small meals a few times a day no more than 4 hours apart.
-DO NOT SKIP MEALS, this throws your body into survival mode, and it begins holding onto fat and other energy stores to provide for basic bodily functions.
-try a routine with working out and eating right that you can maintain, dont forget to indulge at least once a week with something that you enjoy eating, if you deny yourself of it, eventually you will cave and eat alot of it.
- great snacking ideas- yogurt, apple, banana (before 12pm, they have alot of sugar in them) fruit and veggies!!!!!
-EAT BREAKFAST EVERYDAY, your body needs the nutrients, and when they say its important it REALLY IS
- eating out instantly increases calorie counts, when you make things at home you can control portion size and calories. For example, craving french fries? try baking sweet potato fries instead, there are recipies alllll over the web.
-drinks- LOTS OF WATER, be sure not to over hydrate, recent studies are discussing that 8-10 glasses a day is a little excessive so try and keep it about 6-10 instead and use your discression. However, when you are thirsty, they say you are already dehydrated so remember that.
try and cut down on certain fatty and especially deep fried. get into a program that you can maintain and STICK TO IT, being motivated will be a big contributor to your success - so set goals for yourself!!!
hope this helps!
2007-04-14 01:20:34
answer #5
answered by ELgrande 3
What you WANT to hear is that this is a possible and healthy and effective way to lose weight, and that it's all really super duper easy. But the reason nobody's telling you what you want to hear is because it's simply not true. Yes, running can help you lose weight. Eating a healthier diet can help you lose weight. Drinking green tea can't hurt you (but it's not going to make you lose weight in and of itself). But anything you do that makes you lose 60 pounds in three months is going to be something you can't sustain for the rest of your life -- and making lifestyle changes you can stick with FOREVER is the ONLY way to lose weight effectively and keep it off for good.
I'd encourage you to slow down -- instead of trying to lose 60 pounds in 3 months, try losing 5 pounds in ONE month and see if you can do that. Start a regular exercise routine -- at least 30 minutes of brisk walking four or five times a week to start with, moving into running by adding brief spurts of running at intervals during your walks (like, 1 minute of running, then 3 minutes of walking, etc. graduatlly building up to more running and less walking over time).
Eat more fruits and veggies and whole grains and less junk food. Write down everything you eat every day and look for patterns in the times when you tend to eat badly -- do you eat for emotional reasons, when you're bored, etc.
Essentially, losing weight is easy -- you just have to eat less and exercise more. But it needs to be a slow process developed using SMALL, SUSTAINABLE changes. If you try to lose weight fast by starving yourself and running yourself into the ground, you might lose weight fast, but evidence shows you are going to gain it back, plus a bunch more.
Focus on becoming HEALTHY instead of becoming THIN, and you'll have a much better shot at success.
2007-04-14 01:08:25
answer #6
answered by Meg 5
Don't eat anything with added fat or sugar in it. This includes about 90% of everything available to you by the way. No fast food, no candy, no soda, none of the crap they sell at the gas station or out of vending machines, most of the stuff they sell in grocery stores.
Read the little labels on the stuff you buy. Don't eat anything with corn syrup in it. Corn syrup is sugar. Don't eat anything with any kind of hydrogenated oil in it, that's fat, and really horrible unhealty fat at that.
Ideally you should be eating nothing but vegetables and fruit, and a little meat or dairy stuff. Grain based stuff like bread and cereal and so on unfortunately tends to nearly always be contaminated with corn syrup, and those weird synthetic fats I mentioned. Nuts and dried fruits like raisins are generally ok, though they sometimes put crap in the raisins too these days.
A lot of the crap they put in your food is for commercial purposes, it makes it last longer on the shelf, it's cheaper than
other stuff that might be better for you and so on. Also a lot of it takes advantage of your natural predilection for sweet and fatty stuff, but that kind of crap will blow you up like a hog in no time. This is why Americans are fat bastards.
Exercise is ok too.
2007-04-14 01:18:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The only rational rate of weight loss is about 1 - 2 lbs per week. Trying to lose faster than that can cause major issues like gall bladder problems or worse. 5 lbs per week is not gonna happen.
2007-04-14 01:34:26
answer #8
answered by MissWong 7
Sometimes the answers that you don't want to hear are the ones you really need to listen to. Eating right and excersize is the only "right way" to lose weight and keep it off. And that won't happen overnight. Quit looking for the magic pill or the quick fix. Not gonna happen.
2007-04-14 01:04:40
answer #9
answered by markmccloud_1 4
2000 cal diet... and a lot of exerzing ... the more cals you take in the more you will have to burn off.. so the less you take in the better 200 cal a day and exerzie and work off all the cal you took in that day and you will lose a lot of weight
2007-04-14 01:08:05
answer #10
answered by i_eat_paint_chipz 1